
A Gateway to Metal Resistance: Bacterial Response to Heavy Metal Toxicity in the Biological Environment

Published on: 3rd September, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7893781761

Heavy metals and metalloids are dangerous because they have the tendency to bioaccumulate in biological organisms over a period of time. However, it is conceived that a number of phytochemical agents as well microorganism can act as heavy metal removing agent both from human beings and the environment surrounding. For instance, microbes are used for the removal of heavy metals from the water bodies including bacteria, fungi, algae and yeast. This review shows that bacteria can play an important role in understanding the uptake and potential removal behaviour of heavy metal ions. The bacteria are chosen based on their resistance to heavy metals (incl. their toxicities) and capacity of adsorbing them. Due to specific resistance transfer factors, cell impermeability is drastically inhibited by several ion (i.e. mercury, cadmium, cobalt, copper, arsenic) forms. Between these elements, free-ion cadmium and copper concentrations in the biological medium provide more accurate determination of metal concentrations that affect the bacteria, than with most of the other existing media. Metal toxicity is usually assessed by using appropriate metal ion chelators and adjusting pH factor. Bacteria and metals in the ecosystem can form synergistic or antagonistic relationships, supplying each other with nutrients or energy sources, or producing toxins to reduce growth and competition for limiting nutritional elements. Thus, this relation may present a more sustainable approach for the restoration of contaminated sources.
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Effect of cement solidification on strength and leaching properties of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soil

Published on: 13th August, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7844539292

This study investigated the effect of Portland cement on stabilization of heavy metal contaminated clayey soils that may give range of geo environemntal benefits. The absolute concentration of heavy metals: Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Chromium (Cr), Cadmium (Cd) and Copper (Cu) were measured using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). A series of laboratory scale experiments such as unconfined compression test (UCT), pH test and synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP) were performed to study the effects of curing time and cement content on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and leaching characteristics of heavy metals. According to results, excessive concentration of heavy metals are present in the topsoil of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) among which Pb, Zn and Cd were most prominent. Other test results showed that the dry density of both C4 and C8 soil samples increases with curing time. Similarly the compressive strength (qu)of C4 and C8 samples at 21 d of curing increases by 40% (113 kPa-288 kPa) and 15% (745kPa-864 kPa) respectively, as compared to the 7 d of curing. Besides, the test results showed a prominent decrease in the leached concentration of heavy metals with increasing curing time.
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Biodegradation of gold and platinum implants in rats studied by electron microscopy

Published on: 27th November, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8452128684

Graphical abstract Biodegradation of implanted gold in human tissue. TEM images reveal markedly biodegradation of implanted gold and re-crystallization of dissolved gold as nanoparticle of different size, shape and crystallinity. Highly crystalline icosahedral Au nanoparticle and the corresponding power spectrum are shown on top. Background: Despite the importance of biodegradation for the durability of metal prosthesis and the widely use of gold implants, there exist a lack of knowledge regarding the stability of pure gold in tissue. Methods: We studied biodegradation of grids of pure gold, nickel, and copper as well as middle ear prosthesis of gold, platinum or titanium. Metals were implanted into rat skin and humans. Dissolution and re-crystallization process of the metals was analysed using SEM, TEM, power spectra as well as elemental analysis by EDX and EELS/ESI. Results: Biodegradation of gold was detected, presumably by solving and re-precipitation of gold around implants. Gold cluster, nanoparticles, and mesostructures were detected, formed by dissolution and re-crystallization process. This process results into a migration of gold into the farer off tissue. Cellular filaments as biomolecular templates facilitate the formation of mesostructures. Loss of function of middle ear prosthesis by biodegradation is caused by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. Indeed, similar processes were detected with platinum, but in a very lower level. Conclusion: Noble metal implants undergo biodegradation in oxidative environment in tissue. The dissolution – recrystallization process can be explained by enzyme catalysed redox processes comprising reactive oxygen species and reduction agents as ascorbic acid present in cells and body tissue. Enymes like myeloperoxidase inside lysosomes of inflammatory cells produce hypochloride ions and H2O2 which can dissolve the gold. General significance: The crucial role of the specific chemical environments of gold implants in tissue for their chemical stability and durability of function has been demonstrated. Due to widely use and importance of gold implants, this finding is of general interes.
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Simulating the dispersion of poisonous organic chemical compounds in wastewater treatment process through the active sludge method using the TOXChem model

Published on: 24th June, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9124851637

Naturally, microorganisms decompose the organic material existing in nature, both in the presence or absence of oxygen. The majority of materials such as poisonous chemical compounds, heavy metals, would prevent the treatment process from taking place, lead to the entry of these contaminants into the environment results in the emergence of numerous diseases. In the present study, using the TOXChem4.1 simulation model, attempts were made to simulate a wastewater treatment plant and then assess the dispersions of contaminants including 1,2-Dimethylnaphthalene, 1,3-Dinitropyrene, 1,6-Dimethylnaphthalene, 1,6-Dinitropyrene, and 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in concentrations of a common scenario. The results of computer simulations showed that the EE2 contaminant is of the highest percentage of decomposition among others, due to its wider chemical structure. Consequently, it is clear that such contaminant is of the highest mass in the sludge exiting the treatment plant. In addition, the results of the simulations demonstrated that the highest volumes of gaseous pollutants take place in the modulation and initial sedimentation units.
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Ranking of cadmium low amount measurement systems according to economic, environmental, and functional indicators using ELECTRE analytical method

Published on: 8th September, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9244774024

Cadmium is one of the transition metals, known by the scientific name Cd. One of its main characteristics is the high toxicity, even in very little amounts. Cadmium is often released through industrial effluents, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and the burning of fossil fuels. Since the presence of cadmium ions in the living organisms’ body, especially humans, can cause serious damage to the liver and pancreas, and also because its role in causing cancer has been proven, measuring very low amounts of this metal is of high importance. In the first step, this study has reviewed and analyzed common laboratory methods for measuring small amounts of cadmium. Then, according to economic, environmental, feasibility, speed, and accuracy factors, all available methods were evaluated using the ELECTRE technique. The results showed that the extraction methods using Dowex Optipore V-493 resin and extraction system in Triton X-114 surfactant, placed in the first and second positions.
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Neurotoxicity related exposure to ambient nanoparticles

Published on: 18th January, 2022

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9396207094

Air pollution exposure is among the most prevalent reasons for environmentally-induced oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are implicated in the central nervous system (CNS) diseases. The CNS has emerged as an important target for adverse health effects of exposure to air pollutants, where it can cause neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. Air pollution includes various components of gases, particulate matter (PM), ultrafine particulate (UFPs), metals, and organic compounds. An important source of PM and UFPM in the ambient air is associated with air pollution-related trafficking, and primarily diesel exhaust particles (DEPs). Controlled animal studies and epidemiological studies show that exposure to air pollution, and in particular urban air pollution or DEPs, may lead to neurotoxicity. In specific, exposure to air pollutants as an important factor may be in neurodevelopmental disorders (eg Autism) and neurological disorders (eg.., Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)). The most noticeable effects of exposure to air pollutants in animals and humans are oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Studies in rats exposed to DEPs showed microglial activity, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuronal accumulation in various areas of the brain, especially the olfactory bulb (OB) and the hippocampus (HI). Disorders of adult neurogenesis were also found. In most cases, the effects of DEP are more pronounced in male mice, probably due to lower antioxidant capacity due to less expression of paraoxonase 2.
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Nano-silica from kaolinitic clay used as adsorbent for anionic and cationic dyes removal: linear and non-linear regression isotherms and kinetics studies

Published on: 24th May, 2022

The increasing occurrence of wastewaters associated with industrial development has begotten a permanent search for new and more efficient techniques for the removal of hazardous substances such as heavy metals and dyes. The use of natural and available resources to develop improved and sustainable commodities for this purpose remains crucial and is among promising emerging green technologies for water treatment. It offers the gradual shifting of hazardous industrial chemicals precursors to the abundant non-metallic mineral resources that receive an added value. This work investigated the uptake capacity by the adsorption process of methylene blue (MB) and azocarmine G (AG) onto nano-silica synthesized from kaolinite clay. The effects of contact time (0-30 min), the adsorbent dosage (5-100 mg), the initial pH of the solution (1-11 for MB and 1-7 for AG), and the initial dye concentration (5-50 mg/L) were studied. The selected conditions to carry out kinetic and isotherm adsorption experiments were: 15 mins, 20 mg, 11 for MB, 1.01 for AG, and 50 mg/L. Four adsorption isotherms and three kinetic models were used to model the adsorption data thanks to linear and non-linear regression methods. From the obtained results, the Freundlich isotherm model fitted well the adsorption phenomenon while the pseudo-second-order kinetic model described well the adsorption mechanism. Furthermore, the free energy of adsorption was similar for the two absorbents, 0.71 kJ, pointing physisorption as the dominant adsorption mechanism. The optimum MB and AG uptake were respectively 13.8 and 36.1 mg/g. Conclusively, the nano-silica represents a potentially viable and powerful adsorbent whose use could lead to a plausible improvement in environmental preservation.
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Bioaccumulation of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the polluted area by enterprise for the production and processing of batteries

Published on: 13th July, 2022

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9575035815

In this paper, the concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn was investigated in soil and Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. sampling from polluted cite near the enterprises for the production and processing of batteries in the city of Dnipro in Ukraine. The obtained results of the study were provided to assess the plant species through bio-monitoring and phytoremediation. Though Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. is a weed that causes serious allergic reactions in humans, this plant species can also have a high bioaccumulative capacity regarding metals. The obtained results highlighted the metals’ significantly higher concentration in roots than in the inflorescence part in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Among all studied metals, Zn and Cu had the highest concentration in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., while lead was characterized by the highest bioavailable content available to plant forms in the soil. The various distribution of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn was found in different parts of the plant. According to plant-up-taking indexes studied elements can be ranked in the following descending order: Cu > Zn > Cr > Cd > Pb. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. could be proposed for phytoremediation in Zn, Cu, Cd, and Cr contaminated soils although this species is resistant to lead soil pollution.
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A reaction and movement of vacancy and solute atom in metals under elastic tensile stress

Published on: 27th July, 2022

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9575032825

In the 17th century, Robert Hooke, an English physicist, proposed Hooke’s law. Since then, the theory of elastic deformation in metals has been restricted to a macroscopic frame that is normalized by Hooke’s law. From the start of the 21st century, Xu has established a microscopic theory of elastic deformation based on Hooke’s law to describe the reaction and movement of vacancy and solute atom in metals under elastic tensile stress [1,2].
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Optimization of the fermentation process, characterization and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharides produced from Azotobacter As101

Published on: 20th December, 2022

Azotobacter was selectively isolated and purified from the soil samples of Xinjiang Salt Lake Scenic spot, the fermentation technology of exopolysaccharides (EPS) by Azotobacter was optimized, and the antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharides (EPS) was studied. The bacteria were isolated and purified from the soil samples by the scribing method and the 16SrRNA gene was used for molecular identification. The carbon source, fermentation time, inoculation amount and pH of target bacteria in the exopolysaccharides (EPS) fermentation process were optimized through single-factor experiments and their antioxidant activity was measured. Eight types of Azotobacter were isolated and purified from the soil samples of Salt Lake scenic spot. Among them, As101, which showed 99.58% homology with Azotobacter salinestris, was selected as the target strain. Through single-factor experiments which used exopolysaccharides (EPS) yield and exopolysaccharides content as indexes, the optimal conditions for the As101 fermentation process were determined as follows: fermentation temperature 35, fermentation time 96h, pH 7 and mannitol as carbon source. Exopolysaccharides content from Azotobacter salinestris  was 61.35% and the yield was 6.34 g/L. The results of the exopolysaccharides (EPS) antioxidant activity experiment under optimal conditions showed that As101 EPS had excellent scavenging ability against DPPH free radical, ABTS free radical and hydroxyl free radical, with IC50 values of 6.11 mg/ml, 2.42 mg/ml and 9.57 mg/ml, respectively. As101 with high yield and high exopolysaccharides content was isolated from saline soil in a special environment of Xinjiang, and the EPS obtained showed excellent antioxidant activity. The Azotobacter found in this study would provide the material basis for further opening up the adsorption of exopolysaccharides on heavy metals and the improvement of saline-alkali soil and contribute to further understanding of the structure and other activities of exopolysaccharides derived from Azotobacter.
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Decline in human sperm parameters: How to stop?

Published on: 31st January, 2023

A large systematic review and meta-regression analysis found that sperm counts all over the world appeared to be declining rather than stabilizing. The decline in male sperm counts does not necessarily translate to a decline in male fertility. The cause of declining sperm counts remains unknown; however, several potential causative factors have been identified: 1. Chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypertension; hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia and skin Diseases & metabolic syndrome. 2. Environmental factors: bisphenol a; phthalates; heavy metals and heat. 3. Lifestyle: obesity, diet, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, stress, reduced sleep & sedentary life. Addressing these causes is required to stop or decrease male fertility decline. Action to improve semen quality such as prevention & treatment of chronic disease, decreasing unhealthy lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, poor diet, or lack of physical activity & eliminating toxic environmental chemicals.
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Surface energy of micro- and nanowire

Published on: 14th February, 2023

Ono S, Kondo S. Molecular Theory of Surface Tension in Liquids, in Structure of Liquids, series Encyclopedia of Physics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 1960; 3/10:134-280. Rowlinson JS, Widom B. Molecular Theory of Capillarity, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 1989. Jaycock MJ, Parfitt GD. Chemistry of Interfaces, Halstead Press, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1981. Adamson AW, Gast AP. Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Wiley-Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons. 1997. Rusanov AI, Prokhorov VA. Interfacial Tensiometry, Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1996. Baranov SA, Dikusar AI. Kinetics of Electrochemical Nanonucleation upon Induced Codeposition of Iron-Group Metals with Refractory Metals (W, Mo, Re). Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry. 2022; 589(5):429-439. DOI: 3103/S1068375522050027. Baranov SA. Surface energy for nanowire. Annals of Mathematics and Physics. 2022; 81-86. DOI: 10.17352/amp.000043. Baranov SA. Surface Energy, and Production Micro-and Nanowire. Journal of Nanosciences Research & Reports 2022; 4(4):1-4. DOI: Baranov SA, Rekhviashvili SSh, Sokurov AA. Some problems of simulation of the thermodynamic properties of droplets. Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry. 2019; 55(3):286-193. DOI: 5281/zenodo.1228887. Sears GW. A grown mechanism for mercury whiskers. Acta metallurgical. 1955; 3(4):367-369. Cahn RW. Background to rapid solidification processing. Liebermann HH. (ed.) Rapidly Solidified Alloys, Materials Engineering Series. Dekker, Parsippany, NJ. 1993; 3:1-15. Khachaturyan AG. Theory of structural transformations in solids, Dover Publications, New York. 2008.
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Study of kabul river canal sediments for heavy metals status and its accumulation in wheat plant (triticum aestivum)

Published on: 21st April, 2023

Canal cleaning is a routine activity on the canals diverted from the Kabul River. As a result, thousands of tons of sediment are removed as sludge and flushed back into the Kabul River. In Peshawar city, most people use this sediment as a soil conditioner in lawns. But the farmers are hesitant to apply it in agricultural fields. It is perceived that the sediment may be rich in heavy metal contents and, if used as a soil conditioner, may contaminate the food chain. To unveil the facts, this study was conducted with the aim of analyzing sediment samples for selected heavy metals and their uptake and accumulation in different parts of the wheat plant. For this purpose, the sediment collected from Warsak Gravity Canal (WGC) was analyzed for total essential heavy metals including iron (Fe), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), and Zinc (Zn). Wheat crop was grown in four different pots consisting of pure soil, pure sediment, and two amendments i.e. soil mixed with 25% and 50% sediments. In comparison to sediment, the soil samples were high in copper, cobalt, and Zinc concentration. The concentration of iron and manganese was comparatively high in pure sediment but within permissible limits. The heavy metals uptake by the wheat crop was also within the permissible limits. The highest accumulation of copper, iron, and Zinc was observed in the roots of wheat plants. The highest value of cobalt was observed in the seed (0.407 mg Kg-1), which was within the safe range. Therefore, it is concluded that the sediment of the Kabul River canal cannot be considered a source of pollution in terms of heavy metals and can be used as a soil conditioner.
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Evaluation of Heavy Metals Concentration in Poultry Feed and Poultry Products

Published on: 11th July, 2023

The study was conducted to determine the absorption of essential and non-essential trace minerals from poultry feed to poultry products. Poultry feed, liver, muscles, and egg samples were collected from six poultry farms in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, and Iron were analyzed in the samples using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer. Iron, Lead, and Chromium exceeded the permissible limits set by World Health Organization and National Research Council in Poultry feed. Lead was high in the liver, breast muscles, thigh muscles, egg albumen, and egg yolk. Chromium was found in feed, egg yolk, egg albumen, and two (02) of the liver and breast muscle samples. Mercury was not detected in any of the samples. The liver contains significantly higher concentrations of detected heavy metals as compared to thigh and breast muscles and egg yolk contained significantly high concentrations of Iron, Cadmium, and Lead as compared to egg albumen. Standards requirements for feed manufacturers and poultry farmers should be maintained to monitor and mitigate routes of entry of contaminants in the food chain.
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Water Purification Using Ceramic Pots Water Filter

Published on: 19th July, 2023

In this study, ceramic pot filters are made from clay and burn-out materials (sawdust) that give pore sizes capable of capturing contaminants. Manufacturing specifications were selected to achieve some results. Clay and sawdust are mixed in a 50% volume ratio each and sawdust was subjected to hot water extraction to give a treated sample. Filters produced comprised of untreated, treated, and a mixture of treated and untreated sawdust samples, some of which were dipped in a solution of silver nanoparticles while others were not dipped (treated undipped, treated dipped, mixed dipped, mixed undipped, untreated undipped, untreated dipped). The effectiveness of the produced filters for the removal of contaminants such as dissolved solids, turbidity, and metals was tested using water collected from the Ikeji Arakeji River in Osun, Nigeria. The results showed the filter with treated sawdust undipped in a solution of silver nano gave the best result in the removal of the contaminants. Also, the filter with the mixtures of treated and untreated sawdust gave a better result compared to the standard. While the standard gave a better result than the untreated undipped ceramic filter pot. In conclusion, with proper cleaning and maintenance of the filters, they can effectively provide treated water suitable for drinking to rural people affected by polluted water sources.
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Isolation and Influence of Carbon Source on the Production of Extracellular Polymeric Substance by Bacteria for the Bioremediation of Heavy Metals in Santo Amaro City

Published on: 9th February, 2024

The city of Santo Amaro (Bahia, Brazil) gained visibility among the scientific community due to the contamination of the Subaé River by lead and cadmium from the PLUMBUM Mineração e Metalurgia Ltda industry, on the banks of the river in 1956, which produced lead ingots The present work aimed to investigate the adsorption capacity of heavy metals (Pb and Cd) of EPS produced by bacterial species from the Subaé River, for possible future application of these biopolymers in bioremediation processes in areas impacted by the aforementioned heavy metals. Subaé river water was collected for physical-chemical analysis and bacterial isolation. It was verified that all isolated bacteria produced an expressive amount of Exopolysaccharide (EPS). Thus, the optimization of this production in different sugars (sucrose, glucose, and mannitol) and in three different pHs: 5.5; 6.5, and 7.5. All bacteria produced EPS in large quantities and the best sugar was sucrose at pH 7.5. In order to use the EPS for the bioremediation area, the adsorption test of lead and cadmium was carried out by the isolated EPS. 0.5 g of the EPS was dissolved in 50 ml of deionized water, then the solutions of metals, lead acetate, and cadmium sulfate (procedure performed separately) were incubated at 28 °C for 16 h after that period, and were centrifuged. Samples were filtered to separate the insoluble EPS and the filtrates obtained were used in the quantification of the metals by atomic absorption (FAAS- Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Bacillus spp., Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus spp., and Serratiamarcescens, all showed tolerance to the tested metals, due to the efficiency in the adsorption capacity of the EPS, and it was possible to distinguish seven genera, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Lysinibacillus spp. to be used in the bioremediation of environments contaminated with heavy metals.
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Evaluation of Heavy Metals in Commercial Baby Foods

Published on: 21st February, 2024

Nutritious and safe foods are essential to meet normal physiological and metabolic functions. This study evaluated heavy metals in selected food products for newborns and toddlers. These substances may result in adverse health risks and young children are extremely vulnerable due to their immature immune systems and organs. Industrialization and technological advancement have contributed to an increase in heavy metals in the soil; therefore, entering the food system in potentially harmful amounts. Safe levels have been established by monitoring agencies to reduce the presence of heavy metals. Ten national brands of baby foods were analyzed for selected heavy metals. The main ingredients ranged from vegetables, fruits, dairy, poultry, meats, and grains. The products were analyzed in triplicates using QQQ-ICP-MS instrumentation to detect the presence of arsenic, cadmium, zinc, lead, nickel, aluminum, and chromium. Based on the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [1] guidelines for safe quantities, aluminum (4.09 µg/g and 2.50 µg/g) and zinc (33.5 µg/g 69.5 µg/g, and 30.2 µg/g) exceeded the recommended levels of 1 µg/g/day and 2 - 3 µg/g /day respectively. Mixed model analysis found significant differences in metal concentrations (F6,24 = 2.75, p = 0.03) with an average metal concentration of 0.96 µg/g. However, no significant correlations were found between the packaging materials used and the observed metal concentrations in the food samples. The study concluded that the presence of heavy metals may be due to food type and the soil on which it is grown and not the packaging materials, establishing food system contamination by heavy metals.
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Custom Implants and Beyond: The Biomedical Potential of Additive Manufacturing

Published on: 17th May, 2024

Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, is revolutionizing the field of biomedical engineering by enabling the creation of custom implants tailored to individual patient anatomy. This technology uses digital design files to layer-by-layer build structures from various materials, including biocompatible metals, polymers, and ceramics. In medical applications, this precision allows for the creation of implants that closely match the contours and geometries of a patient’s unique anatomical features, offering improved fit, functionality, and comfort compared to traditional, mass-produced implants. The potential benefits extend beyond just enhanced patient outcomes. With additive manufacturing, healthcare providers can reduce surgical times by designing implants that require minimal intraoperative modification. Moreover, the flexibility of this technology facilitates rapid prototyping and iterative design, enabling healthcare professionals to collaborate with engineers in refining implant designs before they are used in surgery. This iterative approach is particularly useful in complex cases, such as craniofacial reconstruction, where conventional implants may not adequately address the intricacies of a patient’s skeletal structure.
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A Review on Heavy Metals in Ecosystems, Their Sources, Roles, and Impact on Plant Life

Published on: 21st August, 2024

The presence of heavy metals (HMs) on Earth is essential to all forms of life. These metals are essential for plant and animal development but can have numerous negative effects on the living environment. In this review, we looked at where HMs come from, why they are harmful, and how they affect plants. Articles indexed in Google Scholar, PubMed, Research Gate, Science Direct, and a few books on heavy metals were consulted for this study. Heavy metals are essential for plant development and growth. According to this analysis, the hazardous effects of HMs are on the rise all throughout the globe, and this trend may be attributed mostly to human activity. Because of its impact on agricultural productivity and environmental changes, soil pollution caused by HMs is among the most crucial elements. Plants have evolved very sophisticated defense systems to deal with these environmental challenges. The threat that HM stress poses to plants has attracted a lot of attention worldwide because it could stunt agriculture’s long-term expansion. In spite of their importance for plants, this study found that HMs pose a significant threat to plant life. The novelty of this review lies in its detailed examination of both the beneficial and detrimental roles of HMs, providing a balanced perspective often overlooked in current literature. The significance of this work is underscored by its potential to inform sustainable agricultural practices and environmental management strategies, as it highlights the delicate balance required to harness the benefits of HMs while mitigating their risks. Despite their necessity for plant development, this review underscores the significant risks HMs pose to plant health and ecosystems.Less than 10 cases have been reported in the literature of the association of germline BRCA1 and Squamous cell Carcinoma – the esophagus. The article focuses on the probable pathogenesis of BRCA1 mutation with non-classic malignancies and the response of Poly adenosine diphosphate ribose polymerase inhibitors (PARP) inhibitors in such a scenario. We report an unusual manifestation of the BRCA1 gene with second primary oesophageal squamous cell cancer occurring five years later to triple-negative breast cancer.
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Quantifying Levels of Selected Metals in Different Rice Brands

Published on: 29th August, 2024

This research focused on assessing the levels of selected metal contamination in seven different rice brands (Jasmine, Basmati, Mapembe, Morogoro, Shinyanga, Mbeya, and Cheju). Cheju rice was obtained from local producers from the Cheju area in Zanzibar, while the remaining rice brands namely, Jasmine, Basmati, Mapembe, Morogoro, Shinyanga, and Mbeya were randomly taken from local markets at Darajani and Mwanakwerekwe in Zanzibar. Samples were prepared in accordance with applicable Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs) and laboratory SOPs using information provided by field sample preparation. The samples were ground to fineness and an aliquot of about 10.0 g was measured on the beam balance and mounted on the sample holders for laboratory analysis. An Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique with a Rigaku NEX CG EDXRF model spectrometer was used for metal analysis. The study revealed that the percentage of metal contamination varied considerably from one rice brand to another, with Basmati and Jasmine rice each exhibiting a contamination level of 50%, while Shinyanga, Mbeya, Mapembe, and Cheju rice showed a level of 25% each. Notably, Morogoro rice had no observable heavy metal contamination. Additionally, a significant positive correlation was observed between several metal pairs: Au and Cr (r² = 1.00), Au and Ti (r² = 0.613), Cr and Ti (r² = 0.613), Ni and Pb (r² = 0.748), Ni and Hf (r² = 0.660), Pb and Hf (r² = 0.656), and Ti and Sn (r² = 0.671). The individual occurrence (percentage) for metals across all rice brands were as follows: 71.42% for Sn, and 28.57% for Hf, Ni, Pb, and Ti, while traces of Au, Cr, and Y each had an occurrence level of 14.28%. While Morogoro rice showed no metal discernible analyzed heavy metal contamination, the other rice brands were observed to have a considerable heavy metal contamination trend. The patterns of metal occurrence in each rice brand were observed as follows: Basmati: Sn > Ti > Au > Cr; Jasmine: Sn > Hf > Ni > Pb; Shinyanga: Sn > Pb; Mbeya: Sn > Hf; Mapembe: Sn > Ti; Cheju: Ni > Y. The patterns, then yield the ranking of metal contamination across all seven rice brands from lowest to highest is as follows: Morogoro < (Mapembe, Cheju, Mbeya, Shinyanga) < (Jasmine, Basmati). Furthermore, the data analysis indicated that the concentrations of Cr (1.08 mg/Kg), Ni (4.65 mg/Kg), and Pb (3.05 mg/Kg) detected in the samples surpassed the maximum permissible limits established by WHO/FAO which were 1.0 mg/Kg, 0.10 mg/Kg and 0.20 mg/Kg respectively. Consequently, the study concludes that Morogoro rice is the most superior and considered the safest choice for consumption, while Jasmine and Basmati rice are associated with higher levels of metal contamination. Thus, it is highly recommended that Tanzania intensify its rice cultivation efforts to reduce reliance on rice imports from other nations.
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