Editorial Guidelines

Heighten Science trail a critical evaluation prior to selection of Editorial Board members. In order to streamline our scholarly publication and to assess the quality quotient of articles being published, we have defined certain eligibility criteria for editorial board members. We expect all the members to encourage and maintain ethical publications standards in accordance to International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) instructions. Our editorial board comprises following eminent members:

  • Editor-in-Chief
  • Executive Editors; and
  • Editorial Board Members

In order to ensure that the editorial board significantly contributes in fostering the quality of a manuscript prior to publication and the general content of the journal, certain roles and responsibilities for our editors has been formulated.

1. Editor-in-Chief (EIC)

Editor-in-Chief plays a vital role in assuring the quality and integrity of the manuscript content. He/she is expected to possess extensive editorial and interpersonal skills.
Qualification: Must have a PhD from a renowned university.
Work Experience: Editor-in-Chief should be a Senior Professor. He/she should have more than 100 publications in International peer reviewed journals.

Job Responsibilities

  1. He/she is wholly responsible for the publication decision of any manuscript. He/she should be familiar with the subject literature, research design, statistics, publication ethics and standards.
  2. He/she must educate the Editorial Board members with updated information and new policies of the journal.
  3. He/she is responsible for setting annual objectives and assigning responsibilities to the Board members for peer review process and keeps track of their timely completion.
  4. He/she should strive for the development of the journal and suggest the publisher for further improvisations with additional policies.
  5. He/she will be the decision-maker in selecting Editorial Board members.
  6. He/she should cross check the content quality, writing style and construction, grammar, spellings, data presentation and organization prior to take the final decision on manuscript publication.
  7. He/she should ensure that the manuscript is neither plagiarized nor published elsewhere. If the paper found plagiarized, then the manuscript must be rejected straightaway.
  8. He/she should supervise and support the publisher in handling complaints and appeals, responding genuinely to ethical problems regarding publication of any duplicate or fraudulent work.

2. Executive Editors (EE)

Executive Editors are next to Editor-in-Chiefs. They have vital role in Peer-Review process as well as ensuring the publication of high quality papers in the Journal.
Qualification: PhD from a renowned university.
Work experience: He/she must have published more than 50 publications in International peer reviewed journals. He/she must be associate Professor or equivalent.

Job responsibilities

  1. He/she should assist Editor-in-Chief in different aspects related to the works of publication, conducting annual meeting, setting annual objectives and peer review process.
  2. He/she is responsible for the quality of Journal content and the published articles.
  3. He/she should encourage submission of high quality papers.
  4. He/she should provide fair and constructive feedback to the authors, Editors and Reviewers.
  5. He/she must ensure that the manuscript is neither plagiarized nor published elsewhere.
  6. He/she must handle the situations related to complaints, appeals and ethics according to the instructions of ICMJE.
  7. He/she should work as an advisor for the publisher for the growth of the publication and development of new journals.
  8. He/she must be acquainted and take up the role of Editor-in-Chief, in the absence of the Editor-in-Chief.

3. Editorial Board Members

The members of Editorial Board require to be well versed with policies related to the journal, online publication, authors, editors and reviewers.
Qualification: PhD from a renowned university.
Work experience: He/she must have published more than 20 publications in International peer reviewed journals. He/she must be assistant Professor or equivalent.

Job Responsibilities

  1. He/she should direct authors, editors and reviewers with the instructions in accordance with the journal.
  2. He/she should possess good interpersonal skills and encourage submission of high quality manuscripts and assist Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editors in monitoring the quality of the manuscript content.
  3. He/she must communicate other members of the editorial board with updated information and new policies of the Journal.
  4. He/she should monitor the manuscripts for writing style, language, presentation according to the journal's policy and instructions.
  5. He/she should ensure effective peer review process and timely publication.
  6. He/she should ensure the integrity of the Journal content and quality in the published articles.
  7. He/she should ensure that the manuscript is neither plagiarized nor published elsewhere.

General instructions
Every editor is expected to review around 10 manuscripts every year along with the other mandatory work schedule.
All the instructions illustrated above are liable to change according to the amendments suggested by the journal.

A-Z Journals

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