
The Impact of Adenotonsillectomy on Health-Related Quality of Life in Paediatric Patients

Published on: 25th September, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7900079688

Objective: To determine the impact of Adenotonsillectomy on Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children’s before and after surgery. Study Design: Prospective, Observational, before and after the trial. 142 children who underwent Adenotonsillectomy were included in the study. Parents were made to fill pre and post-operative questionnaires which were customized from Tonsil and Adenoid health status instrument (TAHSI) and HR-QoL (Health-related quality of life) forms, one day prior to the surgery and 6 months after the surgery respectively, and the results were tabulated and analyzed. Setting: Tertiary pediatric otolaryngology practices. Result: Out of the 142 children in the study, 80 were male and 62 were female. Male to Female ratio is 1.3:1. Age group 1-4 years had the highest number of patients while the age group 9-12 had the least. Preoperatively the Mean score of the domain for Sleep disturbances, Physical Symptoms, Emotional distress, Daytime functions, and Caregiver concern was 14.1, 15.83, 6.89, 7.54, and 13.78 respectively. After 6 months of the surgery, the score decreased to 4.65, 4.22, 4.32, 3.1 and 4.2 respectively. This shows a significant improvement in the symptom complex and the quality of the life. Conclusion: Adenotonsillectomy definitely leads to an improvement in the HRQoL in children as the majority of parents were extremely satisfied with the surgical outcome. Almost all of the parents reported a decrease in Sleep disturbances, Physical Symptoms, Emotional distress, Daytime functions, and Caregiver concern
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