The digital transformation in the health sector represents an extraordinary challenge not only concerning patient care and assistance processes but also for the purpose of promoting new models capable of responding to the growing complexity of the environment and its impact on health. Psychological services are among the non-medical healthcare services heavily invested by this radical transformation. The constant increase in online psychology demand by users follows the need to carefully regulate its practice since this digital space, virtually a non-place, is the focus of large commercial interests. Being a part of the application of digital technologies to psychological performance, the aim of the paper was to emphasize clinical work, especially focused on childhood and adolescence with the need of identifying the limits and problems of digital health psychology in this group of subjects. Considering also that the massive use of digitization in healthcare also raises considerations of a bioethical nature regarding the priority of the principle of patient autonomy in the complex and articulated process of healthcare and protection. In conclusion, although TM is spread in our area in an uneven way, the representations of TM are mostly positive. However, it seems to emerge a picture in which part of some professionals still look to be too cautious and resist this new way.
The well-documented therapeutic potential of group singing for patients living with Alzheimer’s disease (PLAD) has been hindered by COVID-19 restrictions, exacerbating loneliness and cognitive decline among seniors in residential and long-term care centers (CHSLDs). Addressing this challenge, the multidisciplinary study aims to develop a patient-oriented virtual reality (XR) interaction system facilitating group singing for mental health support during confinement and enhancing the understanding of the links between Alzheimer’s disease, social interaction, and singing. The researchers also propose to establish an early AD detection system using voice, facial, and non-invasive biometric measurements and validate the efficacy of selected intervention practices. The methodology involves co-designing an intelligent environment with caregivers to support PLAD mental health through online group singing, addressing existing constraints in CHSLDs. The researchers will engage volunteers in remote singing interactions and validate the impact of voice stimulation for PLADs using a control group. The primary expected outcome is the development of an “Intelligent Learning Health Environment,” fostering interactions while adapting to individual PLAD situations and incrementally accumulating knowledge on AD signs. This environment will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technologies to promote non-verbal interactions via singing, enabling intervention at the first symptoms. Additionally, the research will contribute to transforming CHSLDs’ living environments, informed by neuroscience insights, and potentially extend the “collaborative self-care” approach to support seniors in aging safely and healthily at home.
Sedigheh Hantoushzadeh, Kayvan Mirnia, Hananeh Sadat Sadeghi, Parvaneh Sadeghimoghadam*, Mohammad Aghaali, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Abbas Habibelahi, Shima Rafiee, Mohammad Haddadi and Amir Naddaf
Published on: 28th June, 2023
Introduction: Twin pregnancy, compared to a singleton pregnancy, is associated with a higher risk of preterm birth and other neonatal complications. This study aimed to compare neonatal mortality rates and risk factors among births with the gestational age of 34 weeks - 37 weeks in twin and singleton pregnancies.Methods: The study design was cross-sectional and population-based. We extracted the data from the birth information registry in Iran. Mothers' and neonates' information was removed from the registry systems between 2018 and 2020. We used Statistical R software to compare neonatal mortality rate, demographic variables, and risk factors between two groups of twin and singleton neonates.Results: Out of 579,873 live births with a gestational age of 34 weeks - 37 weeks, 729 (1.4/1000) singleton and 54(0.77/1000) twins (one out of two) neonates died in the delivery room in the first hour of life. Of the neonates who left the delivery room alive, 3129 (4.9 per 1000) neonates had died (5.7/1000 singleton and 3.04/1000 twin). The neonatal mortality rate in hospitalized singleton neonates (1.85%) was higher than twin group (1.06%). After adjustment of other variables, the mortality rate in twin pregnancy was significantly lower than in singletons (p value < 1/1000), with an odds ratio of 0.47 (CI: 0.39 - 0.55). Antenatal corticosteroid treatment in the twin group was significantly higher than in singletons.Conclusion: Twin neonatal mortality rate was lower than singletons in the neonates with gestational age 34 weeks - 37 weeks. Clinicians could consider these results for delivery timing in uncomplicated twin pregnancies. Antenatal corticosteroid therapy can be considered to reduce the mortality rate of late preterm neonates in resource-limited countries.
Aparupa Bose Mazumdar Ghosh and Sharmila Chattopadhyay*
Published on: 27th June, 2023
Glutathione (GSH), a dynamic biomolecule, is popularly called the “master antioxidant”. This tripeptide thiol is almost ubiquitously found in prokaryotes, and eukaryotes, with some organism exceptions, and is known for its several significant roles including in plants. GSH in plant systems restricts itself not only to plant growth and development but its role is crucial in providing resistance to plants against several environmental hazards also.
Darko Boljevic*, Milovan Bojic, Mihajlo Farkic, Dragan Sagic, Sasa Hinic, Dragan Topic, Milan Dobric, Jovana Lakcevic, Marko Nikolic, Stefan Veljkovic, Matija Furtula, Jelena Kljajevic and Aleksandra Nikolic
Published on: 26th June, 2023
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is one of the most effective treatments for severe aortic valve stenosis (AVS). Different genres and generations of transcatheter heart valves (THVs) are accessible, offering operators an opportunity to choose a patient-tailored device. In this single-center study, we present the outcomes of Serbian patients treated with next-generation Myval THV for severe symptomatic AVS. Myval THV was implanted in all consecutive patients who underwent TAVI at the Dedinje Cardiovascular Institute of Belgrade, Serbia between October 2020 and September 2021. The primary endpoint was device success on day 30. Secondary endpoints included 30-day all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, stroke, moderate/severe paravalvular leak (PVL), and new permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI). TAVI was performed as per the European Society of Cardiology guidelines. The study comprised thirteen patients, aged 72±13 years with mean EuroSCORE (7.17%) and Society of Thoracic Surgeons (2.72%,) scores who underwent TAVI successfully with 92.3% using the percutaneous approach. Myval THV intermediate and extra-large sizes were implanted in 46% and 15% of patients, respectively. This acute procedure success rate was 100%. The primary composite endpoint of early device success was achieved in all patients. None of the patients had clinically significant aortic regurgitation or moderate/severe PVL. No patient experienced stroke, contrast-induced acute kidney injury, device-related vascular complications, or a new PPI. The all-cause mortality rate at 30 days was 0%. Myval THV system demonstrated a favorable safety/efficacy profile within 30 days post-procedure at a single center in Serbia. This is the first report of my experience with Myval THV from Serbia.
An attempt was made in this study to measure the excitation functions of 169Tm(12C, 4n)177Re, 169Tm(12C, 5n)176Re, 169Tm(12C, αn)176Ta, 169Tm(12C, α2n)175Ta, 169Tm(12C, α3n) 174Ta, 169Tm(12C, α4n)173Ta and 169Tm(12C, 2α2n)171Lu reaction channels populated in the interaction of 12C projectile with 169Tm target were considered in order to investigate the mechanisms of complete and incomplete fusion reactions. The theoretically predicted excitation functions using the PACE4 code were compared with the previously measured excitation functions. For non α emitting channels cross-section values predicted by PACE4 in general were found to be in good agreement with the experimentally measured values. However, for α-emitting channels, the measured cross-section values were found to be higher than the values predicted by PACE4. The observed disagreement may be credited to projectile break-up in the vicinity of n-n interaction.
Maria Kavga*, Tristan Ramcharan and Kyriaki Papadopoulou-Legbelou
Published on: 24th June, 2023
Tissue Doppler Imaging and Speckle Tracking Echocardiography are newer echo-cardiographic modalities, that assess myocardial and valvular function in congenital and acquired heart diseases in childhood. In addition, cross-sectional imaging including Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and Cardiac Computed Tomography has been widely used over the last decade in paediatric cardiology, in order to evaluate intra-cardiac and extra-cardiac anatomy. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance particularly allows detailed analysis of myocardial function, and shunt quantification and has applications even in fetal life. This mini-review summarizes the basic principles of the above-advanced modalities and highlights their main indications and clinical applications in childhood.
Saber A Amin, Morshed Alam, Bangchen Wang, Weining Zhen, Chi Lin, Apar Kishor Ganti, Vinicius Ernani, Alissa Marr, Tony JC Wang, Simon K Cheng, Michael Baine and Chi Zhang*
Published on: 24th June, 2023
Purpose: Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has emerged as an alternative to surgery for patients with inoperable early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The majority of inoperable NSCLC patients are elderly and frequently have comorbidities including cardiovascular diseases for which they frequently receive angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs). The interactions of these medications with SBRT are not clear. The objective of the current study is to investigate the interaction of ARBs and ACEIs with SBRT for the outcomes of early-stage NSCLC. Methods and Materials: A retrospective chart review of patients treated with SBRT for Stage I and II NSCLC (AJCC 7th edition) at a single institution between 2006 and 2017 was conducted. Information on the use of ARBs, ACEIs, demographics, and tumor-related factors was collected. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard analyses were performed to assess the impact of ARBs and ACEIs combined with SBRT respectively on the treatment outcomes of these patients. Results: In total, 116 patients were included in the study, among whom 38/116 (32.76%) received ACEIs, and 20/116 (17.24%) received ARBs. In the multivariable analysis, the use of ARBs, but not ACEIs, with SBRT, was significantly associated with the increased risk of dissemination (Hazard Ratio (HR): 2.97; CI: 1.40-6.27; p < 0.004) compared to SBRT without ARBs. The tumor size of > = 3 cm was associated with significantly decreased time to local failure and OS compared to tumor size <3cm. Conclusion: In the current retrospective study, the use of ARBs, in combination with SBRT, was associated with a significantly increased risk of disease dissemination in early-stage NSCLC compared to SBRT alone. The findings warrant further investigations on the concurrent use of ARBs, ACEIs, and other medicines used for chronic diseases with SBRT for early-stage NSCLC.
Ibrahim Acır*, Zeynep Vildan Okudan Atay, Mehmet Atay and Vildan Yayla
Published on: 24th June, 2023
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the association between sleep quality, as measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and laboratory findings in patients presenting with the complaint of leg pain due to varicose veins.Materials and Methods: A total of 160 patients with leg pain were included in this study. Sleep quality was assessed using the PSQI, and laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate ferritin, iron, vitamin B12, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and hemoglobin levels. Statistical analyses were performed using the independent t-test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and the chi-square test for categorical variables.Results: Patients with poor sleep quality had a significantly higher prevalence of leg pain complaints compared to those with good sleep quality (p < 0.001). Females were more likely to report poor sleep quality (p = 0.006). No significant associations were found between sleep quality and age, smoking status, alcohol use, or pack/year of smoking. Patients with poor sleep quality had significantly lower ferritin levels (p = 0.008), lower albumin levels (p = 0.031), and lower hemoglobin levels (p = 0.036) compared to patients with good sleep quality. However, no significant differences were observed in other laboratory parameters.Conclusion: The findings suggest a significant association between poor sleep quality and leg pain complaints in patients with varicose veins. Lower ferritin, albumin, and hemoglobin levels in patients with poor sleep quality may indicate potential underlying mechanisms linking sleep quality and leg pain. Addressing sleep quality issues in patients with leg pain could improve overall well-being and treatment outcomes.
Urticaria corresponds to a papular edematous pruriginous fleeting rash on the skin whose cause is most often allergic (food, medicines, insect bites, etc.).Its management is often difficult because of its significant impact on quality of life. Its prevalence is estimated at 0.6% - 1.3% of the general population. Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) or Hansen’s bacillus (BH). Considered as the great simulator leprosy can pose a diagnostic problem with many other dermatological pathologies. This is a 36-year-old patient with a history of chronic urticaria treated with Loratadine 10 mg who consulted the Bamako Dermatology Hospital for a large erythematous cupboard, oedematous fixed on the buttocks evolving for more than 3 days. The interrogation found the notion of pruritus, hives, and physical examination, showed large erythematous plaques, edematous very limited, dark red color, and slightly copper resembling the closet infiltrated by leprosy. The pruriginous nature of the lesions and the absence of other cardinal signs of leprosy allowed us to make the diagnosis of chronic urticaria.
Suleyman Guven*, Erhan Huseyin Comert, Emine Seda Guvendag Guven, Bulent Demir and Deniz Karcaaltincaba
Published on: 21st June, 2023
Aims: There is no study in the literature about ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) levels in amniotic fluid for Down syndrome cases. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of IMA and HGF in Down syndrome cases at 16-20 weeks of gestation compared to normal fetuses.Methods: For this prospective case-control study, following reaching the number of 20 women (study group) who had the prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, maternal and gestational age-matched pregnant women with normal constitutional karyotype were selected for the control group (n = 74) from the stored amniotic fluid samples. Results: Mean women and gestational ages were comparable between the two groups. Amniotic fluid IMA (1.32 ± 0.13 vs. 1.11 ± 0.11 ABSU, respectively, p < 0.001) and HGF (2743.53 ± 1389.28 vs. 2160.12 ± 654.63 pg/mL, respectively, p = 0.008). Levels were significantly higher in pregnant women having Down syndrome fetuses compared with women having normal fetuses. The amniotic fluid IMA levels for the diagnosis of Down syndrome, and the sensitivity and specificity were calculated as 95.0% and 71.6% for the limit value 1.171 cm3, respectively. Conclusion: In cases with suspected Down syndrome, the diagnosis of Down Syndrome may be made in approximately 1 hour with high sensitivity and specificity by measuring the IMA level in the amniotic fluid sample taken for fetal karyotyping.
The relevance of this work is due to the insufficient number of modern studies on the treatment of patients with paranoid schizophrenia with non-suicidal autoaggressive actions or in short: “NSAA”, who have had a coronavirus infection. The aim of the study was to study the role of buspirone in the complex therapy of patients with paranoid schizophrenia with NSAA who had a coronavirus infection. Materials and research methods: 99 patients with paranoid schizophrenia meeting ICD-10 criteria were examined by a continuous, non-randomized clinical method. Fisher’s test was used for statistical evaluation. Results: It was established that the consequence of the coronavirus infection was an increase in the proportion of residual organic changes in the form of manifestations of the dysphoric syndrome, specific changes in the cognitive sphere, and the autonomic nervous system. The manifestations of dysphoria included an increase in the frequency of openly manifested aggression, anxiety, impulsivity, and the implementation of NSAA by the type of affective discharge. The structure of acquired cognitive impairments consisted of changes in thinking by the type of thoroughness, and rigidity of perseveration. Changes in the autonomic nervous system are presented in the form of diencephalic crises. Also, psychotic states not characteristic of the previously examined patients were noted, such as twilight stupefaction, delusional symptoms of Cappgras, Fregoli, and tactile hallucinosis. It has been established that the use of buspirone as part of complex therapy with neuroleptics, compared with monotherapy with neuroleptics, increases the effectiveness of therapy in relation to these clinical manifestations in the studied individuals. Conclusion: The use of buspirone in combination with neuroleptic drugs increases the effectiveness of therapy in relation to the leading psychopathological manifestations in patients with paranoid schizophrenia with NSAA who have undergone coronavirus infection.
Wanting Yang, Peizheng Yang, Yan Li, Yinfeng Yang* and Jinghui Wang*
Published on: 21st June, 2023
Cancer is a major public health issue and the main cause of death worldwide. Despite improvements in diagnostic techniques and treatment methods, cancer still seriously affects the quality of life of patients, which cause serious social and economic burdens. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify potential biomarkers to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of cancer. BTG2 is a cell proliferation suppressor gene that serves as a tumor suppressor gene in the occurrence and development of various tumors. Many studies have shown that BTG2 can serve as a prognostic marker in various tumors. So, fully tap the potentials of BTG2 as a tumor prognostic marker will bring more possibilities to provide a new method or new diagnostic and therapeutic tool for treating cancer.
Manpreet, Shamsher Singh, GD Gupta and Khadga Raj Aran*
Published on: 21st June, 2023
Depression is a mental, psychiatric medical condition or disorder in which individuals manifest some clinical syndrome characterized by sadness, mood swings, societal withdrawal, lack of interest, family issues, and education problems which affect the daily student life in which the individual does not participate in daily activities. Sometimes individual commits suicide due to exam stress and that swings the mood upon the condition of the individual. The cost of brand-name medications prescribed in such circumstances exacerbates the disease burden and may even result in noncompliance with therapy. IDR (Indian Depository Receipt) was used to calculate the cost of various antidepressant drug brands. Using the percentage cost ratio, one can ascertain the price of each brand’s 10 tablets in INR (Indian Rupees), the cost ratio, and the percentage cost variance. The difference between the greatest and lowest prices of the same drug produced by Indian pharmaceutical industries was calculated. There is a greater price disparity between agents on the market. The greatest expense variance was found to be amitriptyline 25 mg (195%), fluoxetine 50 mg (95%), sertraline 50 mg (83%) and the lowest % cost variation was of fluvoxamine 20 mg (13.8 mg), duloxetine 20 mg (16%) and escitalopram 10 mg (38%). On the Indian market, the average price disparity between antidepressant medications of various brands is quite high. If a pricey brand is prescribed, patients will incur additional costs.
Although intussusception occurs in children and adults with celiac disease, it is a relatively uncommon symptom. Even more rare is the occurrence of intussusception as the presenting symptom of the disease. In the two cases we report here, transient intussusception, occurring at three years of age, was the first and only physical sign of celiac disease, and lead to a timely diagnosis by immunoserology and histology, followed by implementation of a gluten-free diet before sequelae such as significant anemia or Failure to Thrive (FTT) developed. In both cases, neither immunoserological nor physical signs of disease were present at the follow-up examination after 6 months on a gluten-free diet. In addition, genetic screening of the patients’ families revealed HLA-DQ2 positivity in two cases, leading to the additional diagnosis of celiac disease in the pregnant mother of one of the patients.
Background: Cardiomyopathy is primarily a disorder of the cardiac muscle that causes myocardial dysfunction and is not the result of disease or dysfunction of other cardiac structures, systemic arterial hypertension and valvular stenosis or regurgitation. Aim: The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its correlation with the severity of heart disease in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCMP). Method: 70 ECHO-proven DCMP cases were enrolled from the medicine/ cardiology department of LHMC & associated hospitals and ABVIMS & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi from November 2019 to October 2021. DCMP patients with ages more than 18 years who were willing to give consent and does not meet any of the exclusion criteria were enrolled in this study. Results: Mean age of idiopathic DCMP patients was 48.3 ± 15.2. There were more males 48 (69%) than females 22 (31%). The mean ejection fraction was 26.6 ± 7.3, while the mean fractional shortening was 17.6 ± 3.1. Vitamin D deficiency was observed in 90% of patients, among which 68.5% were having moderate vitamin D deficiency and 10% were having severe vitamin D deficiency. Conclusion: In our study, vitamin D levels were inversely correlated with the severity of heart disease in DCMP patients.
Gbary-Lagaud Eléonore*, Houphouet-Mwandji Carine, Effoh Denis and Adjoby Roland
Published on: 20th June, 2023
Objective: To evaluate the surgical management of myomas at the Teaching Hospital of Angré according to the FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) classification.Patients and methods: This was a cross-sectional study at the Teaching Hospital of Angre from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022. Patients whose operative indication was clearly identified were included in the study. Incomplete files were not included. The variables studied were anthropometric parameters, clinical characteristics of myomas, and surgery. Due to the large size and multifocal location of uterine myomas, the therapeutic option remained surgery by laparotomy.Results: Most patients were over 35 years old (71.5%) and nulliparous (52.8%). The first indication for surgery was menometrorrhagia (88.6%), followed by the desire for motherhood (37.8%) and dysmenorrhoea (20.2%) for myomas most often FIGO type 4 (p = 0.0031). Myomectomy under cervical-isthmic tourniquet was the most common procedure for FIGO type 4 myomas (66.1%; p = 0.0543). Hysterectomy was most frequently performed for FIGO type 7 myomas (43.9%; p = 0.0543). For myomectomy, the first complication was anaemia (3.5%) followed by uterine suture haemorrhage (1.7%) (p = 0.5139).Conclusion: Our surgical practice at the Teaching Hospital of Angre is in accordance with FIGO recommendations. However, an effort should be made to promote the minimally invasive surgical approach (laparoscopic, hysteroscopic, transvaginal ablation) for small fibroids (≤ 5 cm) or FIGO type 0 to 3, which is not very frequent in our current practice.
Andre Calixte*, Schan Lartigue, Scott McGaugh, Michael Mathelier, Anjali Patel, Mohammad Reza Hosseini Siyanaki, Kevin Pierre and Brandon Lucke-Wold
Published on: 20th June, 2023
Neurointerventional Radiology (NIR), encompassing neuroendovascular surgery, endovascular neurosurgery, and interventional neurology, is an innovative and rapidly evolving multidisciplinary specialty focused on minimally invasive therapies for a wide range of neurological disorders. This review provides a comprehensive overview of NIR, discussing the three routes into the field, highlighting their distinct training paradigms, and emphasizing the importance of unified approaches through organizations like the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS).The paper explores the benefits of co-managed care and its potential to improve patient outcomes, as well as the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-disciplinary integration in advancing the field. We discuss the various contributions of neurosurgery, radiology, and neurology to cerebrovascular surgery, aiming to inform and educate those interested in pursuing a career in neurointervention. Additionally, the review examines the adoption of innovative technologies such as robotic-assisted techniques and artificial intelligence in NIR, and their implications for patient care and the future of the specialty. By presenting a comprehensive analysis of the field of neurointervention, we hope to inspire those considering a career in this exciting and rapidly advancing specialty, and underscore the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in shaping its future.
It was about K3C60 organic superconductors related to a region found in Belgie at least funding & cash case denoted in mathematics dealt with economical realms, instead of econophysics. We also dealt with fusion also discussed in pure mathematics of tensor & Connes fusion as well as µ-catalyzed fusion.Accompany the ‘the most economical covering of space by sphere’ [the so-called “thinnest covering”] and thus they mainly arrange in a superlattice, - due to the thick organic shell, the orientational ordering of nanocrystals within this type of superlattice is low, therefore this type of crystal is not a monocrystal.
pH buffer solutions are those in which minimal pH variations occur when moderate amounts of strong acids or bases are added or diluted. The most common buffers are those used in the intermediate pH zone and are made up of an acid-base conjugate pair (HA/A-), with Ca and Cb as analytical concentrations of acid and base respectively. The buffer capacity of a solution is the measure of its effectiveness in preserving the pH value when adding an acid or a base. Three new programs working under the Windows 10 environment have been developed. The first one, the BUFFER program, allows to prepare buffers of known ionic strength without the need of adding an inert electrolyte, calculating the pH and buffering capacity. On the other hand, the BRÖMSTED method allows calculating the pH of conjugated acid-base systems applying the Newton-Raphson method. In this work two more programs are described, one applying the Brömsted method to monoprotic acids and another new one to diprotic acids.
Eye donation and eye banking are a boon in eye health care services for visual rehabilitation and corneal tattooing aesthetic purpose in post-trauma corneal opacities.A young female reported to our hospital with a complaint of corneal opacity and difficulty in closing her left eye. On examination, she was diagnosed with a “Corneal scar with an Inadvertent bleb”. The patient reported a history of corneoscleral injury for more than four years. A slit lamp examination showed a corneal scar with a micro leak at the inferotemporal scleral region.
María Nieves Balaguer Cartagena*, Ester Villareal Tello, Begoña Balerdi Pérez, Andrés Briones Gómez, Raquel Martínez Tomás and Enrique Cases Viedma
Published on: 17th June, 2023
Introduction: Total bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) continues to be the treatment of choice for alveolar proteinosis (AP), facilitating the removal of lipoprotein material. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the impact of haemodynamic, biochemical, and respiratory parameters, as well as the complications and evolution of patients undergoing this procedure. Methods: Retrospective, observational, and descriptive study of BAL. The technique was performed in the Intensive Care Unit. Blood gases, blood pressure, central venous pressure, body temperature, and fluid balance were analyzed. Results: Including eight patients, thirty-eight BAL were performed from 2008 to 2021. The mean instillation of saline at each session was 13.464 ± 4.002 ml per lung. No significant changes were observed before and after BAL in heart rate and blood pressure. Mean central venous pressure increased by 2.59 cm H20. The pO2 initial was 126 mmHg with a final mean of 69.7 mmHg, with statistical significance. The pCO2, HCO3 and pH parameters remained stable. Complications were observed during fifteen of the thirty-eight BAL (nine with arterial hypotension, three with glottic oedema, one acute pulmonary oedema, one pneumothorax, and one cardiorespiratory arrest). In terms of evolution, one case had a clinical-radiological resolution, one case of exits, one required lung transplantation, and the remaining five remained stable. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the procedure, is well tolerated haemodynamically and that the biochemical alterations to which the patient is subjected are not compromised. With few complications and good results in delaying the progression of AP.
Kasonde Chanda, Liang Sheng Lian, Kong Yi Yan, Huang Qian, Gulidiya Abulikem, Royd Nkalamo Nonde and Ying Xiao Yan*
Published on: 16th June, 2023
Background: 800 women die and 2.6 million stillbirths occur worldwide related to pregnancy complications. Racial/ethnic disparities in pregnancy-related mortality have continued to be significantly higher among black than whites due to various factors. We sought to investigate complications among pregnant women of different race/ethnicity.Methods: Cross-sectional observational study of 2030 obstetric cases randomly selected for the period January 1 to December 31, 2021. Data was collected from the hard copy and electronic inpatients’ records. Analysis was performed using SPSS version 23. Descriptive statistics analyzed the pregnancy complication frequencies, standard deviations, range, minimum and maximum values. Maternal characteristics were analyzed using an independent samples t-test. Maternal characteristics were evaluated using the two samples t-test. The odds ratios and confidence intervals were calculated as measures of association between ethnicity/race and pregnancy complications using a binary logistic regression model. Confidence interval was set at 95% and p < 0.05 (2-tailed) was considered statistically significant.Results: 76.25% of Chinese and 67.86% of Zambians were affected by one or more complications. The mean ± standard deviation for MGH [age (26.69 ± 7.33), gravidity (3.35 ± 2.08), and parity (2.07 ± 1.68)] and for 2nd affiliated hospital was [age (30.04 ± 4.29), gravidity (2.19 ± 1.38) and parity (0.45 ± 0.55)]. Prevalence of top five pregnancy complications in the Chinese group was gestational diabetes mellitus at 18.41%, hypothyroidism at 15.91%, oligohydramnios at 14.39%, premature rupture of membranes at 12.17%, and anemia at 5.73%. The prevalence of the top five pregnancy complications in the Zambian group was preeclampsia at 13.80%, PIH at 12.74%, PROM at 12.45%, eclampsia at 7.53%, and placenta abruption at 7.43%. Statistical significance findings were noted as follows: Oligohydramnios [OR 0.02, CI (0.01 - 0.05), p = 0.000], placenta praevia [OR 0.08, CI (0.01 - 0.61), p = 0.015], preeclampsia [OR 13.10, CI (7.22 - 23.78), p = 0.000], placenta abruptio [OR 79.73, CI (11.07 - 574.38), p = 0.000], PIH [OR 11.95, CI (6.57 - 21.73), p = 0.005], eclampsia [OR 162.90, CI (10.08 - 2631, p = 0.000), PPROM [OR 0.03, CI (0.00 - 0.45), p = 0.012], GDM [OR 0.11, CI (0.07 - 0.17), p = 0.000], hypothyroidism [OR 0.01(0.00-0.03), p = 0.000], anemia [OR 0.18, CI (0.92-0.34), p = 0.000], ICP [OR 0.03, CI (0.00 - 0.48), p = 0.013], syphilis [OR 7.17, CI (2.14 - 24.02), p = 0.001], UTI [OR 22.55, CI (3.04 - 17.26), p = 0.002], HBV [OR 0.05, CI (0.00 - 0.86), p = 0.039] and GBS [OR 0.06, CI (0.00 - 1.11), p = 0.059].Conclusion: Highest odds for obstetrical and infection-related pregnancy complications were associated with Zambian cases. The highest odds for medical complications were associated with Chinese cases.
Proper feeding practices at an early age are the key to improving a child’s overall health and achieving developmental milestones. In Bangladesh, a large portion of rural girls become mothers before the age of 18. Past records show that most interventions are designed to improve infant and young child feeding practices targeting older mothers. That is why, this study has been designed with an aim to explore the perceptions and practices of infant and young children feeding among rural Bangladeshi mothers aged <19 years old. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and group discussions with a total of 40 adolescent mothers who have children aged 0-3 years. Data has revealed that the majority of the mothers hold very limited knowledge of nutrition and child nutrition but those who are educationally a bit ahead hold a little better knowledge. Participants are aware of breastfeeding but they all misinterpret the term ‘exclusive breastfeeding’ with other liquid food. It has also emerged that most of the mothers know the ideal timing of starting complementary feeding but very few of them actually understand what to feed children. In spite of having misconceptions and superstation rural adolescent mothers practice responsive feeding instead of force-feeding. No gender discrimination has been found regarding child feeding. The findings of the study pinpointed that mothers are unable to practice proper infant and child feeding due to a lack of knowledge and limited affordability. Educating girls & young mothers and improving financial security could be an effective way to promote improved infant feeding practices.
Alanna N Gillespie, Richard Saffery, Andrew J Daley, Gregory Waller, Bowon Kim, Melissa Wake, Anna Czajko and Valerie Sung*
Published on: 16th June, 2023
Targeted screening for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) children is now internationally recommended. With newborn genomic screening for DHH children a future possibility, the commercially-available human genomic DNA collection kit (ORACollect, Oragene OCR-100) could enable one single sample to screen for CMV and genetic causes of deafness at scale with minimal additional costs. Our pilot study validated ORACollect against Copan FLOQswabs® (gold standard clinical procedure) for detecting CMV using 15 sets of saliva samples from 14 infants/children, comparing CMV PCR results using different testing protocols. ORACollect stored at room temperature had high sensitivity (up to 89%), specificity (up to 80%) and percent agreement (up to 86%) in detecting CMV DNA compared to FLOQswabs®. This suggests that ORACollect is an appropriate alternative to FLOQswabs® for collecting viral CMV DNA for PCR testing, independent of the DNA extraction approach. This could be revolutionary in facilitating dual genomic and viral screening in newborns and would enable CMV screening in non-tertiary hospital settings where laboratory facilities are not available.
Vandna Kumari, Gaurav Sharma, Mohil and Shamsher S Kanwar*
Published on: 16th June, 2023
Monkeypox is a sylvatic zoonotic sickness that initially affected tropical rainforest areas in the west and vital Africa earlier than spreading to other places. Its miles carried with the aid of the Monkeypox virus member of orthopoxvirus circle of relatives. The clinical features of the infection resembles to smallpox. The primary animal to human transmission is the cause of most people of human Monkeypox ailments. Severe rodent species and non-human primates function hosts for the virus. Transmission can manifest with infected people, animals or objects into contact with bodily fluids, sores on the skin or inner mucosal surfaces just like the mouth or throat, or breathing droplets. The incubation length for Monkeypox usually lasts 6 to 13 days, even though it could last as long as 21 days. The ailment is often self-proscribing, with signs and symptoms generally clearing up on their own inside 14 to 21 days. Signs can range from moderate to extreme, and lesions may be itchy or painful. Due to the discontinuation of recurring smallpox vaccination which supplied some pass- safety in past, populations have become more liable to Monkey pox. The outbreak of Monkeypox virus due to the fact that may additionally, 2022 has created a worldwide risk of the virus. In the present review, Monkeypox epidemiology, severity, therapeutics, vaccination and its transmission to non-endemic countries has been considered. Special care and guidelines may help in the containing in the spread of the infections to the non endemic countries.
Md Mizanur Rahaman*, Md Iqbal Sikder and Muhammad Ali Khan and Muhammad Torequl Islam
Published on: 16th June, 2023
Genistein is an isoflavone glycoside that provides a variety of health advantages. The possibility of cancer chemopreventive drugs derived from natural sources, such as polyphenols, may constitute a novel, cost-effective strategy to reduce the rising burden of cancer throughout the world. A soy-rich diet was linked to cancer prevention in several epidemiological studies, which was explained by the presence of the phenolic component genistein in soy-based foods. Inhibiting metastasis and changing apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis are the key ways that genistin fights various cancers. It acts as a chemotherapeutic agent against different types of cancer, mainly by altering apoptosis, the cell cycle, and angiogenesis and inhibiting metastasis. This study critically evaluates the literature that is currently available on the therapeutic benefits of genistin for various cancers.
Yan Shun NG*, Marlene Samantha Sze Minn GOH and Manisha Mathur
Published on: 14th June, 2023
There are few reported cases of meningitis in pregnancy and presentation can be variable in each patient which may cause diagnostic challenges and potential delays in treatment. Here, we discuss a case of aseptic meningitis - a 36 years old Gravida 2 Para 1 pediatric physician with “the worst headache of her life” at 31+5 weeks of gestation. At presentation, she did not have any of the classic triads of meningitis (fever, neck stiffness, and/or a change in mental status) and did not report any neurological symptoms. In view of persistent headache, development of pyrexia, and evolving symptoms of photophobia, she was referred to a neurology specialist, and a lumbar puncture was performed. Findings were in line with meningitis and the polymerase chain reaction confirmed enterovirus meningitis. Although aseptic meningitis is rare, it should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with persistent complaints, development of associated symptoms of pyrexia, photophobia, and neck pain, as well as in patients with increased risk of exposure to viral illnesses.
This review paper investigates the relationship between creatine supplementation and the Akt/mTOR pathway, focusing on their impact on muscle performance. The Akt/mTOR pathway is a crucial signaling pathway that regulates muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy in response to growth factors, nutrients, and mechanical stimuli. Recent evidence suggests that creatine supplementation can influence anabolic signaling pathways, including the phosphorylation of p70S6K, a downstream target of mTOR, leading to enhanced activation of the Akt/mTOR pathway. Additionally, creatine supplementation has been shown to increase intramuscular creatine and phosphocreatine levels, improving ATP availability during exercise and enhancing high-intensity muscle contractions. Understanding the complex regulatory mechanisms of the Akt/mTOR pathway is vital for optimizing muscle performance, as dysregulated signaling can hinder muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophic responses. This review highlights the potential of creatine supplementation to modulate the Akt/mTOR pathway, offering insights into its mechanisms and implications for muscle performance enhancement. By unraveling this connection, researchers and practitioners can develop targeted strategies to maximize muscle performance and promote adaptive responses in various exercise and athletic contexts.
Tade Yanick S*, Liu John L and Miguel A Pirela Cruz
Published on: 14th June, 2023
Elbow hemiarthroplasty (EHA) is a highly effective procedure for treating various elbow joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and fractures involving the articular surface of the distal humerus. It involves replacing the entire distal humerus with a prosthesis and reattaching the supporting soft tissues. The EHA provides significant pain relief, improves joint function, and increases patient satisfaction, with minimal complications that can be easily managed. This case study demonstrates the value of EHA as a viable treatment option for distal humerus fractures in older adults with moderate activity levels, as a superior alternative to osteosynthesis.
Patrick Ting*, Aayaan Sahu, Nishad Wajge, Vineet Rao, Hiresh Poosarla and Phil Mui
Published on: 12th June, 2023
Background: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the health crisis left in its wake, our goal is to develop extensive machine-learning techniques to provide a clear picture of the treatment, and possible mistreatment, of specific patient demographics during hospital triaging.Objective: We aim to reveal whether a patient’s treatment and hospital disposition is related to the following attributes - Emergency Severity Index (ESI), gender, employment status, insurance status, race, or ethnicity which our 100 MB dataset included.Materials and methods: Our work is separated into two parts - the classification task and data analysis. As part of the classification task, we used the k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier, the F1-score, and a random forest. We then analyze the data using SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values to determine the importance of each attribute.Results: Our findings show that significance varies for each attribute. Notably, we found that patients with private insurance programs receive better treatment compared to patients with federal-run healthcare programs (e.g. Medicaid, Medicare). Furthermore, a patient’s ethnicity has a greater impact on treatment for patients under 40 years of age for any given ESI level. Surprisingly, our findings show language is not a barrier during treatment.Discussion and conclusion: We, therefore, conclude that although hospitals may not be doing so intentionally, there is a systemic bias in hospital triaging for specific patient demographics. For future works, we hope to aggregate additional patient data from hospitals to find whether specific demographics of patients receive better healthcare in different parts of the United States.
Sarah Otun*, Ikechukwu Achilonu and Khayalethu Ntushelo
Published on: 10th June, 2023
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a necrotrophic plant pathogen causing more than 60 different disease symptoms in approximately 400 plants globally. Hence, due to this distinctive characteristic, S. sclerotiorum has been the subject of various research to comprehend its pathogenicity mechanism, including virulent genes, proteins, and metabolites. Likewise, the genomic annotation of S. sclerotiorum uncovered its remarkable potential for producing secondary metabolites, of which genome mining has additionally prompted the disclosure of these uncharacterized metabolic pathways, which might aid the pathogenicity process. To comprehend the secondary metabolites secreted by S. sclerotiorum that might be involved in its pathogenicity, a secondary metabolite-level investigation of this plant pathogen was performed. Profiling and characterizing these secondary metabolites produced during in vitro germination would increase the current knowledge of this pathogen. In this study, S. sclerotiorum secondary metabolites profile examination was conducted, utilizing the Ultra-High Resolution Qq-Time-Of-Flight mass spectrometer (UHR-QqTOF). Proficient data analysis and verification with the genomic pathways of S. sclerotiorum gave an unequivocal metabolome profile of this pathogen. Two hundred and thirty secondary metabolites were identified in all three biological replicates, and their bodily functions were identified.
Olowosebioba AA*, Folorunsho AD, Akindele BA, Akingbade FS, Andrew IO and Olaniyi GA
Published on: 9th June, 2023
Cities with developing economies experience exhausted waste collection services, and inadequately managed and uncontrolled dumpsites; which is an ongoing challenge and many struggles due to weak institutions and rapid urbanization. The purpose of the research is to design and construct a smart garbage disposal system using a two-way power supply unit (that is, the electrical power supply unit and solar power supply unit) based on Arduino Nano that utilizes ATMEGA 328p microcontroller. Two pairs of ultrasonic sensors, the pair that faced upward detects the presence of garbage disposal agent at a close distance of (5 - 50) cm and then opens the lid while the other pair faced the inside of the container senses when the container is filled up and then closes the container until it is emptied are used.
This paper is grounded in a series of medical texts that survive from ancient Mesopotamia. It seeks to show the relevance of these texts for the modern researcher. Key findings are that the ancient Mesopotamian physician had already discovered many of the herbal treatments currently being verified by modern science. Armed with what these ancient texts tell us, we are in a position to offer advice on ways to ensure the most effective use of and avoid the dangers presented by selected medicinal plants.
Patricia Alejandra Garrido Ruiz* and Marta Román Garrido
Published on: 8th June, 2023
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is rarely diagnosed as spinal cord compression syndrome. Caused by an epidural mass, this complication is often encountered in the late stage of the disease. We report two cases presenting symptoms of low thoracic spinal cord compression due to an epidural tumor on the MRI. Possible complications that may occur and how to prevent adverse events during surgery are essential. This case is of special interest for being a low-incidence pathology in a rare location. The case is of high interest because of the importance of resecting the lesion to prevent sequels and the complexity of its management and highlights the importance of considering the diagnosis of this event.
Izuchukwu Loveth Ejie, Maureen Ugonwa Anetoh, Rita Oluebubechukwu Atakulu, Brian Onyebuchi Ogbonna*, Amarachi Triumph Nwabanne, Chinazom Cynthia Agujiobi, Benjamin Maduabuchukwu Aniugbo, Ifeoma Blessing Umeh, Chijioke Maxwell Ofomata and Chisom God'swil
Published on: 8th June, 2023
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding has great benefits for both the mother and the child. Few studies have been carried out on interventions to improve Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF) practice by childbearing mothers. No study has formulated and/or implemented a hospital-based maternal counseling guide intervention to improve EBF practice. This baseline study assessed the knowledge, attitude, and practice of EBF on mothers who were enrolled in antenatal clinics for a cluster randomized trial and the disparity in the knowledge of EBF based on lactation, age, sex, and source of income.Methods: We formulated a hospital-based counseling guide on exclusive breastfeeding, which is under implementation by prenatal and nursing mothers, to promote EBF practice in the study area. A cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals randomly selected from twelve hospitals in Anambra State. The study was among pregnant women who were in their second trimester. The data collection took place from March to April 2022. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square. The test of significance was set at p < 0.05.Results: The control and the intervention arms had an equal number of enrolees (144) each and more than half of the participants were between the ages of 23 – 32 years. The majority of the participants showed adequate knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding as over 90% knew that EBF is important and capable of improving their baby's immunity. The participants demonstrated a positive attitude to exclusive breastfeeding and they had a significantly high level of practice of daily consumption of galactagogues. The study suggested that the majority did not practice breast milk extraction mainly because the process of extraction is painful and some do not know how to carry out the extraction.Conclusion: The mothers have the requisite knowledge of the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding to their infants and themselves. However, they do not practice EBF. Interventions to improve EBF practice should focus on educating mothers on proper breast milk extraction and storage techniques.
A collegiate football player presented to the athletic training room with the complaint of intermittent left upper extremity swelling. Deep vein thromboses as well as abnormalities of the cervical spine were ruled out initially. He was referred to a vascular surgeon and diagnosed with McCleery Syndrome after evaluation of the thoracic outlet with dynamic ultrasound testing. He was treated surgically for decompression of his venous thoracic outlet syndrome and has since made a full recovery.
It was pyrite from Congo which conducts electricity but cannot store it as the existing event of catalytic nanomotors. Herewith provided discussion and description from nanodiamond contained in meteorite to alkylation reaction any catalytic nanomotors proposed to enhance the built-in DNA-wave biocomputer.We found chondrite meteorites in primitive types of space rock.
Danilo Merlini, Luca Rusconi, Massimo Sala and Nicoletta Sala*
Published on: 5th June, 2023
In the search for a solution to the Riemann Hypothesis, we have studied an approach that connects the Riemann Problem with physical modeling that refers to statistical mechanics.Thus, we study the relation between a truncation of the Riemann ξ function in the variable z = 1-1/s, where s is the usual complex variable (s=Re(s)+i·Im(s) = ρ + i·t) and the partition function of a ferromagnetic spin 1/2 model on a circle C with long-range interaction, to give a concrete look at a strategy for a possible proof of the Riemann Hypothesis.
Kwokori Christopher O, Ogbonna Brian O*, Anetoh Maureen U, Mbagwu Sonne I and Offu Ogochukwu F
Published on: 5th June, 2023
Background: The socioeconomic impact of drug and substance abuse on secondary school students in Nigeria is yet to be fully evaluated even in the face of the current surge in abuse of substances among the younger folks who constitute more than half of the entire population.Objective: This study narratively reviewed the studies on the socioeconomic impacts of drug and substance abuse on secondary school students and studies by researchers in Nigeria. Methods: The study was a narrative review of the literature covering the socioeconomic impacts of drug and substance abuse on secondary school students in Nigeria from 1980 to 2023. Data were extracted and summarized with descriptive statistics. Results: All the studies took place between 2012 and 2023; 6 (100%). The studies carried out were all observational studies 6 (100%). All the studies fell below average in the benchmark for the hierarchy of evidence-based studies. The studies mostly took place in the South-West 3 (50.00%), while 1 (16.67%) took place in the South-East, North-West, and North-Central respective regions of Nigeria.Conclusion: The available studies done on the impacts of drug and substance abuse focused more on the social impacts, with little or no attention to the economic effect. The available studies however remain at the observational level in the evidence-based ladder. Future Research on the reviewed theme should focus on the economic implications of the social effects of drug and substance abuse on secondary school students in Nigeria.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral hygiene status of patients with fixed mechanotherapy appliances.Methods and materials: The following indices were used to evaluate the oral hygiene status of patients in orthodontic treatment: Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI), Plaque index (PI) and OrthoPlaque Index (OPI) at three intervals.T0 (day 1), T1 (15 days), T2 (30 days) for a period of one month.Results: 10 patients (15-30 years old) were selected for the study from among the orthodontic patients treated at the Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, AIDSR, Adesh University. Results showed that the mean PI decreased significantly from T0 to T1 & then from T1 to T2, GI decreased significantly from T0 to T1, but then, no significant difference could be found in GI from T1 to T2, OPI decreased significantly from T0 to T1, but then, no significant difference could be found in OPI from T1 to T2. No significant difference was observed between male and female patients for the PI, GI and OPI.Conclusion: Inadequate oral home care among orthodontic patients may increase their risk of gingivitis during treatment. As a result, oral hygiene instructions and a hygiene maintenance program must not be overlooked during orthodontic treatment.
This article investigates the viability of SARS-CoV-2 and its dependence on pH levels, specifically focusing on the difference between the pH stability intervals for the coronavirus and human blood. Human blood typically maintains a pH range of around 7.35 to 7.45, while SARS-CoV-2 exhibits stability within the pH range of 6.0 to 6.5. The study aims to elucidate the critical role of hemoglobin in maintaining pH balance and explores its implications for viral susceptibility. The findings emphasize the importance of reinforcing the alkalinity of the medium as a means to weaken the virus. The research contributes to the understanding of pH-dependent mechanisms in viral infections and provides valuable insights for the development of potential therapeutic strategies.
This is a literature review study focusing on the expression of p53 and WT1. Both the p53 and WT1 proteins are tumor suppressors, which means that they play a role in preventing the progression into cancerous ones. If these proteins are altered or deleted, they lose the ability to carry out their role, which might result in the development of cancer. The primary objectives of this study were to review the literature regarding the expression of both p53 and WT1 and to investigate their prognostic significance; and to discuss our new hypothesis regarding the ratios of expression of WT1/p53, as well as our model regarding acute myeloid leukemia. In brief, the objectives were to make the focus in the suggested hypothesis as well as collecting the supportive literature. According to the findings of the current research, the level of expression of WT1 and p53 can indicate either a favorable or unfavorable prognosis for cancer patients. Further, we demonstrated that the expression, not just as a quality variable but also as a quantity variable, may have a more substantial explanation in the progression of tumors than we had previously thought. According to the theory that was derived from this research, if the expression of WT1/p53 (the expression is given as a ratio) is somewhere around 4, then p53 acts as though it were wild type and offers protection against tumors. In order to verify this idea, we need to do additional study.
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