The intention of the present work is to validate an easy, better and reasonable approach for estimation of amoxicillin trihydrate in tablet formulation by opposite segment(reverse phase) HPLC –UV with advanced conditions and parameters for habitual use in Rwanda well known board in pharmaceutical laboratory in order to check if no substandard or counterfeit amoxicillin has entered in our country that can result in antimicrobial resistance, treatment failure which can be a chief difficulty on public health. an easy, selective, precise, speedy, specific, and correct reverse phase HPLC UV-seen technique has been verified for the dedication of amoxicillin, in addition that is a cost-effective technique for the established method, monobasic potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) used as buffer and methanol and had been used as a mobile section in the ratio 95:5 respectively. The elution turned into finished in an isocratic mode at a go with the flow rate of 1.5ml/minute proposed method became demonstrated as according to ICH guiding principle refereeing additionally to USP necessities for amoxicillin capsule. linearity range of amoxicillin and was evaluated inside the variety of 20–160 g/ml. the correlation coefficient r2 changed into 0.9998 and the relative well known deviation between six replicates injection was always much less than 2%. The retention time was found 3.5±0.02. the high percentage of healing of amoxicillin is 100.6±4% indicates that the proposed method is exceptionally correct and precise trueness of with the trueness of 100.06±1.2% .the statistical evaluation proved that the demonstrated method is appropriate for analysis of amoxicillin as the majority drug and pharmaceutical formula with none interference from excipients .with the aid of considering the efficiency of the drug samples, all analyzed pattern were within the variety of 90-120 % of percentage of labeled amount, but the efficiency had been distinctive amongst samples. The have a look at located that no counterfeit, no substandard product turned into amongst all batches of amoxicillin samples throughout the c programming language of the look at.
The objective of this study is to determine prevalence of alcohol-substance use among university students, and to investigate the correlation between the childhood abuse, suicide probability and anger expression styles in students who have drinking problems. A survey was carried out among randomly selected students from the Faculty of Education in Baskent University in Turkey. Study sample consists of 399 university students. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), Trait Anger and Anger Expressions Scales (T-Anger-Anger EX), and Suicide Probability Scale (SPS) were used. The CAGE questionnaire was applied to identify the problems of alcohol use. Probable presence of an alcohol use disorder is indicated by a score of 1+, whereas a score of 2+ was taken as the cut-off point for assessing presence of clinically significant alcohol use problems. Data were analyzed using with t test and multiple binary logistic regression. Of the whole sample 36.9% reported that they had ever tried drinking alcohol. The overall prevalence of alcohol use problems according to CAGE 1+ was 14.4% and CAGE 2+ was 7.3%. Sexual abuse and Anger-In were predictors of CAGE 1+, suicide probability was predictor of CAGE2+. Childhood trauma experiences especially, sexual abuse, suicide probability, trait anger, the anger expressed inside and outside were main factors to identify alcohol use problems. Professionals and parents must pay attention to childhood traumatic experiences, suicide and anger expression styles in youths with alcohol use problems.
For something that’s literally as old as the universe, dark matter doesn’t get much attention outside scientific circles. Maybe that’s because, other than a short-lived SyFy series and a late-period Randy Newman album, this nebulous star stuff has had a tough time breaking the pop-culture barrier. But the truth is that today, dark matter has never mattered more. Our own Milky Way is embedded in a massive cloud of it, we’re looking for its interactions deep inside the earth, and there are whole galaxies without it. So what is dark matter, anyway? Why can’t scientists get enough of the stuff, even though they can’t actually find it? What deep, dark secrets does it hold? And could it ultimately shape the future of life as we know it?
he presence of bifid mandibu¬lar canals is an unusual but not rare occurrence. The mandibular canal containing the inferior alveolar artery, vein, and nerve, originates from the mandibular foramen and terminates at mental foramen [1-4]. In radiology, mandibular canal’s appearance has been described as “a radiolucent dark ribbon between two white lines”[5]. White and Pharoah defined it as “dark linear shadow with thin radiopaque superior and inferior borders cast by the lamella of bone that bounds the canal” [6]. Understanding of its anatomic variations is very important due to its clinical implications in various oral and maxillofacial treatments like removal of wisdom teeth [7], mandibular implant placement [8], in bilateral sagittal split osteotomy procedures and during fixation of mandibular fractures. Presence of bifid or multiple mandibular canals forces the clinician to change the treatment plan. Ignoring this variation can cause several complications intra or postoperatively or even result in failure of treatment. For instance a bifid canal if ignored during surgical removal of third molar or dental implant placement can cause prolonged pain even after administering local anesthesia and also severe bleeding if the accessory canal is encroached [2].
Bifid mandibular canals may originate from the mandibular foramen independently or might bifurcate from a single canal during its course inside the mandible [8]. Bifid mandibular canals have been by classified by multiple authors according to anatomical location and configuration, on panoramic radiographs and computerized tomography. According to Carter and Keen [1], inferior alveolar nerve can be arranged as- Type I: single large bony canal, Type II: canal is lower down in the mandible and Type III: canal separates posteriorly into two large branches.
Nortje, et al. [9] gave patterns of duplication as- Type I: duplicate canals from a single mandibular foramen which can be of same size/ lower canal smaller/ upper canal smaller. Type II: short upper canal up to the second molar areas. Type III: two canals from separate foramina, joining at molar area and Type IV: supplemental canals joining the main canals in the retromolar areas. This report describes a case of a bilateral Bifid Mandibular Canal suspected by a panoramic radiograph and confirmed by a CBCT prior to a dental treatment.
COVID-19 virus structural components: The 2019-nCoV, also called SARS-CoV-2, was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The disease was named Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the virus responsible for it as the COVID-19 virus, respectively, by WHO. The 2019-nCoV has a round, elliptic or pleomorphic form with a diameter of 60–140 nm. It has single-stranded RNA genome containing 29891 nucleotides, a lipid shell, and spike, envelope, membrane and hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) proteins.
Steps in progression of COVID-19 illness: Once inside the airways, the S protein on the viral surface recognizes and mediates the attachment to host ACE-2 receptors and gains access to endoplasmic reticulum. The HE protein facilitates the S protein-mediated cell entry and virus spread through the mucosa, helping the virus to attack the ACE2-bearing cells lining the airways and infecting upper as well as lower respiratory tracts. With the dying cells sloughing down and filling the airways, the virus is carried deeper into the lungs. In addition, the virus is able to infect ACE2-bearing cells in other organs, including the blood vessels, gut and kidneys. With the viral infestation, the activated immune system leads to inflammation, pyrexia and pulmonary edema. The hyperactivated immune response, called cytokine storm in extreme cases, can damage various organs apart from lungs and increases susceptibility to infectious bacteria especially in those suffering from chronic diseases.
The current therapeutics for COVID-19: At present, there is no specific antiviral treatment available for the disease. The milder cases may need no treatment. In moderate to severe cases, the clinical management includes infection prevention and control measures, and symptomatic and supportive care, including supplementary oxygen therapy. In the critically ill patients, mechanical ventilation is required for respiratory failure and hemodynamic support is imperative for managing circulatory failure and septic shock.
Conclusion: Confusion, despair and hopes: There is no vaccine for preexposure prophylaxis or postexposure management. There are no specific approved drugs for the treatment for the disease. A number of drugs approved for other conditions as well as several investigational drugs are being canned and studied in several clinical trials for their likely role in COVID-19 prophylaxis or treatment. The future seems afflicted with dormant therapeutic options as well as faux Espoir or false hopes. As obvious, not all clinical trials will be successful, but having so many efforts in progress, some may succeed and provide a positive solution. Right now, though, confusion and despair prevail.
Before actual COVID-19 pandemia coronavirus was not so dangerous like now.
In December 2019 - January 2020 in Wuhan first and then in other places this coronavirus was responsible of a first wave of severe pulmonitis responsible of many deaths.
Wuhan and other region involved first was high level air polluted and industrial area.
New COVID-19 variant in last part of 2020 and in first month of 2021 was responsible of great diffusion of this pandemic disease.
UK, South Africa and brasilian new variant show higher diffusion then the first wave of COVID-19.
Aim of this work is to analyze relationship with air pollution and the possibility that mutagen substantia inside of this microenvironment can produce new variant trough an genetic pressure process.
RNA viruses are normally subjected by natural mutation but some phenomena can contribute to accelerate this process and their airborne – aeresols microenvironment is relevant.
Some air pollutants are recognized as mutagen factors by literature.
As per report of WHO [1] (World Health Organization), air pollution (ambient/outdoor and household/indoor air pollution) kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and acute respiratory infections. Data of WHO shows that 9 out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants. World Health Organization is working with countries to monitor air pollution and improve air quality. From smog hanging over cities to smoke inside the home, air pollution poses a major threat to health and climate. More than 80% of people living in urban areas and around 91% of the world’s population live in places where air quality levels exceed WHO limits, with developing and under-developed countries suffering from the highest exposures, both indoors and outdoors [1]. While outdoor air pollution comes from the motor vehicles, burning of fossil fuels and other industrialization activities, indoor air pollution is the result of tobacco smoke and burning fuel for cooking & heating. Furniture and construction materials also emit such pollutants. Both outdoor and indoor air pollution are harmful to the human health.
The concept of space-matter motion in the new Cartesian physics, based on the identity of space and matter, creates the basis for the study of consciousness as the action of the brain in space inside and outside itself and offers a way of materialistic explanation of life on Earth. She claims that consciousness in living matter arises when the brain begins to create the surrounding space the image of themselves and the world. And since space according to Descartes is identical to matter, the images created by the brain of itself and the external world in the surrounding space have a material basis and therefore the displayed organs interact with each other and the external world.
Graphical abstract
Biodegradation of implanted gold in human tissue. TEM images reveal markedly biodegradation of implanted gold and re-crystallization of dissolved gold as nanoparticle of different size, shape and crystallinity. Highly crystalline icosahedral Au nanoparticle and the corresponding power spectrum are shown on top.
Background: Despite the importance of biodegradation for the durability of metal prosthesis and the widely use of gold implants, there exist a lack of knowledge regarding the stability of pure gold in tissue.
Methods: We studied biodegradation of grids of pure gold, nickel, and copper as well as middle ear prosthesis of gold, platinum or titanium. Metals were implanted into rat skin and humans. Dissolution and re-crystallization process of the metals was analysed using SEM, TEM, power spectra as well as elemental analysis by EDX and EELS/ESI.
Results: Biodegradation of gold was detected, presumably by solving and re-precipitation of gold around implants. Gold cluster, nanoparticles, and mesostructures were detected, formed by dissolution and re-crystallization process. This process results into a migration of gold into the farer off tissue. Cellular filaments as biomolecular templates facilitate the formation of mesostructures. Loss of function of middle ear prosthesis by biodegradation is caused by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Indeed, similar processes were detected with platinum, but in a very lower level.
Conclusion: Noble metal implants undergo biodegradation in oxidative environment in tissue. The dissolution – recrystallization process can be explained by enzyme catalysed redox processes comprising reactive oxygen species and reduction agents as ascorbic acid present in cells and body tissue. Enymes like myeloperoxidase inside lysosomes of inflammatory cells produce hypochloride ions and H2O2 which can dissolve the gold.
General significance: The crucial role of the specific chemical environments of gold implants in tissue for their chemical stability and durability of function has been demonstrated. Due to widely use and importance of gold implants, this finding is of general interes.
The measurement of the natural ionizing radiation in the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria was carried out using a well calibrated Digital Geiger Muller counter models GCA – 04w. Measurements were taken randomly in thirty (30) diff erent locations outside the building and thirty (30) locations inside diff erent buildings in the University. Results obtained for outdoor Dose rate ranges from 0.07 μSv/hr to 0.23 μSv/hr with a mean value of 0.144 μSv/hr. While the result for the indoor dose rate ranges from 0.08 μSv/hr to 0.21 μSv/hr with a mean of 0.14 μSv/hr. The highest value recorded for the outdoor radiation is from the university front gate which is .023μSv/hr. While the highest value recorded inside the buildings is from the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) which is 0.21 μSv/hr. All these values are lower than the world safely limits of 0.247 μSv/hr. This shows that the risk of ionizing radiation on the staff and students of the Federal University of Technology is minimal.
In this work is analyzed scientific literature involved in human evolution to be used as an archeological Pathway to link different sciences in an overall new discipline.
A rational classification of single evidence make possible to better understand under new light some Physiological process.
The archeological instrument to be applied in other field like biology or other sciences.
Mohamed Hassin Mohamed Chairi*, Francisco José Huertas Peña, Marta Santidrián Zurbano, Tomás Torres Alcalá and Jesús María Villar del Moral
Published on: 4th May, 2022
Crohn's disease is a chronic syndrome of the gastrointestinal tract that produces idiopathic inflammation. Approximately half of the patients develop abscesses and/or fistulas throughout their history that are located, mainly, in the perianal region. Current treatments are based on individualized plans that generally use combined pharmacology for symptomatic relief based on glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants or immunomodulators, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, probiotics, and antibodies, or surgical therapies such as intestinal resections or ostomizations (colostomy and ileostomy) that tend to cause notable side effects in a considerable percentage of patients and a significant decrease in their quality of life.Perianal fistulas consist of abnormal tracts, inflammatory tunnels, or chronic tracts of granular tissue that connect two surfaces lined with epithelium, have an external hole in the skin that borders the anus, and an internal hole located inside it around the anal canal, rectus and sphincters. Treatment is a complex process that requires a multidisciplinary approach and the combination of several treatments. In the short term, the goal is to drain abscesses, reduce inflammatory and infectious processes, guard the fistulous tract with seton or lax lines, facilitate patency, and hinder new formations. In the long term, a total cure and the avoidance of complications that require surgery or the creation of intestinal stomas are pursued.For this reason, new effective remedies with fewer adverse effects continue to be investigated, one of the most promising being the use of mesenchymal stem cells for the regeneration and cure of perianal fistulas and the remission of symptoms. The present bibliographic review delves into this new therapy and analyzes the current state of the situation regarding its efficacy and safety.
In this article, we made a research on the subject of Time and Growth. In the life, the Growth is seen as the increase of mass which operates during a certain period. In physics, it is the same. By the Growth, a physical body gets its density increased. The goal of this article is to calculate or predict the energy and force that a physical system can have at its total Growth. To study the Growth, we have defined some equations which help to evaluate the Growth internal force and energy. By the same way, we have also discovered that all physical systems in the Universe are connected by the same interaction. This interaction leads to the loss of density or mass. The Time is the consequence of its manifestation. For studying the effect of this interaction, we have calculated the density of the Universe. We found that the density of the Universe is equal to the density of a photon. In other words, the Universe is a huge photon. That means, like a photon, the Universe does not know the Time. It also means that the Universe is eternal. Its Expansion (not its growth) is due by the fact that, at the moment small systems inside to it grow, the Universe maintains its density constant like a photon. Do not confuse Growth and Expansion. The Growth is the increase of the density; and the Expansion is the increase of the volume without the change of density. The Universe does not know the Growth, it knows the Expansion. All these conclusions are detailed in the development of this article.
Gunel Imanova*, Ilkhom Bekpulatov, Anar Aliyev and Sami Barkaoui
Published on: 14th March, 2023
The review article examines the production of molecular hydrogen from the decomposition of water by various irradiation methods. The article shows different types of radiation: UV radiation, visible radiation, gamma radiation, X-ray radiation and neutron radiation. Electrons generated by radiation inside a nanoparticle of radius R suspense in fluid water are diffused with equal probability in all directions inside the particle and gradually lose their kinetic energy as a result of elastic and inelastic collisions. Some of these electrons are transported to the nanoparticle surface during the physical and physicochemical stages of the process and emitted into the water. It is extremely important for the formation of nanostructured materials after exposure to ordered nanostructure from the new phase with a period of a few nanometers, promoting the preservation of the properties of materials under high irradiation.
Olowosebioba AA*, Folorunsho AD, Akindele BA, Akingbade FS, Andrew IO and Olaniyi GA
Published on: 9th June, 2023
Cities with developing economies experience exhausted waste collection services, and inadequately managed and uncontrolled dumpsites; which is an ongoing challenge and many struggles due to weak institutions and rapid urbanization. The purpose of the research is to design and construct a smart garbage disposal system using a two-way power supply unit (that is, the electrical power supply unit and solar power supply unit) based on Arduino Nano that utilizes ATMEGA 328p microcontroller. Two pairs of ultrasonic sensors, the pair that faced upward detects the presence of garbage disposal agent at a close distance of (5 - 50) cm and then opens the lid while the other pair faced the inside of the container senses when the container is filled up and then closes the container until it is emptied are used.
Vandna Kumari, Gaurav Sharma, Mohil and Shamsher S Kanwar*
Published on: 16th June, 2023
Monkeypox is a sylvatic zoonotic sickness that initially affected tropical rainforest areas in the west and vital Africa earlier than spreading to other places. Its miles carried with the aid of the Monkeypox virus member of orthopoxvirus circle of relatives. The clinical features of the infection resembles to smallpox. The primary animal to human transmission is the cause of most people of human Monkeypox ailments. Severe rodent species and non-human primates function hosts for the virus. Transmission can manifest with infected people, animals or objects into contact with bodily fluids, sores on the skin or inner mucosal surfaces just like the mouth or throat, or breathing droplets. The incubation length for Monkeypox usually lasts 6 to 13 days, even though it could last as long as 21 days. The ailment is often self-proscribing, with signs and symptoms generally clearing up on their own inside 14 to 21 days. Signs can range from moderate to extreme, and lesions may be itchy or painful. Due to the discontinuation of recurring smallpox vaccination which supplied some pass- safety in past, populations have become more liable to Monkey pox. The outbreak of Monkeypox virus due to the fact that may additionally, 2022 has created a worldwide risk of the virus. In the present review, Monkeypox epidemiology, severity, therapeutics, vaccination and its transmission to non-endemic countries has been considered. Special care and guidelines may help in the containing in the spread of the infections to the non endemic countries.
The topic of this paper is the parts of modern MR devices, which contain magnet coils. MR scanner magnets are made of four types of electromagnetic coils: 1) Main magnet, made of superconducting material. The main magnet of an MR (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanner creates a strong and uniform magnetic field around the patient being scanned. This magnetic field is typically in the range of 0.5 to 3 Tesla and is used to align the magnetic moments of the hydrogen atoms in the patient's body. The superconductors, which create the main magnetic field, should be cooled with liquid helium and liquid nitrogen. The main magnets made of superconductors should use a cryostat, with cooling vessels with liquid helium and liquid nitrogen, thermal insulation, and other protective elements of the magnet system. 2) The gradient magnetic field is made of three types of coils: x-coils, y-coils, and z-coils. The X coil, made of resistive material, creates a variable magnetic field, horizontally, from left to right, across the scanning tube; 3) The Y coil creates a variable magnetic field, vertically, from bottom to top; 4) The Z coil creates a variable magnetic field, longitudinally, from head to toe, inside the scanning tube. RF coils are used to generate RF pulses to excite the hydrogen protons (spins) in the patient's body and detect the signals emitted by the protons when they return to their equilibrium state after the RF excitation is turned off. The resulting interaction between the magnetic field and the aligned hydrogen atoms produces a signal that is used to generate the images seen in an MRI scan. The main magnetic field is what allows MR imaging to produce detailed anatomical and functional information non-invasively. The structure of the MR scanner magnet is complex. The resonant frequency changes at each point of the field in a controlled manner. Inside the copper core are embedded the windings of the main magnet made of superconducting material in the form of microfibers. A non-linear gradient field is created by coils of conductive material. It adds to the main magnetic field. Thus the resulting magnetic field is obtained. The types of magnets that exist in the basic configurations of MR scanners are analyzed. Scanners in the form of a closed cylindrical cavity generate their magnetic fields by passing current through a solenoid, which is maintained at the temperature of a superconductor. Exclusively used superconductors are niobium-titanium (NbTi), niobium-tin (Nb3Sn), vanadium-gallium (V3Ga), and magnesium-diboride (MgB2). Only magnesium diboride is a high-temperature superconductor, with a critical temperature Tc = 390K. The three remaining superconductors are low temperatures. New high-temperature superconductors have been discovered, as well as superconductors at room temperature. Newly discovered superconducting materials are not used in MR scanners.
Citra Utami Effendy*, Nicko Pisceski Kusika and Alwin Hutabarat
Published on: 22nd August, 2023
Background: Uterine inversion is a rare obstetric emergency but potentially life-threatening condition. If these are not immediately diagnosed, the massive and underestimated blood loss can lead to hypovolemic shock. Case: Case of 24 years old woman was referred from the district Public Health Center with vaginal bleeding after delivery with abdominal pain. We found fundal height postpartum is 3 fingers above symphysis and confirmed a soft mass protruding inside the vagina at the local examination. The ultrasound cannot present the fundus of the uterus and impressed a uterine inversion. Stabilization for the patient is done with fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion. The patient planned for exploratory laparotomy and we confirmed uterine inversion. We did per abdominal reposition success which was managed by Haultain’s method. Conclusion: Uterine inversion should be considered in any patient with symptoms of hemorrhage and abdominopelvic pain, with the physical findings of a soft, congested, bleeding mass within the vagina on bimanual examination. Prompt treatment consists of fluid resuscitation and anatomical repositioning is needed.
Atom has been considered as a space of perfect vacuum and no energy loss takes place inside the atom. The purpose of the current research work is to prove that even fundamental particles receive energy from external sources for their motion. In order to prove this, the model of the solar system and its planets is selected. According to this proposed theory, even the gravitational attraction between planets and stars is due to external energy received through the hypothesized O- Dimension. O-dimension is a time-independent totally symmetric dimension filled with potential energy and it encircles every object from atom to galaxy as well as the whole Universe and imparts energy to the whole Universe. The gravitational force between two objects is a result of the energy shadow cast by them on each other. Mathematical model developed and applied to the Sun and planets in our solar system as well as Earth and moon and it fits with the values obtained by Newtonian theory, confirming the validity of the hypothesis.
This review article deals with quantum biology, the new tool that helps traditional biology unravel some mysteries concerning life and living organisms on Earth. We use Einstein’s famous equation to explain how an unknown energy realm creates the material universe. We demonstrate how material existence precedes living existence and elucidate how non-living atoms transition to living molecules, Francis Crick’s faded dream that comes to reality. Finally, we expose the two types of Information available inside a cell to sustain life in living organisms and elaborate on a new formulation of the biogenesis theory.
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