
Endovascular treatment of complex cerebral arterial saccular aneurysms with different methods of coiling: 14 years of experience review

Published on: 21st June, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7317654645

The Objective: to improve the treatment results for patients with cerebral arterial saccular aneurysms by optimizing of differentiated approach to the using of endovascular assisting occlusion techniques. Materials and Methods: The work is based on the comprehensive survey and treatment of 1345 patients with cerebral saccular arterial aneurysms (AA), who were treated at the SO “Scientific-Practical Center of endovascular neuroradiology of NAMS of Ukraine” from 2002 to 2016. 214 cases were selected for further clinical-instrumental dynamic observation in follow-up period. All patients were operated by endovascular approach in “before hemorrhage” period, in acute or “cold” period of the disease on for symptomatic or asymptomatic intracranial saccular AA in both vascular pools with balloon-remodeling or stent-assisting techniques using with the coiling or just detachable coils (DC) using-mono-coils occlusion technique. Depending on the initial endovascular occlusion method, the patients were divided into three groups for observation: I group (mono-coils occlusion)-82 (38.3%) patients, II group (balloon-remodeling technique using)-68 (31.8%) patients, group III (stent-assisting technique occlusion)-64 (29.9%) patients. The life quality and the level of social adaptation were evaluated before hospital discharge and at the follow-up control examinations by Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) and by the modified Rankine scale (mRS). AA radicalism occlusion was assessed by Modified Raymond-Roy Scale (MRRS) (Mascitelli JR, et al., 2015). AA occlusion I and II by MRRS was considered as “Effective”. Results: 9 criteria of cerebral saccular AA complexity inherent in endovascular surgery have been developed based on the technical and surgical features of endovascular methods of the cerebral AA occlusion and X-ray-anatomical characteristics of aneurysms, which complicated the “effective” reconstructive occlusion of AA cavity. The evaluation of the AA complexity criteria prognostic significance to achieve the “effective” primary occlusion, shown different results in different groups: high prognostic significance of 4 criteria was shown in group I, of 2 criteria - in group III, and no any criteria significance in group II. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in the primary AA occlusion efficacy and initial good results by GOS and mRS. It was proved that endovascular occlusion of complex cerebral AA with the assisting methods using has high efficiency in all periods of the disease, unlike the method of mono-coils occlusion, which is most effective in acute and “cold” periods. There was no statistically significant difference between the number of intraoperative, postoperative and non-surgical complications (p>0.05). It was found that all methods of complex AA endovascular occlusion can effectively prevent the disease recurrence despite the differences between them in the stability of the AA cavity occlusion. Conclusions: Consideration of developed AA complexity criteria during endovascular surgery planning allows to choose the most optimal and safe individual method of primary or phased AA occlusion and helps to reduce the frequency of AA recanalization in follow-up period. The choice of the complex AA occlusion method doesn’t effect on result of primary treatment, the number of intraoperative complications and the quality of primary occlusion. However, an analysis of the long-term treatment results indicates that the assisting techniques have proven advantages according to the occlusion stability.
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Role of HRCT Thorax in preoperative assessment of RT-PCR COVID-19 negative oral cancer patients

Published on: 22nd December, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8872656815

Background: Oral cancer accounts for 30% of all types of cancer in India. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment but due to the recent outbreak of COVID-19, there is a partial or complete disruption of health services in the country. The initial delay in the treatment was due to cancellations of planned surgeries as per government regulations and reduction in public transportation. In the latter half of the initial relaxation of the lockdown, we formulated our institutional protocol for the surgical treatment of oral cancer patients. On admission, all patients were kept in isolated wards followed by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing on the same day. RT-PCR negative patients are subjected to HRCT Thorax (High-resolution Computer Tomography). This ensured the safety of health care workers, patients, and patient attendees. Keeping this in mind, we did an observational study on the role of HRCT in the pre-operative screening of asymptomatic oral cancer patients.  Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data of 150 patients was done. HRCT reporting was done by two experienced senior radiologists of the Department of Radiology at our hospital. Results: The number of patients under the CO-RADS 1 category was 121 and CO-RADS 2 category was 29, according to CO-RADS classification. The results of RT-PCR and HRCT were compared and there was a 100% positive correlation between RT-PCR and HRCT Thorax. Conclusion: Our study supported the use of HRCT Thorax as a diagnostic tool in pre-operative screening of oral cancer patients for COVID 19, particularly in RT-PCR negative cases.
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Diagnostic accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to differentiate benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors

Published on: 7th November, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7929251620

Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to differentiate Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors taking histopathology as gold standard. Design: Cross sectional study. Place and duration of study: Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from January till July 2014. Methodology: 200 patients of age between 5 to 80 years of either gender with parotid gland swelling, having radiological evidence and clinical suspicion of parotid tumour like fixation to underlying skin, pain, facial palsy and cervical lymphadenopathy were taken. T1 and T2 plain and contrast enhanced 1.5 Tesla MRI unit using standard imaging coil was then carried out. Imaging was further evaluated for the presence or absence of benign or malignant parotid gland tumours using histopathology as a Gold standard. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of MRI were taken against the gold standard. Results: There were 170 males and 30 females having mean age of 40.27±15.04 and 40.12±12.15 years respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of MRI were 90.4%, 89.33%, 93.39% and 84.41% respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of MRI to differentiate benign and malignant parotid gland tumours was 90%. These results were taken against surgery histopathology as a gold standard. Conclusion: MRI is highly accurate in differentiating malignant & benign tumours of parotid glands and can be used as an adjunct to histopathology for pre-operative evaluation of the parotid gland tumours.
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Percutaneous abdomino-pelvic abscess drainage in complicated Crohn’s disease

Published on: 5th October, 2020

Purpose: Percutaneous abscess drainage (PAD) is the first-line approach for abscess in Crohn’s disease (CD) since it procrastinates or avoids surgery especially in postoperative abscesses [within 30 days post-operative (p.o.)]. We retrospectively evaluated the effectiveness, complications and outcome after PAD in postoperative and spontaneous abscesses and factors influencing the outcomes. Methods: We performed PAD in 91 abscesses, 45 (49,5%) postoperative and 46 (50,5%) spontaneous. We defined the overall success (OS) as clinical (CS) and technical success (TS) when imaging documented the resolution of the abscess with no surgery within 30 days. Conversely, patients without abscess at the time of surgery, were considered as TS but clinical failure (CF). We also analyzed the overall failure (OF) defined as CF with or without technical failure (TF). Overall technical success (OTS) was OS plus TS. Complications were classified as major and minor according to the Interventional Radiology Criteria. Results: In postoperative abscesses we found 91% OS, 9% OF, no TF and 100% OTS. In spontaneous abscesses we found 33% OS, 67% OF, 6.4% TF, 95,6% OTS. A total abscess resolution was achieved in 97,8% of patients. No major complication occurred; only 1 case of minor complication. Factors statistically influencing the outcome were postoperative vs spontaneous collections (OF: 9% vs. 67%, p < 0.0001), multiloculated vs uniloculated collections (OF: 38% vs. 1%, p < 0.0001) and upper abdominal vs lower location (OF: 13% vs. 25%, p <0.05). Conclusion: Our data confirms the safety and effectiveness of PAD even in cases needing surgery within 30 days; most remarkable, PAD allows avoidance of early reoperation in almost all the patients with postoperative abscess.
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Investigation of radiation attenuation parameters of some drugs used in Chemotherapy in Wide Energy Region

Published on: 4th August, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7844574123

Objectives: The aim of this study is to compute the radiation attenuation parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, half value layer, mean free path, and effective atomic number for some selected chemotherapy drugs such as Lomustine, Cisplatin, Carmustine, and Chlorambucil in the energy range from 1 keV to 100 GeV. Materials and Methods: The mass attenuation coefficients were calculated with the help of WinXCOM program. Using the obtained mass attenuation coefficients, other parameters such as linear attenuation coefficient, half value layer, mean free path, and effective atomic number were derived. Results: It is observed that the variations of these parameters with respect to the photon energy show changes in different energy regions. According to the obtained results, Cisplatin has the highest mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient and effective atomic number results among the selected chemotherapy drugs. Moreover, Chlorambucil has the highest half value layer and mean free path results among the selected chemotherapy drugs. Conclusion: The results of this study are useful for applied science fields such as radiation physics, pharmacology, and medical physics. These results may be useful when the selected chemotherapy drugs are used together with radiology.
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Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare of older people

Published on: 20th March, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8559314473

Clinical applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare are relatively rare. The high expectations in relation to data analysis influencing general healthcare have not materialized, with few exceptions, and then predominantly in the field of rare diseases, oncology and pathology, and interpretation of laboratory results. While electronic health records, introduced over the last decade or so in the UK have increased access to medical and treatment histories of patients, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, laboratory and test results, these have potential for evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient’s care, as well as streamline workflow. In the following text, we review the advances achieved using machine learning and deep learning technology, as well as robot use and telemedicine in the healthcare of older people. Key points: 1. Artificial Intelligence use is extensively explored in prevention, diagnosis, novel drug designs and after-care. 2. AI studies on older adults include a small number of patients and lack reproducibility needed for their wider clinical use in different clinical settings and larger populations. 3. Telemedicine and robot assisted technology are well received by older service users. 4. Ethical concerns need to be resolved prior to wider AI use in routine clinical setting.
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Bifid Mandibular Canals: A case report and mini review

Published on: 3rd April, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8875582681

he presence of bifid mandibu¬lar canals is an unusual but not rare occurrence. The mandibular canal containing the inferior alveolar artery, vein, and nerve, originates from the mandibular foramen and terminates at mental foramen [1-4]. In radiology, mandibular canal’s appearance has been described as “a radiolucent dark ribbon between two white lines”[5]. White and Pharoah defined it as “dark linear shadow with thin radiopaque superior and inferior borders cast by the lamella of bone that bounds the canal” [6]. Understanding of its anatomic variations is very important due to its clinical implications in various oral and maxillofacial treatments like removal of wisdom teeth [7], mandibular implant placement [8], in bilateral sagittal split osteotomy procedures and during fixation of mandibular fractures. Presence of bifid or multiple mandibular canals forces the clinician to change the treatment plan. Ignoring this variation can cause several complications intra or postoperatively or even result in failure of treatment. For instance a bifid canal if ignored during surgical removal of third molar or dental implant placement can cause prolonged pain even after administering local anesthesia and also severe bleeding if the accessory canal is encroached [2]. Bifid mandibular canals may originate from the mandibular foramen independently or might bifurcate from a single canal during its course inside the mandible [8]. Bifid mandibular canals have been by classified by multiple authors according to anatomical location and configuration, on panoramic radiographs and computerized tomography. According to Carter and Keen [1], inferior alveolar nerve can be arranged as- Type I: single large bony canal, Type II: canal is lower down in the mandible and Type III: canal separates posteriorly into two large branches. Nortje, et al. [9] gave patterns of duplication as- Type I: duplicate canals from a single mandibular foramen which can be of same size/ lower canal smaller/ upper canal smaller. Type II: short upper canal up to the second molar areas. Type III: two canals from separate foramina, joining at molar area and Type IV: supplemental canals joining the main canals in the retromolar areas. This report describes a case of a bilateral Bifid Mandibular Canal suspected by a panoramic radiograph and confirmed by a CBCT prior to a dental treatment.
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Case report: contrast imaging in the setting of venous thrombosis

Published on: 28th February, 2023

Disruption to contrast agent supply chains for radiology investigations has become an additional consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Various recommendations, including dose reductions and choices of alternative agents, have been made to help account for this limited availability. This case demonstrated how two separate CT venograms with different contrast agents, undertaken on the same day for the same patient, yielded different results; venous thromboses were more prominent in the subsequent scan. Although there was some evidence of venous sinus thrombosis on the first scan, repeat imaging was required to further characterize the lesions identified. The case exemplifies the notion that diagnostic imaging should always be guided by a detailed history and examination. It also raises the discussion point of whether more strict or uniform protocols should be developed to facilitate contrast administration for radiology investigations. It is important that appropriate doses are always administered to maximize diagnostic yield.
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Diagnostic accuracy of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in differentiating low- and high-grade gliomas, taking histopathology as the gold standard

Published on: 10th April, 2023

Gliomas are known to be one of the most grievous malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors and have a high mortality rate with a low survival rate severe disability and increase risk of recurrence. Aim of his study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in differentiating low-grade and high-grade gliomas, taking histopathology as the gold standard. It is a Cross-sectional validation study conducted at the Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging, (AFIRI) Rawalpindi, Pakistan from 28th February 2022 to 27th August 2022.Materials and methods: A total of 215 patients with focal brain lesions of age 25-65 years of either gender were included. Patients with a cardiac pacemaker, breastfeeding females, de-myelinating lesions and malignant infiltrates, and renal failure were excluded. Then diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging was performed on each patient by using a 1.5 Tesla MR system. The area of greatest diffusion restriction (lowest ADC) within the solid tumor component was identified while avoiding areas of peritumoral edema. Results of ADC were interpreted by a consultant radiologist (at least 5 years of post-fellowship experience) for high or low-grade glioma. After this, each patient has undergone a biopsy in the concerned ward, and histopathology results were compared with ADC findings. Results: Overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in differentiating low- and high-grade gliomas, taking histopathology as the gold standard was 93.65%, 87.64%, 91.47%, 90.70% and 91.16% respectively. Conclusion: This study concluded that apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is the non-invasive modality of choice with high diagnostic accuracy in differentiating low- and high-grade gliomas.
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Neurointerventional Radiology: History, Present and Future

Published on: 20th June, 2023

Neurointerventional Radiology (NIR), encompassing neuroendovascular surgery, endovascular neurosurgery, and interventional neurology, is an innovative and rapidly evolving multidisciplinary specialty focused on minimally invasive therapies for a wide range of neurological disorders. This review provides a comprehensive overview of NIR, discussing the three routes into the field, highlighting their distinct training paradigms, and emphasizing the importance of unified approaches through organizations like the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery (SNIS).The paper explores the benefits of co-managed care and its potential to improve patient outcomes, as well as the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-disciplinary integration in advancing the field. We discuss the various contributions of neurosurgery, radiology, and neurology to cerebrovascular surgery, aiming to inform and educate those interested in pursuing a career in neurointervention. Additionally, the review examines the adoption of innovative technologies such as robotic-assisted techniques and artificial intelligence in NIR, and their implications for patient care and the future of the specialty. By presenting a comprehensive analysis of the field of neurointervention, we hope to inspire those considering a career in this exciting and rapidly advancing specialty, and underscore the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in shaping its future.
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Patient with Fibroadenoma on Biopsy, Found to have Phyllodes on Final Pathology: A Case Report

Published on: 28th December, 2023

Distinguishing between fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors is a challenge in breast surgery, despite advances in both radiology and pathology. In this case report, we analyze a patient presenting with a breast mass with multiple core needle biopsy results consistent with fibroadenoma, who underwent enucleation and was found to have phyllodes tumor on final pathology, thereby requiring surgical re-excision. This case report highlights the importance of patient clinical presentation in differentiating fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors and explores how to achieve appropriate margins upon surgical re-excision after prior enucleation of phyllodes tumor via ultrasound localization of a seroma.
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Detecting Pneumothorax on Chest Radiograph Using Segmentation with Deep Learning

Published on: 9th July, 2024

Introduction: Pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition that requires prompt recognition and therapy to prevent deterioration. Radiologist workload often precludes rapid assessment of the usual diagnostic modality, the chest radiograph, particularly after hours. The aim was to develop a deep learning model using a segmentation-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) to detect pneumothorax on chest radiographs to provide rapid and accurate pneumothorax diagnosis.Methods: This is a retrospective study of spontaneous pneumothorax at a single center, containing 130 positive and 70 negative radiographs. Subsequent manual contour mapping was performed to draw a mask of the pneumothorax. These image pairs were used to train a DCNN model (a modified AlexNet) after pretraining on the ImageNet dataset.Results: The DCNN achieved an accuracy of 0.83, with sensitivity of 98.1%, and specificity of 68.5%.Conclusion: This segmentation-based DCNN accuracy is comparable to previous categorization-based CDNN models, despite using a smaller sample size for training, while including the benefits of visual representation for clinician feedback. Segmentation-based DCNNs show promise in the development of accurate and clinically useful models for medical imaging.
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Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Evening and Weekend Outpatient Medical Imaging: Implications for Patients and Radiology Professionals

Published on: 8th August, 2024

Evening and weekend imaging services at outpatient radiology centers offer extended access to diagnostic imaging, potentially increasing patient satisfaction and accessibility, especially for underserved populations. This review explores the benefits and challenges associated with these after-hours operations, focusing on health equity, patient satisfaction, economic considerations, energy and cost savings, and the impact on healthcare professionals. Findings indicate that while after-hours operations can enhance patient satisfaction and access, they also pose challenges such as increased operational costs and staff fatigue. Strategies for improvement include optimizing shift schedules, leveraging technology for better scheduling and communication, and enhancing patient-centered care. Collaborative efforts among imaging centers can further improve service delivery and efficiency.
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Establishment of a Best Practice Recommendation (BPR) for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in a Large Multi-State Radiology Practice: Adoption and Impact

Published on: 26th August, 2024

Purpose of the study:  To evaluate the performance of Best Practice Recommendation (BPR) compliance in reporting abdominal aortic aneurysm findings on imaging, comparing the results before and after its deployment.Methods: Best Practice Recommendations for AAA were deployed in 2020 at a large radiology practice site. Reports between January 2018 through October 2022 were reviewed, representing studies read prior to and subsequent to the implementation of the reporting standards. Cases of abdominal aortic aneurysms ≥ 2.6 cm were counted by year. Adherence to the BPR for each year was calculated as [total number of confirmed cases of ≥ 2.6 cm AAAs with compliant reports] * 100 / [the total number of confirmed ≥ 2.6 cm AAAs]. A secondary analysis was performed to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in the proportion of BPR-compliant reports for AAA cases before (from 2018 to 2019) and after (from 2020 to 2022) BPR deployment using a chi-square test. Results: From January 2018 to December 2022, there were 8,693 reports referencing AAA. After excluding cases of suspected AAA (N = 2,131), confirmed AAAs with indeterminate sizes (N = 103), and confirmed AAAs with sizes < 2.6 cm (N = 85), the number of AAA cases ≥ 2.6 cm in size was 6,374. Concordance with the BPR standards for the remaining cases with sizes ≥ 2.6 cm were 1.6% and 4.1% in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Post-implementation of BPRs, there was a substantial improvement in guideline adherence to 32.1%, 84.3%, and 83.6% in 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively. In general, the proportion of BPR-compliant reports of AAA cases in the pre-deployment (3.6%) period statistically differs (p - value < 0.0001) from those in the post-deployment period (73.9%)Conclusion: Adherence to reporting standards increased after the BPR deployment in 2020. The inclusion of management recommendations in the radiology report when AAA is identified is a simple and cost-effective way of improving outcomes for patients with AAAs through appropriate follow-up treatment.
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