Today’s need for renewable energy combined with modern societies' reliability on on-demand power leads us to find solutions that can store excess or produce directly to storage for later use. A MOlecular Solar Thermal (MOST) based on norbornadiene/quadricyclane(NBD/QC) does the latter with an isomeric photoswitching molecule pair. The theoretical studies of molecular solar thermals (MOST) provide a needed understanding of potential synthetic candidates. We have investigated an array of more complex solvation models for the norbornadiene/quadricycle (NBD/QC) photoswitch and the impacts of the models on the first absorption energy. Our results have been obtained with various density functional theoretical methods and basis sets.
Mohamed Mouafik*, Oumaima Ninich, Mohamed Ouajdi, Jalila Aoujdad, Salwa El Antry and Ahmed El Aboudi
Published on: 29th December, 2023
Forеst dеgradation has bеcomе incrеasingly pronouncеd in rеcеnt timеs due to shifts in climatе pattеrns and prolongеd drought pеriods. This invеstigation aims to cultivatе high-quality vеgеtation and gain insights into thеir еcophysiological rеsponsеs undеr conditions of watеr strеss. Spеcifically, wе conductеd еxpеrimеnts on 6-month-old individuals from two dеciduous spеciеs (Quеrcus subеr and Cеratonia siliqua) and two conifеrs (Tеtraclinis articulata and Cеdrus at-lantica), subjеcting thеm to watеr strеss conditions. Wе mеasurеd and analyzеd both thе basic (Ψb) and minimum (Ψm) lеaf watеr potеntials, factoring in climatic variablеs for all four forеst spеciеs. Our findings rеvеal that Quеrcus subеr еxhibits morе nеgativе valuеs, with a basic lеaf watеr potеntial of -0. 42 MPa and a minimum lеaf watеr potеntial of -1. 43 MPa, comparеd to thе othеr studiеd forеst spеciеs. On thе contrary, Cеdrus atlantica displays lеss nеgativе valuеs for thе minimum lеaf watеr potеntial, rеcording -0. 89 MPa. Thеsе outcomеs еnablе us to idеntify thе spеciеs displaying grеatеr rеsiliеncе against watеr strеss and climatе fluctuations. Nеvеrthеlеss, they also prompt broadеr inquiriеs into thе undеrlying mеchanisms govеrning watеr utilization in forеst flora.
Light is not only a primary energy source, but it is also one of the environmental factors that affect plant growth and development. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is commonly produced in association with maize as subordinate intercrops in the Sidama region. Under such a production system, the shade effect may limit the photosynthetic and nitrogen-fixing capacity of common beans. The objective of the current study was to assess how inoculation and shade affect the ability to fix nitrogen and yield components of common beans. Three common bean varieties (Hawassa dume, Nassir, and Ibbado), two shade levels (open and 25% shade) as well as two levels of inoculation (uninoculated and inoculated) were used for these purposes. The experiment was set up in factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) in four replications. In this experiment, Rhizobium inoculation and shade significantly (p < 0.05) affected the number of pods plant-1 and the number of seeds pod-1. The inoculated treatment produced the maximum number of pods plant-1 (14.02) and the lowest number of pods plant-1 (10.95) was obtained from uninoculated treatments. The results also showed that the inoculated Hawassa dume variety from the open treatments derived the maximum percentage of N from N2 fixation, whereas the non-inoculated Ibbado variety from the 25% shade treatments derived the lowest percentage of N. Common bean grown on full light had significantly greater N content than shade.
The superposition of non-linear waves in space refers to the phenomenon where two or more waves overlap and combine to form a new wave pattern. Non-linear waves are characterized by their ability to interact with each other, leading to complex behaviors that are not observed in linear wave systems. Understanding the stability and behavior of the superposition of non-linear waves in space is crucial in various fields such as physics, engineering, and oceanography.When non-linear waves superpose, their interactions can lead to a range of behaviors, including wave breaking, formation of solitons (localized wave packets), and the generation of harmonics. The stability of the superposition is determined by the balance between the non-linear effects and dispersive effects, which can either stabilize or destabilize the wave pattern. In addition, the behavior of non-linear waves in space is influenced by external factors such as boundaries, dissipation, and external forcing.In this paper, we study the behavior and characteristics of waves when they interact with each other. Superposition refers to the phenomenon where multiple waves combine to form a resultant wave. In the case of linear waves, this superposition occurs according to the principles of linear superposition, which states that the displacement or amplitude at any point is the algebraic sum of the displacements or amplitudes of the individual waves.Understanding the superposition of linear waves in space has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, acoustics, optics, and signal processing. By studying how waves interact and combine, researchers can gain insights into wave propagation, interference patterns, wave reflections, diffraction, and other phenomena that occur when waves meet.
The current study aimed to investigate the effect of using a pilates exercise program on improving body mass index and body composition of non-physically active working women. The participants of the study were (16) working women at the University of Basrah, Iraq. A pre-posttest was utilized to collect the data, (after a 12-week cycle of exercises) in Pilates groups, the results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at (α ≤ 0.05) in the women’s mean scores on body mass index and body composition. The study concluded that the pilates exercise program is effective in the improvement of body mass index and body composition of non-physically active working women.
Summary: Exercise is recommended for the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Also, to control and reduce glucose fluctuations in people with type 1 diabetes. However, the most appropriate time and the most effective intensity of exercise is still unknown, and various studies provide different results and different recommendations, and none of the studies provide a comprehensive and practical result. We conducted our studies to examine the results and determine the effect of time and intensity of exercise on blood sugar control and glucose fluctuations during the day. Methods: search in PubMed and Google Scholar with keywords morning, evening, type 1 and 2 diabetes, exercise, interval, periodic, aerobic, and glucose and blood sugar fluctuations were performed. A total of 31 articles were reviewed and finally, 10 articles that were most related to each other or had complementary information were selected. Conclusion: HIIT exercises are useful for type 2 diabetes, but they are recommended for type 1 diabetes with less pressure. Morning exercise increases glucose and evening exercise is applicable for type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Gehan Magdy*, Sahar Hamdy Azab, Yasmin Ali Esmail and Mohamed Khalid Elfaky
Published on: 28th December, 2023
Background: Revascularization procedures for chronic complete occlusion (CTO) are technically challenging but aim to improve left ventricular (LV) function. The aim of this study is to evaluate the value of global longitudinal strain (GLS) measured by 2D-speckle tracking echocardiography( 2D-STE) in the assessment of LV reverse remodeling in patients with CTO undergoing revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).Methods: Our study included 54 patients with CTO treated by PCI. We evaluate LV systolic function by measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV), and the GLS within 24 hours before the PCI and after 3 months post-procedure. Results: The mean age of the patients was 56.65 ± 7.65 years; 74.1% were males. There was a significant improvement in the LVESV (p < 0.001), LVEF (p < 0.001), and GLS (p < 0.001) at 3 months post-PCI, and by multivariate regression analysis, the GLS was the single most significant predictor of LV reverse remodeling post revascularization (p < 0.001).Conclusion: Revascularization of coronary CTO lesions by PCI is associated with a significant improvement in regional and global LV function. The GLS measured by 2D-STE is a strong predictor of LV reverse remodeling post-CTO interventions.
Background: Liver cancer is a global health concern, with overweight and obese individuals exhibiting an increased risk of its development. Understanding the interplay between obesity-related factors and liver cancer incidence is crucial for early prediction and intervention.Aim: The aim of this investigation was to construct and validate an extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) based machine learning model for the purpose of establishing a one-year liver cancer risk prediction system specifically tailored to overweight and obese patients. In addition, this study sought to compare the predictive performance of the XGBoost model with those of a random forest model and a logistic regression model, while also identifying the most influential predictive features for liver cancer incidence.Methods: A comprehensive retrospective analysis was conducted on MIMIC III data comprising 2,354 patients. To predict the risk of liver cancer development, three machine learning models were developed: XGBoost, random forest, and logistic regression. Feature selection was executed using a stepwise regression procedure encompassing both forward selection and backward elimination.Results: The stepwise regression technique unveiled 14 predictive factors for liver cancer incidence. Among the patient cohort, 132 individuals developed liver cancer within a year of follow-up, while 2,222 did not. Notably, most liver cancer cases occurred in male patients (60%). Statistically significant differences were observed between patients with liver cancer and those without, in terms of age, gender, total bilirubin, platelet, albumin, chloride, potassium, sodium, prothrombin time (PT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The XGBoost model exhibited an impressive area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 99%, Random Forest (RF) of 99%, and Logistic Regression (LR) of 90%. In a multivariate analysis, total bilirubin, creatinine levels, age, gender, ALT, alkaline phosphate (ALP), PT, calcium, and chloride emerged as independent predictors for liver cancer incidence.Conclusion: The XGBoost model demonstrated superior predictive performance when compared to the RF and LR models. If corroborated through prospective studies, the XGBoost model may prove to be a valuable tool for the early prediction of liver cancer risk in overweight or obese individuals. Such predictive capabilities could, in turn, facilitate the implementation of timely preventive interventions against liver cancer.
Distinguishing between fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors is a challenge in breast surgery, despite advances in both radiology and pathology. In this case report, we analyze a patient presenting with a breast mass with multiple core needle biopsy results consistent with fibroadenoma, who underwent enucleation and was found to have phyllodes tumor on final pathology, thereby requiring surgical re-excision. This case report highlights the importance of patient clinical presentation in differentiating fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors and explores how to achieve appropriate margins upon surgical re-excision after prior enucleation of phyllodes tumor via ultrasound localization of a seroma.
Background: Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute neurological condition defined by a clinical triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and confusion. This disease is due to thiamine deficiency.Case presentation: After persistent diarrhea and vomiting, a 15-year-old boy presented up-beating nystagmus, with binocular vertical diplopia and unstable gait. An etiological workup revealed a celiac disease. Magnetic resonance imaging showed bilateral periaqueductal region lesions. Treatment and discussion: Because of suspected Wernicke’s encephalopathy, the patient was treated with thiamine replacement and significant improvement of symptoms took place. Wernicke encephalopathy is a serious medical disorder with enormous morbidity and mortality. Evaluation should include patient history with a physical and ophthalmologic examination and laboratory workup with appropriate imaging.Conclusion: Undiagnosed celiac disease can lead to malabsorption of vitamin B1 causing acute symptoms of Wernicke encephalopathy.
Randa A Almahdi*, Hiba Abdel Rahman Ali and Sami Ahmed Khalid
Published on: 27th December, 2023
Introduction: In Sudan, Grewia tenax fruits, are known commonly as Goddaim. The fruit’s pericarp is used traditionally for a long time as a juice or a porridge to treat iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Traditional Goddaim users have a very strong belief in its effectiveness. However, the pattern of hemoglobin improvement follows an initial fast increase followed by a decline upon continuing its use. Some previous studies have attributed its effect to high iron content, while the iron quantity was too small. This work attempts to find an explanation for its mechanism of action by screening the fruit extract and its respective fractions for secondary metabolites, minerals, vitamins, and fibre. Methods: Entailed three methodologies: Chemical analysis to identify quantified minerals, ascorbic acid and non-digestible fibers, Phytochemical Analysis to separate and identify secondary metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS technique), and estimation of radical scavenging activities of crude fruit extract and its respective chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions by inhibition of the 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH).Results: Ascorbic acid and indigestible fibres were revealed in the aqueous extract. Secondary metabolites were flavonoids (e.g., quercetin, kaempferol), organic acids (e.g., ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid), β-carboline alkaloids (e.g., 3-hydroxy-tetrahydroharman) identified in the chloroform, and ethyl acetate fractions. The in vitro antioxidant activity of G. tenax fruit extract was confirmed spectrophotometrically. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the initial enhancement of iron absorption through ascorbic acid and fibres, followed by iron uptake inhibition, could be explained by iron chelation by the chelators in the fruits. This paradoxical effect may qualify G. tenax fruits as a safety gauge for improving haemoglobin levels without compromising iron excess once iron stores are filled by keeping the oxidative stress in check. This may present G. tenax fruits as a good and safe remedy that optimizes the treatment of IDA.
Amitrano L*, Guardascione MA, Saviano S, Martino A and Lombardi G
Published on: 27th December, 2023
Introduction: Bleeding from varices is a severe complication in patients with cirrhosis. Despite its treatment has been well established in the last three decades the mortality can be still high. This study compares the epidemiological features and the bleeding-related outcomes of a group of patients published about ten years ago with a more recent group of 168 consecutive patients. Methods: The diagnosis, the treatment, and the main outcomes (5-day failure, 5-day and 6-week rebleeding, 5-day and 6-week mortality) of variceal bleeding were evaluated according to the current guidelines.Results: The number of patients with cirrhosis admitted for variceal bleeding every year has progressively decreased in the last ten years. The age sex and severity of liver disease, evaluated with Child Pugh and MELD scores, were comparable in the two series. In the more recent series, there were significantly fewer patients with HCV infection and more patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis. The main outcomes of bleeding were comparable too. Overall, at 6 weeks 36.4% of patients did not overcome the bleeding episode. Conclusion: The decreasing incidence of bleeding from varices is likely attributable to antiviral treatment of HCV and HBV and the larger diffusion of beta-blockers in primary prophylaxis. Despite the larger application of the gold standard therapy, the mortality of variceal bleeding remains high in patients with cirrhosis.
Penile cancer, a rare but highly morbid disease, primarily manifests as squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) originating from the squamous cells of the glandular and preputial skin. Late-stage diagnosis is common due to social stigma, psychological barriers, and nonspecific initial symptoms, resulting in poor overall survival rates, especially in metastatic cases. This case report illustrates a 38-year-old man with advanced metastatic PSCC, showcasing severe systemic manifestations and delayed presentation of the disease. Despite aggressive treatment options, the patient opted for palliative care, succumbing to the disease months after his diagnosis. Risk factors for PSCC include HPV infection, phimosis, chronic inflammation, and lifestyle factors, with higher prevalence in regions of low socioeconomic status. The psychological and sexual burden of penile cancer is significant, impacting patients’ well-being, mental health, and quality of life. In conclusion, efforts to reduce the stigma associated with penile cancer are crucial to prompt early diagnosis and treatment initiation. Encouraging seeking medical attention for symptoms can enhance the chances of recovery and minimize the need for invasive treatments. Addressing the psychosocial impact of the disease is imperative for holistic patient care.
Marta Agnes Somorai*, Annabelle Arlt, Peter Krawitz, Jochen Baumkötter and Volker Mall
Published on: 27th December, 2023
We describe the first individual treatment trial with D-mannose in a young girl with PIGV-CDG. PIGV-CDG belongs to the GPI anchor deficiencies leading to intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, epilepsy, and, less frequently, organ malformations. A hallmark of the GPI anchor deficiencies is the elevated serum alkaline phosphatase (AP). Our patient carried the germline homozygous PIGV variant c.1022C>A, p. (Ala341Glu), the most commonly reported pathogenic variant leading to PIGV-CDG so far. We aimed to improve the impaired enzymatic function of PIGV through elevated substrate levels by giving D-mannose orally. We monitored the clinical status, developmental progress as well as serum AP levels. Our patient experienced no side effects. Standardized developmental testing showed better developmental progress during the 21-month treatment period with D-mannose than in the 12 months following the discontinuation of treatment. The D-Mannose treatment might have had a positive effect on the development of our patient with PIGV-CDG.
Background: Apert syndrome is a type 1 acrocephalosyndactyly, a rare syndrome characterized by the presence of multiple craniosynostoses, dysmorphic facial manifestations, and syndactyly of hand and feet. It affects 1:100.00 of birth and is the second most common of syndromic craniosynostosis. Molecular genetic tests that identify the heterozygous pathogenic variant in FGFR2 genes - identical with Apert syndrome cost too high to be applicable in developing countries. Therefore, the diagnosis of Apert syndrome should be suspected from the clinical findings. Three cases from the Community of Indonesian Apert Warrior Group were collected. These series were based on medical and surgical records. We obtained the patient characteristics from the phenotypic manifestations only. Case report: We present a case of a newborn baby girl, with similar anatomical findings, such as skull shape abnormality, midface hypoplasia, intraoral disfigurement, and hands and feet deformities that resemble Apert Syndrome. Our series presents similar Apert syndrome characteristics, such as typical craniofacial dysmorphic with symmetrical syndactyly of both upper and lower extremities. These clinical findings are essential to establish an initial diagnosis of Apert Syndrome.
The drug and biopharmaceutical enterprises play a pivotal part in transforming healthcare through the incident and delivery of creative cures and remedies. This item explores the key facets of these areas, stressing their impact on healthcare.Pharmaceuticals, outlined as wealthy secondhand in the diagnosis, situation, or stop of disease, aim to restore, correct, or refine everyday functions. On the other hand, biopharmaceuticals (or biologicals) circumscribe sugars, proteins, nucleic acids, living containers, or tissues and are curative devices that arise natural beginnings to a degree persons, animals, or microorganisms. In contrast to common pills combined with synthetic processes, biopharmaceuticals are primarily acquired through unaffected processes, containing extraction from living constructions or production utilizing alteration of genetic material Table 1.• Some usual biopharmaceuticals, originally gleaned from animals or persons, are immediately created through biotechnological advancements.• For instance, healing insulin, previously gleaned from porcine pancreatic islets, is immediately made utilizing alteration of genetic material in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or E. coli.• Biopharmaceuticals caused by alteration of genetic material usually fall into three classifications:• Substances nearly equal to the body’s own key signaling proteins.• Monoclonal antibodies look like those caused by apiece human immune plan against bacteria.• Receptor builds (fusion proteins) established uniformly happening receptors connected to the immunoglobulin frame.Examples includeFrom living systems: Whole blood and ancestry parts, organs and fabric transplants, stem containers, antibodies for inactive immunization, polluted microbiota, human bosom milk, and human reproductive containers.Produced by recombinant DNA: Blood determinants, fabric plasminogen activators, hormones, hematopoietic growth determinants, interferon, interleukin-located produce, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, tumor loss determinants, therapeutic enzymes.• Key dispute Pharmaceutical manufacturing• Biopharmaceuticals• Healthcare strike• Innovative medicines• Therapeutic fragments• Recombinant DNA technologies• Personalized cure• Gene medicines• Regulatory processes.
Brijroy Viswanathan*, Adnan Al Sayed, Lina Habboub, Meera Al Mohannadi, Lolwa Alobaidan and Muneera Abdulmohsin
Published on: 27th December, 2023
Background: Neonatal hypoglycemia is known to cause significant neuronal damage and poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Consensus guidelines are lacking for the management of persistent neonatal hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinism which often requires high concentrations of dextrose and medications. Although used in the pediatric population with persistent hypoglycemia, only a few case reports are published regarding the use of Maltodextrin supplementation in persistent neonatal hypoglycemia due to transient hyperinsulinism. Objective: To audit the use of Maltodextrins in the management of persistent neonatal hypoglycemia due to transient hyperinsulinism in neonates. Audit design: A retrospective chart review (CERNER electronic data) of all cases with persistent neonatal hypoglycemia who received Maltodextrin supplementation for a period of 3½ years between July 2018 and December 2021. Results: A total of 18 neonates received Maltodextrin supplementation for neonatal hypoglycemia during the audit period. 16/18 (89%) neonates who received Maltodextrin supplementation were weaned off from intravenous dextrose within 1 week without major side effects or severe rebound hypoglycemia. Two out of 18 babies who received Maltodextrin needed Diazoxide supplementation for persistent hypoglycemia. Conclusion: The results of our audit are promising, yet further research and randomized controlled studies are needed to systematically evaluate the findings of this audit regarding Maltodextrin supplementation for the management of neonatal hypoglycemia with transient hyperinsulinism.
German universities of applied sciences have provided a large number of technical talents to society, and have made significant contributions to the enhancement of German education and industry. Drawing on the professional construction experience of German universities of applied sciences, this paper summarizes the path of civil engineering materials courses in China's high-level applied universities. The proposals for curriculum reform were discussed. Colleges and universities can cultivate professionals with strong hands-on abilities, strong exploration abilities, and a scientific research spirit. In addition, this paper puts forward that China needs to make changes from three levels: the country, universities, and teachers. Based on learning from the experience of collaborative education between teaching and scientific research in German universities, we have embarked on a road of education with China characteristics.
Julian Bermúdez Pío-Rendón, Francisco Javier Vicente Andreu, David Cerdán Palacios and Vanessa Díaz Mesa*
Published on: 26th December, 2023
Bone choristoma within a dermolipoma is a rare epibulbar tumor with a low prevalence. It is a benign tumor that does not usually cause discomfort or functional problems to patients who suffer from it. Its treatment is surgical and with an aesthetic purpose.We report the case of a 17-year-old patient with a bone choristoma, a tooth, within a dermolipoma.Epibulbar bone choristoma is a rare benign tumor that causes little discomfort to patients who suffer from it and is asymptomatic in most cases. Computed tomography (CT) is essential in its diagnosis and its treatment is surgical, but always due to aesthetic reasons.
Background: Clinician managers can play a crucial role in healthcare organizations, including hospitals, by combining their clinical expertise with managerial responsibilities. They bring valuable insights and firsthand experience of patient care to managerial positions, contributing to improved patient outcomes and hospital performance. However, they face unique challenges that require careful attention and solutions. Aim: This review aims to critically discuss the role of clinicians as managers, the challenges that they face, and how they exercise their influence in hospital settings. Key findings: The role of clinicians as managers is critical for effective leadership and delivery of high-quality patient care. Described as a two-way window, clinician managers bridge the gap between medicine and management by combining clinical expertise with managerial skills in a hybrid leadership approach. Studies have shown a positive impact on hospital performance, including enhanced quality care, improved patient outcomes, and potentially better financial performance. In addition, they play a vital role in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and boosting staff engagement. However, challenges such as identity conflicts, and limited formal training, are present, especially for first-time managers. Conclusion: Adapting to the dual role of clinician and manager demands a mindset shift and the development of new skills, necessitating strategic support. This includes leadership education, organizational support, mentoring, and collaborative models to empower clinician managers. Targeted training programs, formal mentoring, and peer support networks equip them with essential skills, while workload management, well-being initiatives, and a culture of balance foster success and growth.
Bronchiolitis is one of the most common respiratory infections in children under 2 years of age predominantly caused by Respiratory syncytial virus and other viruses like influenza, Para influenza, and Adenovirus. Rhinovirus, etc. Most children have mild symptoms however bronchiolitis has also been well linked to severe morbidities and mortalities. Even though bronchiolitis has been well recognized for many years, there are still very few therapeutic strategies available beyond supportive management. There are many controversies about therapeutic management in bronchiolitis published in standard guidelines and research in this area. Management can be divided into pharmacological and supportive therapy. Evidence suggests that the current management of bronchiolitis is purely supportive consisting of oxygen supplementation, frequent suctioning, and maintaining good hydration and nutrition. Regarding pharmacological therapy, neither bronchodilators nor corticosteroids have significant efficacy in the treatment of bronchiolitis. However, some studies suggest that adrenaline and nebulizer 3% saline showed some benefit only in terms of outcome. The current recommendation also supports the use of Palivizumab as prophylaxis in certain groups of infants and young children.
Mesenchymal stem cells are heterogenous adult multipotent stromal cells that can be isolated from various sources including bone marrow, peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, dental pulp, and adipose tissue. They have certain regenerative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, immunosuppressive, antimicrobial, and other properties that enable them to have several therapeutic and clinical applications including treatment of various autoimmune disorders; role in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and regenerative medicine; treatment of skin, pulmonary and cardiovascular disorders; treatment of neurological and eye diseases; as well as treatment of various infections and their complications. Different factors including donor age, biological source, route of administration, and signaling pathways have an impact on the functions and consequently the clinical applications of mesenchymal stromal cells. The products of mesenchymal stem cells such as extracellular vesicles and exosomes reproduce the biological effects and most of the therapeutic actions of the parent stem cells. Genetic engineering and the use of specific mesenchymal stromal cell products have improved their clinical efficacy and decreased their adverse effects. However, despite the recent progress in the use of mesenchymal stem cells, the clinical application of these cells in the treatment of several diseases still faces real challenges that need to be resolved. The current status of mesenchymal stem cells and the controversies related to their clinical utilization in various disease conditions will be thoroughly discussed in this review.
Background: Nimodipine (NM), is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker with poor oral bioavailability (BA) of about 13% due to first-pass metabolism and P-gp efflux. Objective: The present work aimed to study the influence of the charge inducer and its combination with P-gp inhibitor to improve the oral bioavailability of NM by developing a suitable delivery system of Submicron Lipid Emulsion (SME). Methods: Five SME formulations of NM were prepared by homogenization followed by ultrasonication. Prepared SMEs were characterized for particle size, PDI, Zeta Potential (ZP), Entrapment Efficiency (EE), and drug content. In vitro, release studies were performed in 0.1N HCl and pH 6.8 phosphate buffer by open tube method. The physical stability of all NM–SMEs was tested by the individual effects of centrifugation, dilution (desorption stress), and storage. Bioavailability studies were conducted on male Wistar rats after oral administration of NM suspension and F1 to F5 SME formulations. Results and conclusion: Five NM- SMEs were developed with a mean size ranging from 93 - 137 nm, Zeta potential of – 26 ± 1 mV (negatively charged), +45.8 to +46.3 mV (positively charged), and PDI of 0.15 - 0.25. The in vitro release studies showed that relatively more cumulative percentage release of NM – SMEs in 0.1N HCl than in pH phosphate buffer during 24 hours. The physical stability of NM–SMEs indicated that they were stable to the effects of centrifugation, dilution, and storage. Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies showed that the oral bioavailability of NM in F4 SME was significantly higher than that of all other formulations. Taken together, the results indicated the development of a stable lipid-based carrier, F4 SME to improve the oral bioavailability of this drug by minimizing first-pass metabolism due to lymphatic transport, reducing the efflux by P-gp inhibition, and further, by increased uptake of the positively charged F4 SME globules by enterocytes. Future: The research study findings increase the possibility of developing NM F4 SME by the pharmaceutical industry for the patient’s benefit.
Yim Mongtoeun*, Lim Sousan, Hoy Sereivathanak Reasey, Timothy John A Pasicolan and Paulo N Pasicolan
Published on: 21st December, 2023
Currently, the amount of solid waste is increasing in the world, especially in developing countries. Although Solid Waste Management (SWM) involves and collaborates with many stakeholders, management is still flawed. SWM in the urban and suburbs of Phnom Penh has encountered a number of obstacles and challenges. Seeing these problems, the government has decided to reform the solid waste management in Phnom Penh in 2019. After the reform, the provision of waste collection, transportation, and cleaning services in urban and peri-urban has changed significantly, while the urban and peri-urban receive collection services 95% and 80%, respectively. To be more precise one study on the current situation of SWM in urban and peri-urban Phnom Penh was conducted to understand the current situation and to identify challenges of SWM for the urban and the peri-urban in Phnom Penh. Two kinds of data were collected 1) preliminary data was collected from interviewing people in target areas by using structured questionnaires, and 2) secondary data was obtained from existing various sources. 330 respondents were selected with qualitative and quantitative analysis by using SPPS and Microsoft Excel 2019. People use plastic bags instead of bins, triggers, and bags to store the waste.79.5% of the people are willing to pay the collection fee. It was found that the situation of SWM is better, however, the collection time is still blurred. SWM in Phnom Penh has faced four main challenges: financial, road infrastructure, landfill, and people's participation. SWM in urban and peri-urban, still have some problems such as the packaging and storage of the waste. and the problem of scavengers tearing the waste bags makes the garbage clutter.
The need to provide Long-Term Care (LTC) for growing elderly populations is a public policy issue in all industrialized countries. Unlike other OECD countries, the U.S. lacks a foundation for universal LTC benefits. Much can be learned by examining other industrialized countries. LTC systems. In this paper, we will examine how other countries' provide LTC services for their glowing elderly populations, finance the costs of LTC services, determine eligibility for services, and encourage and support informal caregivers.
Govani DJ, Zaparackaite I, Singh SJ, Bhattacharya D, Swamy KB, Correia RC, Midha PK and Patel RV*
Published on: 20th December, 2023
A very unusual, interesting, and challenging case of a 24-year-old female who was born with three openings in the neck. The patient had chronic abdominal gaseous distention, recurrent abdominal pain, and constipation since early infancy. The patient presented in emergency with acute painful red, hot, and tender swelling in the left upper cervical area. Laboratory studies showed high inflammatory markers and a provisional diagnosis of abscess with a sinus was made. The patient underwent an emergency incision and drainage. Sinus recurred and a sinogram showed it to be a residual cyst in the left submandibular salivary gland. The total cyst excision was attempted with resultant recurrence and grade IV facial nerve palsy. Post-operatively recurrent infections caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) required several courses of oral and intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics with several hospital admissions with no resolution in sight. Subsequent ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging showed a residual infected cyst, cutaneous sinus, and a fistula opening in the left ear canal. A diagnosis of branchial cyst type II of the first brachial cleft remnant with a fistula was established with bilateral branchial fistulas of the second branchial remnants and the associated colorectal hypoganglionosis based on radiological studies. The patient refused any further operative interventions. Therefore, the option of conservative treatment of hypoganglionosis with holobiotics consisting of prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, laxatives, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and dietary supplements started. All antibiotics were stopped. These therapies resulted in the resolution of residual first branchial remnants and recurrent MRSA infections with the improvement in the facial nerve palsy from grade V to grade III-IV together with an excellent cosmetic and functional result. The patient is doing well at follow-ups being infection-free for 18 months and repeat contrast-enhanced computed tomogram (CECT) has shown complete resolution of the residual cyst, sinus, and fistula with fibrosis.
Laalasa Varanasi*, Gabriel Loeb, Vighnesh Walavalkar, Nebil Mohammed, John Paul Lindsey II, Stephen Gluck, Thomas Lee Chi and Meyeon Park
Published on: 19th December, 2023
Proteinuria is an easily quantified biomarker of kidney disease and often a sign of glomerular pathology. Significant proteinuria is uncommon in cystic kidney diseases and should be further evaluated to exclude the presence of another simultaneous kidney disease. While renal biopsy is a valuable part of the diagnostic evaluation of proteinuria, careful consideration of risks and benefits is necessary before proceeding in a patient with bilateral renal cysts. We report the case of a man with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) who was found to have nephrotic-range proteinuria. An ultrasound-guided kidney biopsy revealed evidence of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which was attributed to hyperfiltration-related injury in the context of extensive kidney cysts. Genetic testing did not reveal a cause of FSGS and showed a variant of uncertain significance in PKD1. We use this case to highlight three important issues that are applicable to patients with PKD: the role of diagnostic evaluation for proteinuria in cystic kidney disease, the feasibility of kidney biopsy despite the presence of bilateral renal cysts, and the roles and limitations of genetic testing in cystic kidney disease and FSGS.
This study delves into the forensic examination of textile fibers for identification through the application of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. With the textile industry producing an array of materials, both natural and man-made fibers, the need to distinguish between them for forensic purposes becomes paramount. The primary objective of this research is to identify unique characteristics in fiber samples, differentiating between branded and non-branded company textiles. The focus is placed on fresh, unused cloth fibers obtained directly from shops. The study encompasses two broad categories of fibers: natural (such as cotton, silk, and wool) and man-made (including nylon, rayon, and polyester). Samples from both branded and non-branded textiles undergo analysis using XRD, a sophisticated method capable of revealing the crystallographic structure of materials. Results obtained from the XRD analysis unveil intensity peaks at various levels and degrees, providing distinctive patterns for individualization. Even within the same fiber category, such as polyester and cotton, discernible differences in intensity peaks facilitate the identification process. This research contributes to the advancement of forensic techniques by offering a reliable means of identifying textile fibers. The utilization of XRD not only allows for the differentiation between natural and man-made fibers but also enables discrimination among textiles produced by different companies. The implications of this study extend to forensic investigations, where the ability to precisely identify fibers can provide valuable evidence in criminal cases involving textiles.
Epifania Ettore*, Pietrantonio Maria, Christian Nunziata and Ausiello Pietro
Published on: 19th December, 2023
The primary objective of this study was to detect the success and short-term survival rate of dental implant prosthetic therapy. The valuation of a possible relationship between the general and local clinical conditions of the patients (presence of risk factors and type of dental implant-supported prosthesis) and the satisfaction perceived by the patient, with success and survival of implant devices was investigated.The sample trial consisted of 23 patients, for a total of 50 dental implants supporting a prosthetic therapy. Preliminarily, an analysis of averages and frequencies of the anamnestic data was presented, as numbers and percentages. The implant success rate was calculated by assessing whether the implants fulfilled the success criteria defined by the Pisa Consensus Conference. The ANOVA test was used to check whether there was an association between the success of the implant device, the anamnestic data collected, and the type of prosthesis supported by the implants. Finally, the survival rate was calculated using the Kaplan - Meier method.The 2-year success rate of 50 implants was assessed at 98%. The 2-year survival rate was 97%. Finally, sex, age, compensated diabetes, a smaller and equal number of cigarettes per day (10 per day), the BOP, and the type of titanium dental implants supported by prosthesis, do not determine a change in success and are therefore not adequate parameters to predict the outcome of implant success. Following the results obtained, it is appropriate to continue the research by expanding the clinical observation times in order to obtain more solid scientific and clinical evidence.
To prepare the population to provide first aid for thermal burns in emergency situations, algorithms for modern didactics of the educational topic “Thermal burns” are proposed. The following educational issues are highlighted: 1) Local exposure to high temperature. Burns. Kinds. Classification according to the depth of the lesion; 2) Rules for determining the area of burns; 3) Signs of thermal burns; 4) The concept of burn disease; 5) First (pre-hospital emergency) aid to burnt people; 6). Domestic burns from boiling water; 7) Features of burns in children; 8) Treatment of burns; 9) Prevention of thermal burns.
Dasaradharami Reddy K*, Anusha S and Palem Chandrakala
Published on: 18th December, 2023
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has seen the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, resulting in the emergence of various concerning variants with unique biological characteristics. As the pandemic continues, it will be crucial to promptly evaluate the potential of any new variant to cause severe illness. The severity of the latest Omicron sublineages, including BA.5, XBB, BQ.1.18, BA.2, BA.2.75, and EG.5.1, is currently under assessment. This system provides valuable and essential information for rapidly assessing the threat posed by new versions of the virus.
Staphylin dermatitis is an acute, irritant, contact dermatitis caused by Pederin, a haemolymphatic fluid released when staphilinidae are crushed against the skin [1]. This is a serious condition, with epidemics and certain localizations, especially in the eyes, which can lead to blindness.
Currently, analysis of training data metrics has become increasingly important in characterizing high throughput. In fact, in bodybuilding, the RPE (rate of perceived exertion) assessment is the metric commonly used to calculate training volume. Therefore, this study demonstrates another way for bodybuilding athletes to evaluate their training through heart rate using the TRIMP (training impulse) method proposed by Edwards to analyze the intensity of a given training model. For this athlete, it is important to stay most of the time outside heart rate zone 1, not have more than 10% of total training time in zone 5 and contain the largest proportion of total training time in zones 2, 3 and 4.
Mario Gazziro*, Matheus Vasques, Eduardo Real, João Carmo and Maria Kunkel
Published on: 13th December, 2023
This work describes a low computational cost image processing methodology for the identification of hand features for forensic applications – like height, gender, and ethnicity for suspect inference. The proposed methodology provides an adequately tailored sequence of image and geometrical processings on pictures of hands based on critical points like fingertips, finger valleys, and palm centers. As a result, we present the automatic measurements taken on 416 images compared with actual measurements from a manual caliper. The proposed approach leads to a 93.16% correlation (p - value < 0.05) related to the caliper, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique.
Athanasios Garavelas, Efstathios Michalopoulos*, Panagiotis Mallis and Eros Nikitos
Published on: 13th December, 2023
Intraovarian injection of autologous Platelet Lysate (PL) can be considered a potential therapeutic strategy for ovarian function rejuvenation. Especially, in women diagnosed with Poor Ovarian Response (POR) or Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), the exogenous administration of the autologous platelet-derived growth factors, influence positively the regulation of the serum Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Estradiol (E2). Therefore, the evaluation of the serum levels of the aforementioned hormones was performed on 10 participants with a mean age of 43 ± 4 years diagnosed with POR or POI, who received intraovarian PL injection monotherapy. The monitoring of the serum hormone levels was performed for 3 months. The results of this study clearly showed that all participants were characterized by elevated levels of FSH and LH and reduced levels of E2 and AMH, prior to the PL injection. However, the levels of all hormones started to change after the 1st month of follow-up monitoring. Moreover, 40% of the participants conceived successfully either by natural way or after in vitro Fertilization (IVF). Considering these, the intraovarian injection of autologous PL exhibited promising evidence regarding the altering of hormone levels at physiological values. Moreover, the contained PL growth factors were implicated in angiogenesis promotion and also in toleration of the inflammatory microenvironment, regulating positively ovarian function. In conclusion, the intraovarian autologous PL injection is considered a safe, effective, and tolerable therapeutic strategy in women with POR or POI. Moreover, the results of this study were very encouraging, especially for the women with infertility issues, who want their genetic offspring.
Tsygankova VA*, Andrusevich Ya V, Vasylenko NM, Pilyo SG, Klyuchko SV and Brovarets VS
Published on: 12th December, 2023
The effect of known synthetic compounds Ivin (N-oxide-2,6-dimethylpyridine), Methyur (sodium salt of 6-methyl-2-mercapto-4-hydroxypyrimidine), Kamethur (potassium salt of 6-methyl-2-mercapto-4-hydroxypyrimidine) and new synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine (No. 1 - 7) on the rooting of isolated stem cuttings of haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) variety Bilozernaya was studied. The growth regulatory activity of synthetic compounds Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur, and synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine (No. 1 - 7) was compared with the activity of auxins IAA (1H-indol-3-yl)acetic acid) and NAA (1-naphthylacetic acid). The conducted studies showed that the regulatory effect of synthetic compounds Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur, and synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyridine (No. 1 - 7) on the rooting of isolated stem cuttings of haricot bean was similar to the auxins IAA and NAA. The synthetic compounds Ivin, Methyur, and Kamethur, and synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine (No. 1, 4, 5, and 7) showed the highest auxin-like activity. The indicators of the total number of roots (pcs) and total length of roots (cm) obtained on isolated stem cuttings of haricot bean immersed in a water solution of synthetic compounds Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur and synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyridine (No. 1, 4, 5 and 7), used at a concentration of 10-7 M, statistically significantly exceeded similar indicators obtained on control isolated stem cuttings of haricot bean immersed in distilled water. The practical use of synthetic compounds Ivin, Methyur, Kamethur, and synthetic compounds, derivatives of pyrimidine (No. 1, 4, 5 and 7) is proposed to improve the vegetative propagation of haricot bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and other plant species of the family Fabaceae by stem cuttings.
Sarra Ben Letaief*, Ines Zemni, Fatma Saadallah, Montassar Ghalleb, Ghada Sahraoui, Mohamed Ali Ayadi and Tarek Dhieb
Published on: 11th December, 2023
Breast cancer associated with type-1 neurofibromatosis is a rare clinical entity. These patients have a higher risk of developing various types of cancers, especially tumors derived from the embryogenic neural crest, such as pheochromocytoma. This publication aims to add to the literature a rare association between Type-1 Neurofibromatosis, breast cancer, and pheochromocytoma.We present a rare case of a 51-year-old Tunisian woman with neurofibromatosis who was diagnosed with breast cancer and pheochromocytoma. The breast tumor was classified as T4b N1M0, and the discovery of the pheochromocytoma was incidental to thoracic-abdominal-pelvic CT. She underwent surgery to remove the adrenal gland and was referred to medical oncologists to receive chemotherapy for her breast cancer. Type-1 Neurofibromatosis disorder is a benign disease but can expose patients to numerous neoplasms. The challenging diagnosis at an early stage can worsen the prognosis and make medical care more difficult.
According to statistical data in Poland, sexual acts of minors account for about 3% of all criminal acts committed by minors and nearly 20% of all acts from the catalogue of crimes against sexual freedom and morality. The main objective of the study was to attempt to develop and present characteristics of minors who commit rape with particular cruelty. Taking into account the way the perpetrators act, the motivational background, and the circumstances of the crime. In particular, attention was paid to specific individual and family characteristics. Because it is not clear whether juvenile sex offenders are different from non-sex offenders. The aim of this article is an attempt to capture individual, family, and environmental differences. The study was also intended to provide information about who the victims are. The study was conducted on the basis of empirical material from court cases in which the basis of liability was Article 197§4 of the Penal Code, and the perpetrators or accomplices of the acts were minors who at the time of the act were over 15 years of age but under 17 years of age. The research material consisted of court case files that had been finally completed, including forensic psychological opinions prepared by court experts. Cases from 2015-2020 were analysed. The obtained results allowed us to capture some specific features of families in which minors were brought up and the characteristics of juvenile sex offenders themselves. This article raises the difficult issue of juvenile responsibility for sexual crimes and indicates areas in which it is necessary to regulate interactions and areas of possible preventive impacts.
G Barrera Torres*, JC Rodriguez Urbina, Renivaldo Jose dos Santos, Flavio C Cabrera, Juan C Sánchez G and Jaime A Jaramillo Carvalho
Published on: 6th December, 2023
In this review, latex from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree is presented as a material originating from nature, used to produce natural rubber, raw material for countless products for industry, as well as the manufacture of preservatives, and gloves, among others. Nowadays, its potential is expanding into various technological areas, one of which is biomedical, as described in this article. Latex has the possibility of being preserved using ammonium, which is a chemical of high health risk, but nowadays it is being substituted by acid systems excluding traditional chemicals. With these new preservation processes, the prospective use of latex for the design of biosensor scaffolds for drug release, and as membranes that can replace synthetic latex in patches for bioremediation in soft and bone tissues, synthetic muscles, membranes for biological micro laboratories, among others, is being studied to optimize its possibilities.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative potentials. Additionally, utilization of MSCs in the clinical arena has been shown to be safe and well tolerated. Hence, this form of cellular therapy has gained particular attention in the treatment of several infectious disorders and their complications. MSCs have been successfully used in the treatment of the following infections and their complications: bacterial infections including complicated sepsis; viral infections including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hepatitis B and C viruses, and Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome; parasitic infections including schistosomiasis, malaria, and Chagas disease; and mycobacterial infections including tuberculosis. The use of MSCs derived from certain sources and Extracellular Vesicles (ECVs) derived from MSCs has improved their efficacy and reduced their side effects. However, the clinical application of MSCs in the treatment of several infectious diseases still faces real challenges that need to be resolved. The current status of MSCs and the controversies related to their utilization in various infections will be thoroughly discussed in this review.
Stephanos Patsiris*, Andreas Afthinos, Ligeri Augouste1, Katerina Valsami, Antonis Dimitras and Themistoklis Exarchos and Panagiotis Vlamos
Published on: 5th December, 2023
Background: Changes in lung structures persist in stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), but their correlation with the clinical picture remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to assess the stable COPD picture via the relationship between exhaled breath condensate (EBC) particle concentration and the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and six-minute walking test (6 MWT). Methods: 12 stable COPD and 12 healthy subjects participated in the study. The EBC was collected with Rtube and analyzed using the Accusizer FxNano. Particle concentration was measured and correlated with the findings of the tools used to assess the health status and functional profile of COPD. The results’ analysis was performed with the Spearman’s test and the Mann-Whitney U - test.Results: The COPD group presented a worse picture of health status and functional profile compared to the healthy group. Correlations were observed between components of the SGRQ and CAT. The two groups presented similar levels of EBC particle concentrations, but the number of small particles was higher in COPD subjects. A correlation of the EBC particle concentration with the activity and total score of the SGRQ was only observed in the healthy group. Conclusion: The total particle number was similar in the COPD and healthy groups. A few correlations between the EBC particles and tools used were also observed. The use of EBC particle concentration to monitor COPD status cannot be claimed with confidence because of the small sample size. Further research is necessary, particularly in large-scale groups.
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant global health problem, and extrapulmonary TB can present with no specific clinical or radiographic findings. Genito-urinary TB is often associated with elevated tumor markers and can be misdiagnosed as ovarian/fallopian tube carcinomas, especially in elderly female patients, as genitourinary TB commonly affects women of reproductive age.Objective: We present a rare case of genito-urinary TB in an elderly female patient who was initially misdiagnosed with ovarian cancer with metastasis.Case presentation: An 83-year-old woman with a medical history of diabetes and hypertension presented with complaints of abdominal distension. Diagnostic imaging revealed lesions in the ovaries and omentum and tumor markers were elevated, leading to a suspicion of ovarian cancer with metastases to the omentum. The patient underwent a diagnostic laparotomy and surgical removal of ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the lesion of the greater omentum. However, no malignancy was found during the morphological evaluation. Further histopathological examination confirmed the final diagnosis of genito-urinary tuberculosis, and the patient received anti-TB drugs. The postoperative period was uneventful, and tumor marker levels decreased.Conclusion: As the clinical presentation of genito-urinary TB can mimic ovarian cancer, a histopathological examination should be performed for differential diagnosis, thereby reducing the possibility of inaccurate treatment. This case report highlights the importance of considering genito-urinary TB as a differential diagnosis in elderly female patients presenting with elevated tumor markers, abdominal distension, and suspected genital malignancy. It is crucial to carefully evaluate these cases and explore the possibility of genital TB as an alternative diagnosis, given the overlapping clinical presentation. This highlights the importance of a comprehensive diagnostic approach that includes considering TB in addition to malignancy, even in the context of elderly female patients.
Márta Zsoldos, Attila K Pajor*, Krisztián Zsoldos and Henriette Pusztafalvi
Published on: 4th December, 2023
Introduction: Adolescents and young adults often engage in oral sex. However, the factors affecting the development of agreeing with oral sex are not clear enough.Objective: We aimed to assess the degree of agreement with oral sex among high school students and to search for background factors affecting this.Material and method: We conducted a quantitative cross-sectional study among 157 females and 38 male high school students over the age of eighteen by using an anonymous, paper-based, multiple-choice, self-administered questionnaire. For statistical analysis, we used descriptive statistics, two-sample t-tests, and Spearman rank correlation. Results: Of the respondents 67.9% were sexually active and 31.6% of them had more than one sexual partner. Of males 97.1% and of females 84.9% agreed with accepting oral sex. Degree of agreement with oral sex was higher in those who had had partnered sexual experience, and in those females who more frequently met close friends outside of school. Most participants were not in a current relationship with a partner, and for those who were, its duration did not affect the degree of accepting oral sex. The degree of agreement with the proficiency in male sexuality, and the degree of agreement with those dimensions of sexuality that most expressed the sexual drive and the desire to gratify it with the partner showed the strongest positive correlation with the degree of agreement with oral sex. In addition, the degree of agreement with the items of expressing sexual openness showed correlations with the degree of accepting oral sex. Conclusion: The degree of agreement with oral sex is high among high school students. Among the factors influencing this, the intensity of meeting friends seems to be important. We therefore recommend that the schools improve sex education in groups, highlighting the risks of oral sex, to reach the target individuals and their friends as well as their potential partners.
Background: Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the most important grain legume crops in Egypt and many other countries of the world because the seeds offer a low-cost source of protein, lysine, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Chocolate spot disease is a stress-related fungal disease produced by Botrytis fabae that causes plant damage, limits photosynthetic activity, and reduces yield. Results: Trichoderma atroviride greatly reduced mycelial growth by 90.00% in vitro, followed by T. harzianum (86.67%) and T. album (83.89%) on average. In vivo, all studied antagonists dramatically reduced Botrytis fabae disease incidence and severity in both seasons 2021/22 and 2022/23. T. atroviride showed the highest efficacy bioagent (73.55 and 85.15%), followed by T. harzianum (72.55 and 81.22%), in controlling B. fabae of faba bean plants in both seasons. In addition, the results also showed that all tested biological treatments had an impact on yield components and increased levels of chlorophyll, protein%, phenols, flavonoids, Peroxidase (PO), polyphenol Oxidase (PPO), chitinase, and -1, 3-glucanase activities compared to control treatment in both seasons. In this regard, spraying T. atroviride showed the highest efficacy as a bioagent, followed by T. harzianum. Contrary, T. hamatum showed the lowest efficacy compared to other treatments in both seasons. Conclusion: This investigation was carried out to determine the effectiveness of several different antagonists, i.e., T. album, T. atrovirde, T. hamatum, and T. harzianum (30 x 106 spore/ml), Blight Stop, and Bio Zeid, for controlling Botrytis fabae on bean plants and evaluating their effect on yield parameters, components, and quality.
Victoria Davies, Abigail Heaman and James Brereton*
Published on: 1st December, 2023
Naturalistic enclosures have become a popular exhibition technique for zoos, and reptiles and amphibians are regularly housed in these exhibits. While a considerable sum of research indicates that visitors prefer naturalistic exhibits, there are fewer studies documenting the behaviour and welfare of animals housed under these conditions. This study investigated the impact of a naturalistic enclosure on the behaviour of the turquoise dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi), and the welfare perceptions of visitors. When kept under naturalistic enclosures, dwarf geckos were seen to bask (p = 0.022), and engage in inactive behaviours (p = 0.001) significantly less frequently. A non-significant decrease was also seen in locomotion | (p = 0.074). While time spent hidden remains a confounding factor for behavioural analysis, the study indicates that when provided with hiding opportunities, L. williamsi may spend a considerable amount of time hidden from the public. Questionnaire analysis revealed that 84.6% of individuals believed that naturalistic enclosures demonstrated better welfare. Additionally, individuals who had previously owned a reptile were more likely to identify that areas to hide, enrich, and mimic the natural environment were important aspects of enclosure design. While the actual benefits of naturalistic enclosure design cannot be fully addressed by this study, this work suggests that visitors tend to inherently believe that naturalistic enclosures facilitate better welfare, even if they are not aware of the natural environment of the species being housed. This requires keepers to consider both aspects of functionality and enclosure relevance when designing exhibits for herptiles.
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