Author Guidelines


In the realm of academic publishing, author instructions and policies serve as crucial blueprints for maintaining quality, integrity, and transparency in scholarly communication. For Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI), establishing comprehensive author instructions and policies is paramount to ensure a smooth and ethical publication process.

1.1. Importance of Author Guidelines

In the dynamic realm of academic publishing, where knowledge dissemination is paramount, author instructions emerge as guiding beacons illuminating the path for researchers. These instructions serve as comprehensive manuals, meticulously detailing the intricate process of manuscript submission, review, and eventual publication. They provide authors with invaluable insights into the expectations and standards set forth by scholarly journals, ensuring that their submissions align with the prescribed formats and ethical considerations.

1.2. Purpose of Author Policy

The purpose of author policy within academic publishing is multifaceted and profound. At its core, author policy serves as a framework for maintaining the integrity, credibility, and transparency of scholarly communication. By delineating the rights and responsibilities of authors, as well as the ethical considerations governing research conduct, author policies safeguard against misconduct and malpractice, fostering an environment of trust and accountability within the academic community.

1.3. Navigating the Publication Landscape

Navigating the intricate landscape of academic publishing can be a daunting endeavor for researchers, particularly those new to the field. Author instructions serve as indispensable navigational tools, offering clear and concise instructions on manuscript preparation, submission procedures, and ethical considerations. By providing authors with a roadmap for navigating the publication process, these instructions empower researchers to effectively communicate their findings while adhering to the highest standards of scholarly integrity.

1.4. Facilitating Quality and Consistency

In an era characterized by information overload and rapid dissemination, maintaining the quality and consistency of scholarly publications is of paramount importance. Author instructions play a pivotal role in this endeavor by establishing uniform standards for manuscript preparation and submission. By ensuring that submissions adhere to prescribed formatting requirements and citation styles, these instructions facilitate the dissemination of high-quality, rigorously vetted research, enhancing the credibility and impact of scholarly publications.

1.5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the introduction of comprehensive author instructions and policies is instrumental in fostering a culture of excellence, integrity, and transparency within the academic publishing landscape. By equipping authors with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the publication process effectively, these instructions empower researchers to communicate their findings with clarity and confidence while upholding the highest standards of scholarly integrity.

Components of Author Guidelines and Policy

2.1. Submission Guidelines

Submission instructions serve as the initial point of contact between authors and Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI), outlining the requirements and procedures for submitting manuscripts. These instructions are designed to streamline the submission process and ensure that manuscripts are submitted in a format that is conducive to the peer review and publication process.

2.1.1. Formatting Requirements

Authors are provided with specific formatting requirements for their manuscripts, including instructions for font size, spacing, margins, and citation style. Adhering to these formatting requirements helps to ensure consistency across submissions and facilitates the peer review process.

2.1.2. Submission Process

The submission process is outlined in detail, including instructions on how to submit manuscripts through the HSPI online submission portal. Authors are also provided with guidance on preparing a cover letter, which may include information about the significance of the research and any conflicts of interest.

2.2. Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript preparation encompasses the formatting and organization of the manuscript itself, from the title page to the reference section. This section of the author instructions provides authors with detailed instructions on how to structure their manuscripts to meet the standards set forth by HSPI.

2.2.1. Title Page

Authors are instructed on how to format the title page of their manuscript, including instructions for the title, author names, affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author. The title page serves as the first impression of the manuscript and should be formatted according to HSPI instructions.

2.2.2. Abstract

Guidelines for writing the abstract are provided, including instructions on its length, content, and formatting. The abstract should provide a concise summary of the key findings of the study, allowing readers to quickly assess its relevance and significance.

2.2.3. Keywords

Authors are asked to provide a list of keywords that accurately reflect the content of their manuscript. These keywords help to index the manuscript and make it more discoverable to readers searching for relevant literature in their field.

2.2.4. Main Text

Instructions for organizing the main text of the manuscript are provided, including instructions for structuring sections such as the introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Authors are encouraged to follow a logical and coherent structure that facilitates understanding and engagement with the research.

2.2.5. References

Guidelines for formatting references are provided, including instructions on citation style, formatting, and the inclusion of essential bibliographic information. Proper citation is crucial for giving credit to previous work and providing readers with the information they need to locate cited sources.

2.3. Author Responsibilities

Authors have certain responsibilities throughout the publication process, including ensuring the originality of their work, disclosing any conflicts of interest, and acknowledging contributions from others. This section of the author instructions outlines these responsibilities and provides guidance on how authors can fulfill them.

2.3.1. Ensure Originality

Authors are reminded of the importance of ensuring the originality of their work and avoiding plagiarism. They are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software and to cite all sources properly to give credit to the original authors.

2.3.2. Disclose Conflicts of Interest

Authors are required to disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research or its outcomes. Full disclosure of conflicts of interest helps to maintain transparency and integrity in the publication process.

2.3.3. Acknowledge Contributions

Authors should acknowledge contributions from individuals who have provided assistance or support during the research process. This may include funding agencies, research collaborators, or individuals who provided technical or editorial assistance.

2.4. Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations are central to the publication process, and authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards in their research and writing. This section of the author instructions addresses issues such as the protection of human and animal rights, obtaining informed consent, and disclosing funding sources.

2.4.1. Protect Human and Animal Rights

Authors conducting research involving human participants or animals must ensure that their studies comply with ethical standards and regulations. This includes obtaining informed consent from participants and ensuring the welfare and rights of human and animal subjects.

2.4.2. Obtain Informed Consent

Authors must obtain informed consent from participants involved in research studies, ensuring that they understand the nature of the research and its potential implications. Informed consent is essential for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants.

2.4.3. Disclose Funding Sources

Authors should disclose any sources of funding or financial support received for the research. This includes grants, scholarships, or other forms of financial assistance that may have influenced the conduct or outcome of the research.

Submission Guidelines

Authors submitting manuscripts to HSPI are required to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Formatting Requirements: Manuscripts should be formatted according to the HSPI style guide, including font size, spacing, and citation style.
  • Submission Process: Manuscripts should be submitted through the HSPI online submission portal, accompanied by a cover letter detailing the significance of the research and any conflicts of interest.

Submission instructions serve as the gateway through which authors embark on their journey of disseminating their research findings to the wider academic community. Within the hallowed halls of Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI), adherence to these instructions is paramount, ensuring that each manuscript undergoes a rigorous and standardized evaluation process. Let's delve into the intricacies of HSPI's submission instructions, exploring the formatting requirements and submission protocols that authors must adhere to in order to navigate this labyrinthine process successfully.

3.1 Formatting Requirements

At the cornerstone of manuscript preparation lies adherence to formatting requirements that ensure consistency and readability. Authors submitting manuscripts to HSPI are expected to adhere to a predefined style guide, encompassing elements such as font size, spacing, margins, and citation style. Consistency in formatting not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the manuscript but also facilitates ease of review by editors and reviewers, ensuring that the focus remains squarely on the content rather than stylistic discrepancies.

3.2 Submission Process

Navigating the submission process can often be a daunting prospect for authors, fraught with uncertainty and anxiety. However, at HSPI, we strive to streamline this process, making it as seamless and user-friendly as possible. Manuscripts should be submitted through the HSPI online submission portal, accessible via our website. Authors are required to create an account on the portal, providing essential information such as their name, affiliation, and contact details. Once registered, authors can initiate the submission process, guided step-by-step through the various sections required for manuscript submission.

3.3 Cover Letter

Accompanying each manuscript should be a cover letter that serves as a gateway for authors to communicate directly with the editorial team at HSPI. This cover letter should provide a brief overview of the significance of the research conducted, contextualizing its importance within the broader academic landscape. Additionally, authors should use this opportunity to disclose any conflicts of interest or other relevant information that may impact the review process. The cover letter serves as the first point of contact between the author and the editorial team, setting the stage for a constructive and collaborative relationship throughout the publication process.

3.4 Review and Decision

Following submission, manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process, wherein they are evaluated by experts in the field for their scientific merit, originality, and adherence to ethical standards. The review process at HSPI is double-blinded, ensuring impartiality and objectivity in the evaluation of each manuscript. Based on the feedback provided by reviewers, the editorial team at HSPI makes a decision regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication. Authors are promptly notified of the editorial decision, accompanied by constructive feedback to aid in manuscript revision if necessary.

3.5 Revision and Final Submission

In the event that revisions are requested by the editorial team, authors are given the opportunity to address reviewer comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. Once revisions have been made, authors are required to submit the final version of their manuscript through the online submission portal. The final submission should include all revisions and any additional documentation requested by the editorial team.

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts submitted to HSPI should include the following components:

  • Title Page: The title page should include the title of the manuscript, the names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Abstract: A concise abstract summarizing the key findings of the study should be included.
  • Keywords: Authors should provide a list of keywords that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.
  • Main Text: The main text should be organized into sections such as introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • References: All references cited within the manuscript should be listed in a separate reference section following the main text.

4.1. Title Page

The title page serves as the initial gateway to a manuscript, offering readers a glimpse into the essence of the research to follow. At Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI), meticulous attention to detail is paramount when crafting the title page of a manuscript. The title itself should be concise yet descriptive, capturing the essence of the research in a few succinct words. Authors are encouraged to choose titles that are both informative and engaging, enticing readers to delve deeper into the contents of the manuscript.

In addition to the title, the title page should also include vital information such as the names and affiliations of all contributing authors. Each author's affiliation should be clearly delineated, providing readers with insight into the institutional affiliations and expertise of the researchers involved. Furthermore, contact information for the corresponding author should be provided, facilitating seamless communication between authors and potential readers or reviewers.

4.2. Abstract

The abstract serves as a condensed summary of the entire manuscript, offering readers a snapshot of the research objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions. At HSPI, crafting an effective abstract is considered an art form, requiring authors to distill complex ideas and findings into a concise yet informative format. The abstract should provide readers with a clear understanding of the research question, the methodology employed, the key findings, and the implications of the research.

In addition to summarizing the content of the manuscript, the abstract should also be structured in a coherent and logical manner. This typically involves organizing the abstract into distinct sections, such as background, methods, results, and conclusions. By adhering to this structure, authors can ensure that readers can quickly and easily grasp the essential elements of the research presented in the manuscript.

4.3. Keywords

Keywords play a crucial role in facilitating the discoverability of a manuscript within academic databases and search engines. At HSPI, authors are encouraged to choose keywords that accurately reflect the content and focus of their research. These keywords should be carefully selected based on their relevance to the subject matter and their potential to attract the attention of readers and researchers in the field.

In addition to selecting appropriate keywords, authors should also ensure that they adhere to any specific formatting or submission requirements outlined by HSPI. This may include instructions regarding the number of keywords allowed, the use of specific terminology, or the inclusion of keywords in a designated section of the manuscript.

4.4. Main Text

The main text of a manuscript represents the heart of the research, providing readers with a detailed exploration of the research question, methodology, findings, and interpretation. At HSPI, authors are encouraged to structure the main text in a clear and logical manner, following established conventions for academic writing in their respective fields.

Typically, the main text of a manuscript will be organized into distinct sections, such as introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section should flow seamlessly from one to the next, guiding readers through the research process and highlighting the significance of the findings. Authors should also ensure that their writing is clear, concise, and free from jargon, allowing readers from diverse backgrounds to engage with the content.

4.5. References

The references section of a manuscript provides readers with a comprehensive list of sources cited within the text, allowing them to explore the broader context of the research and verify the accuracy of the information presented. At HSPI, authors are expected to adhere to established citation styles and formatting instructions when compiling their references.

In addition to providing accurate and complete citation information, authors should also ensure that they adhere to any specific formatting requirements outlined by HSPI. This may include instructions regarding the citation of different types of sources, the use of abbreviations, or the inclusion of DOI numbers for online references.

Author Responsibilities

Authors submitting manuscripts to HSPI are expected to:

  • Ensure Originality: Authors should ensure that their work is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  • Disclose Conflicts of Interest: Authors should disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research.
  • Acknowledge Contributions: Authors should acknowledge contributions from individuals who have provided assistance or support during the research process.

Authors submitting manuscripts to Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI) bear a significant responsibility not only to produce high-quality research but also to adhere to ethical standards and instructions throughout the publication process. These responsibilities are delineated below:

5.1. Ensure Originality

One of the foremost responsibilities of authors is to ensure the originality of their work. This entails conducting thorough literature reviews to ascertain the novelty of their research findings and to avoid any form of plagiarism. Authors must be vigilant in citing all sources properly and providing proper attribution to previously published work. By upholding the principle of originality, authors contribute to the integrity of the scholarly record and ensure that their contributions add value to the academic community.

5.2. Disclose Conflicts of Interest

Authors are also obligated to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from their research. Conflicts of interest can take various forms, including financial interests, affiliations with organizations that may benefit from the research, or personal relationships that could influence the interpretation of results. By transparently disclosing these conflicts, authors enable readers to assess the objectivity and credibility of the research and mitigate any perceived biases that may arise.

5.3. Acknowledge Contributions

In addition to conducting research and preparing manuscripts, authors often collaborate with colleagues, mentors, and funding agencies who contribute to the development and execution of their work. It is the responsibility of authors to acknowledge these contributions appropriately. This includes recognizing the contributions of co-authors, research assistants, and individuals who provided critical feedback or support during the research process. Acknowledgments serve not only as a gesture of gratitude but also as a means of recognizing the collective effort that goes into producing scholarly work.

5.4. Adhere to Ethical Standards

Authors are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards throughout the research and publication process. This includes conducting research in accordance with relevant ethical instructions and regulations, obtaining informed consent from human participants, and ensuring the humane treatment of animals involved in research studies. Authors must also disclose any potential conflicts of interest, adhere to principles of data integrity and confidentiality, and comply with relevant regulations governing research conduct. By upholding ethical standards, authors contribute to the trustworthiness and credibility of the scientific enterprise and protect the welfare of research participants and the integrity of the research process.

In conclusion, authors submitting manuscripts to Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI) shoulder significant responsibilities to ensure the integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct of their research. By adhering to principles of originality, transparency, acknowledgment, and ethical conduct, authors contribute to the advancement of knowledge and uphold the values of scholarly integrity and rigor.

Ethical Considerations

HSPI is committed to upholding ethical standards in research and publication. Authors are expected to:

  • Protect Human and Animal Rights: Authors should ensure that research involving human participants or animals complies with ethical standards and regulations.
  • Obtain Informed Consent: Authors should obtain informed consent from participants involved in research studies.
  • Disclose Funding Sources: Authors should disclose any sources of funding or financial support received for the research.

In the realm of academic publishing, ethical considerations are paramount to maintaining the integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness of scholarly research. Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI) is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of the publication process. This section outlines key ethical considerations that authors should be mindful of when submitting manuscripts to HSPI.

6.1. Protecting Human and Animal Rights

Research involving human participants or animals must adhere to stringent ethical standards to ensure the welfare and rights of all involved. Authors conducting studies involving human subjects are required to obtain informed consent, safeguard participant confidentiality, and protect vulnerable populations from harm. Similarly, research involving animals must comply with established instructions for humane treatment and ethical conduct.

6.2. Obtaining Informed Consent

Informed consent is a cornerstone of ethical research involving human participants. Authors must ensure that participants are fully informed about the nature and purpose of the study, any potential risks or benefits involved, and their rights regarding participation and withdrawal. Obtaining informed consent demonstrates respect for participants' autonomy and ensures that they can make well-informed decisions about their involvement in the research.

6.3. Disclosing Funding Sources

Transparency regarding funding sources is essential for maintaining the credibility and integrity of scholarly research. Authors should disclose any financial support or funding received for the research, including grants, scholarships, or sponsorships. This disclosure helps to mitigate potential conflicts of interest and ensures that readers can assess the study's objectivity and reliability with full transparency.

6.4. Maintaining Integrity in Data Reporting

Authors are expected to report their research findings accurately and honestly, without manipulating or falsifying data. Fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting of data undermines the trustworthiness of research outcomes and constitutes a serious breach of academic integrity. Authors should adhere to established instructions for data collection, analysis, and reporting to ensure the validity and reproducibility of their findings.

6.5. Respecting Intellectual Property Rights

Authors must respect the intellectual property rights of others by appropriately citing and acknowledging sources used in their research. Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is a violation of academic integrity and undermines the credibility of scholarly publications. Authors should familiarize themselves with citation conventions and instructions for proper attribution to avoid plagiarism and uphold the principles of academic honesty.

6.6. Addressing Conflicts of Interest

Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation or reporting of their research findings. Conflicts of interest may arise from financial relationships, personal affiliations, or professional obligations that could bias the research process or outcomes. Full disclosure of conflicts of interest allows readers to assess the study's objectivity and credibility with transparency.

In summary, ethical considerations are foundational to the publication process at HSPI, guiding authors in upholding the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability in their research endeavors. By adhering to ethical instructions and standards, authors contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of ethical conduct in scholarly publishing.


Clear and comprehensive author instructions and policies are essential for maintaining the integrity and credibility of scholarly publications. By adhering to these instructions, authors can contribute to the advancement of knowledge while upholding ethical standards in research.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why are author instructions and policies important?

Author instructions and policies are foundational documents in academic publishing, serving as essential tools for authors, editors, and reviewers alike. These instructions outline the expectations and requirements for manuscript preparation, submission, and publication, ensuring consistency, quality, and ethical conduct throughout the publishing process.

Importance of Clarity and Consistency: Author instructions provide authors with clear instructions on formatting, citation style, and submission procedures, ensuring that all submissions adhere to a consistent standard. This clarity not only streamlines the editorial process but also enhances the readability and professionalism of published works.

Upholding Academic Integrity: By outlining standards for originality, citation practices, and ethical conduct, author instructions play a crucial role in upholding academic integrity. Authors are required to adhere to strict ethical standards, including proper citation practices, avoidance of plagiarism, and disclosure of conflicts of interest, ensuring the credibility and trustworthiness of published research.

Facilitating the Review Process: Clear author instructions streamline the peer review process by providing reviewers with a structured framework for evaluating manuscripts. Reviewers can easily assess whether submissions meet the specified criteria, expediting the review process and ensuring that only high-quality research is published.

2. What should I include in my submission cover letter?

The submission cover letter is an essential component of the manuscript submission process, providing authors with an opportunity to communicate important information to the editorial team. While the specific content of the cover letter may vary depending on the journal or publisher, there are several key elements that authors should include:

Introduction and Purpose: Begin the cover letter by introducing yourself and providing a brief overview of the purpose of your submission. Clearly state the title of your manuscript and the corresponding author's contact information.

Significance of the Research: Briefly summarize the significance of your research and its contribution to the field. Highlight any novel findings or insights that distinguish your work from existing literature.

Declaration of Originality: Declare that the manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from the research.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledge any individuals or organizations that have contributed to the research or provided support during the writing process. This may include funding agencies, research collaborators, or colleagues who provided feedback on earlier drafts.

Closing Remarks: Conclude the cover letter with a polite expression of gratitude for the opportunity to submit your work for consideration. Thank the editor and reviewers for their time and consideration, and express your willingness to address any questions or concerns they may have.

3. How do I ensure the originality of my work?

Ensuring the originality of your work is essential to maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism. Here are some strategies to help you safeguard the originality of your research:

Thorough Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive literature review to familiarize yourself with existing research on your topic. This will help you identify gaps in the literature and ensure that your work contributes novel insights to the field.

Proper Citation Practices: Whenever you use ideas, data, or findings from other sources, be sure to cite them properly using the appropriate citation style. This includes both direct quotations and paraphrased information.

Use of Plagiarism Detection Software: Before submitting your manuscript, consider using plagiarism detection software to check for any instances of unintentional plagiarism. These tools can help you identify passages that may require additional citation or rewriting to ensure originality.

Critical Thinking and Synthesis: Instead of simply regurgitating existing research, strive to synthesize information from multiple sources and offer your own analysis and interpretation. This will demonstrate your critical thinking skills and contribute to the originality of your work.

Peer Feedback: Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or peers to ensure that your ideas are original and contribute meaningfully to the field. Peer review can help identify any potential areas of overlap with existing research and suggest ways to strengthen your argument.

4. What ethical considerations should I be aware of when conducting research?

Ethical considerations are paramount in research and publication, ensuring the protection of participants' rights and the integrity of the scientific process. Here are some key ethical considerations to keep in mind:

Protection of Human Participants: Researchers must obtain informed consent from human participants and ensure that their rights and welfare are protected throughout the research process. This includes maintaining confidentiality and anonymity and minimizing any potential risks or harm.

Animal Welfare: Researchers conducting studies involving animals must adhere to ethical instructions for the humane treatment and care of animals. This includes obtaining approval from institutional animal care and use committees and minimizing pain and distress.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest that may influence their research or its interpretation. This may include financial relationships with commercial entities, funding sources, or personal relationships that could bias their work.

Transparency and Reproducibility: Authors should provide sufficient detail in their manuscripts to allow others to replicate their research findings. This includes describing materials and methods in detail, providing raw data, and making research protocols and code available when feasible.

Publication Ethics: Authors, reviewers, and editors should adhere to ethical standards throughout the publication process, including honesty, fairness, and transparency. This includes avoiding plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication of data and disclosing any conflicts of interest or breaches of ethical conduct.

5. Can I submit my manuscript if it has been previously published elsewhere?

No, manuscripts submitted to Heighten Sciences Publication Incorporation (HSPI) should be original and not have been published elsewhere. This includes both complete manuscripts and substantial portions of previously published work. Authors are expected to adhere to strict standards of originality and disclosure, ensuring that all submissions represent new and original contributions to the field.

6. What are the criteria for selecting reviewers for manuscript evaluation?

Selecting appropriate reviewers is critical to ensuring the quality and rigor of the peer review process. Reviewers are typically chosen based on their expertise and experience in the relevant field of study. At HSPI, reviewers are selected based on their academic qualifications, research expertise, and previous experience in peer review. Additionally, efforts are made to ensure diversity among reviewers to provide balanced and comprehensive feedback on submitted manuscripts.

7. How long does the peer review process typically take?

The duration of the peer review process can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the manuscript, the availability of reviewers, and the responsiveness of authors to revisions. On average, the peer review process at HSPI takes between 4 to 8 weeks from the initial submission to a decision being made. However, authors are encouraged to reach out to the editorial office for updates if they have concerns about the timeline for their submission.

8. What happens if my manuscript is rejected?

Rejection of a manuscript does not necessarily signify the end of the road for authors. If a manuscript is rejected, authors will receive feedback from the reviewers and the editorial team outlining the reasons for the decision. Authors may then choose to revise and resubmit their manuscript to HSPI or submit it to another journal. Rejection does not preclude future submission of the manuscript to HSPI, provided that the concerns raised during the review process are adequately addressed.

9. Are there any fees associated with manuscript submission or publication?

HSPI is committed to ensuring accessibility and affordability for authors from diverse backgrounds. As such, there are no fees associated with manuscript submission or publication. Authors are not required to pay any article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees. HSPI operates on an open-access model, meaning that all published articles are freely accessible to readers without any subscription or paywall barriers.

10. Can I include supplementary materials with my manuscript?

Supplementary materials, such as datasets, code, or additional figures, can enhance the comprehensiveness and reproducibility of research findings. Authors are encouraged to include supplementary materials with their manuscript submission to HSPI, provided that these materials are relevant to the study and enhance the understanding of the research. Supplementary materials should be submitted as separate files and referenced appropriately within the manuscript.

11. How can I ensure that my manuscript complies with ethical standards for publication?

Ensuring ethical compliance is essential for maintaining the integrity and credibility of published research. Authors should familiarize themselves with ethical instructions and regulations relevant to their field of study, such as those outlined by professional organizations or funding agencies. Additionally, authors should carefully follow the ethical considerations outlined in the author instructions provided by HSPI, including obtaining informed consent, disclosing conflicts of interest, and adhering to ethical standards for data collection and analysis.

12. Is there a limit to the number of authors allowed on a manuscript?

HSPI does not impose a strict limit on the number of authors allowed on a manuscript. However, authors should ensure that all individuals who have made substantial contributions to the research are listed as authors and that all authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before submission. It is important to accurately reflect the contributions of each author and to adhere to instructions for authorship integrity.

13. Can I submit my manuscript in a language other than English?

While HSPI primarily publishes articles in English, submissions in other languages may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Authors submitting manuscripts in languages other than English should contact the editorial office to discuss the feasibility of publication and any additional requirements for translation or language editing. All submissions must adhere to the same standards of quality, originality, and ethical conduct, regardless of the language of submission.

14. What should I do if I discover an error in my published manuscript?

If authors discover errors or inaccuracies in their published manuscript, they should promptly notify the editorial office of HSPI to request a correction or retraction. Depending on the nature and severity of the error, corrections may be issued as an erratum or corrigendum, or in more serious cases, the manuscript may be retracted from publication. Authors should provide detailed information about the error and its potential impact on the integrity of the research.

15. How can I promote my published article and increase its visibility?

Once an article is published in HSPI, authors can take several steps to promote its visibility and reach a wider audience. This includes sharing the article on social media platforms, collaborating with colleagues to disseminate the findings, and presenting the research at conferences or seminars. Additionally, authors can engage with readers by responding to comments or questions about their work and participating in discussions within their academic community.

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