
Knowledge or Money: Which One is More Important?

Published on: 23rd October, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7900040042

When I asked the students in my general Chemistry class whether grade is more important than knowledge, a majority of them opted for grades over knowledge and this answer did not surprise me a bit as the smart phones are available for them to think while their brains are corrupted or unused for most of the time. This brings one to the Einstein’s prediction that technology will develop to the point where there is no human interaction, which will be the day a new generation of idiots will emerge, and we are witnessing everywhere, including in the classrooms all over the world.
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Automatic heartbeat monitoring system

Published on: 30th September, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8286584056

The proliferation and popularity of open source hardware and software, such as Arduino and Raspberry PI, together with IoT and Embedded System, has brought the health industry to rapid evolution, creating portable and low-cost medical devices for monitoring vital signals. Electrocardiographic (ECG) equipment plays a vital role for diagnosis of cardiac disease. However, the cost of this equipment is huge and the operation is too much complex which cannot offer better services to a large population in developing countries. In this paper, I have designed and implemented a low cost fully portable ECG monitoring system using android smartphone and Arduino. The results obtained by the device were tested comparing them with those obtained from a traditional ECG used in clinical practice on 70 people, in resting and under-activity conditions. The values of beats per minute (BPM), ECG waveform and ECG parameters were identical, and presented a sensitivity of 97.8% and a specificity of 78.52%.
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Industrial control systems: The biggest cyber threat

Published on: 4th December, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8872698359

Industrial control systems (ICS) are critical, as in these systems, cyber threats have the potential to affect, disorganize, change their mode of operation, act as an information extraction vehicle, and ultimately turn against itself. Creating risks to the system itself, infrastructure, downtime, leakage of sensitive data, and even loss of human life. Industrial control systems (ICS) are vital to the operation of all the modern automated infrastructure in the western world, such as power plant and power stations. Industrial control systems (ICS) differ from the traditional information systems and infrastructures of organizations and companies, a standard cyber security strategy cannot be implemented but part of it adapting to the real facts and needs of each country, legislation and infrastructure. These systems require continuous operation, reliability and rapid recovery when attacked electronically with automated control, isolation and attack management processes. Incorrect settings and lack of strategic planning can lead to unprotected operation of critical installations, as they do not meet the cyber security requirements. Industrial control systems (ICS) require special protection in their networks, as they should be considered vulnerable in all their areas, they need protection from cyber attacks against ICS, SCADA servers, workstations, PLC automations, etc. Security policies to be implemented should provide protection against cyber threats, and systems recovery without affecting the operation and reliability of operating processes. Security policies such as security assessment, smart reporting, vulnerability and threat simulation, integrity control analysis, apply security policy to shared systems, intrusion detection and prevention, and finally firewall with integrated antivirus and sandbox services should be considered essential entities.
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Nanotherapeutic agent for cancer: Miracle or catastrophe

Published on: 28th June, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8172439175

Nanotechnology is a smart technology in the field of biomedical engineering used for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Nanodrugs provide better encapsulation of drug and efficiency at low dosage to kill the targeted tissue/cells. However, the chances of chronic toxicity and high cost of treatment limits its applicability [1]. To overcome these problems still, the experts of the scientific community have been working on it, to design the best one and cost-effective treatment for the human welfare.
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The effects of religiosity and knowledge on the perceptions and attitude of muslim doctors that influence the intentions that impact on behavior in using halal drugs in Indonesia

Published on: 29th March, 2022

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9466019478

Introduction: In the spirit of maintaining health and seeking medicine to cure a disease, the question of halal and haram still needs to be answered. This coincides with the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW “Verily Allah does not make your healing in what He has forbidden you” (HR. Imam Bukhari). The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the effect of religiosity, perception, knowledge, and attitudes of Muslim doctors on the use of halal drugs in Indonesia.Materials and methods: This quantitative research method with correlational type examines the relationship between religiosity, perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors that are shared online using google form. Data was measured using a Likert scale. A five-point Likert scale was used for statements: Strongly Disagree: 1, Disagree: 2, Uncertain: 3, Agree: 4, and Strongly Agree: 5. The sample size used was 435 Muslim doctors. The data obtained were then processed using the SmartPLS 3.0 application.Results: The results obtained are that there is a relationship between the religiosity of Muslim doctors on perceptions so as to encourage intention so that there is a change in behavior in the use of halal drugs in Indonesia. In addition, there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes so as to encourage intentions that cause behavioral changes in the use of halal drugs in Indonesia by Muslim doctors. In fact, every practice depends on the intention, therefore it is important to maintain the intention, which in this study is influenced by perceptions and attitudes so that charity will result in commendable behavior that is blessed by Allah SWT. In addition, there is also a need for education about halal drugs that are appropriate to be taught at the medical faculty of Islamic universities in Indonesia.
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The smart agriculture applications (current and future)

Published on: 5th December, 2022

Smart agriculture applications (monitoring, sensing, automation and control) of micro-climate and environmental conditions for different agriculture production sectors and scales, decision-makers and researchers need to take it into consideration to strengthen the efforts of mitigation and adaption of climate change impacts as well as maximize the natural resources use efficiencies and food production. Motivate the farmers to implement smart agriculture applications, especially in developed and poor countries, strong cooperation for technology transfer and build up the technology infrastructure of information and communication (ICT) plus the internet of things (IoT).
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Design and construction of solar-powered smart garbage disposal unit

Published on: 9th June, 2023

Cities with developing economies experience exhausted waste collection services, and inadequately managed and uncontrolled dumpsites; which is an ongoing challenge and many struggles due to weak institutions and rapid urbanization. The purpose of the research is to design and construct a smart garbage disposal system using a two-way power supply unit (that is, the electrical power supply unit and solar power supply unit) based on Arduino Nano that utilizes ATMEGA 328p microcontroller. Two pairs of ultrasonic sensors, the pair that faced upward detects the presence of garbage disposal agent at a close distance of (5 - 50) cm and then opens the lid while the other pair faced the inside of the container senses when the container is filled up and then closes the container until it is emptied are used.
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Effect of Balance Exercises with Smart Phone Based Virtual Reality Programme on Balance in Stroke Patients

Published on: 28th September, 2023

Background and objectives: A stroke is a neurological deficit, caused due to vascular changes. Impaired postural control and balance impairments in post-stroke patients are associated with a high risk of falls among stroke patients. The perturbation-based balance training is mainly used in older adults and balance impairment. Virtual reality (VR) as a novel technology is rapidly becoming a popular intervention for improving balance. VR can visualize computer-generated environments with a full field of view through Head-mounted displays (HMD-VR). This study was conducted to assess and investigate the effect of balance exercises with smartphone-based virtual reality programs on balance in stroke patients.Methods: This was a randomized single-group pre and post-test study design. 30 subjects met the inclusion criteria and were enrolled, assigned, and received intervention. Subjects were given perturbation-based balance exercises and smartphone-based virtual reality along with conventional physiotherapy. The intervention protocol was for 6 days/week for 4 weeks period. Results: Following 4 weeks of intervention showed improvement in postural control and balance which was assessed using BBS, TUG, VR BESS, BESTest, and SIS 3.0. Paired t-test was used to differentiate the mean significance. The mean pre to post-intervention difference is 12.6 with a p - value < 0.05. TUG score improved from pre to post-intervention difference is 1.443 with a p - value < 0.05. VR BESS score improved from pre to post-intervention difference is 10.266 with a p value < 0.05. The mean BESTest pre to post-intervention difference is 11.467 with a p - value < 0.05. SIS 3.0 score improved from a pre to post-intervention difference is 20.33 with p - value < 0.05. The result of this study showed a highly significant difference in pre and post-treatment.Conclusion: The study concludes that perturbation-based balance exercises with smartphone-based virtual reality programs are a useful adjunct to improving balance in stroke patients along with conventional physiotherapy. 
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Smart Cities and Aging Well: Exploring the Links between Technological Models and Social Models for Promoting Daily Social Interaction for Geriatric Care

Published on: 19th March, 2024

The aging global population requires a new social model to meet the growing social, economic, and physical needs of seniors. Western social models need to be reconsidered in light of examples that support communal ways of living, which are sustainable through smart city design for more supportive geriatric care systems. To address the complex problems of geriatric care in this growing aging population with specific needs related to increased lifespan and limited financial resources, the use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), should be considered. As retirement ages rise and funds for retirement continue to decrease automated and sustainable solutions need to be sought. The ethical need to consider citizens not as customers but as decision-makers and to validate the ethical nature of medical decisions made for and by individuals should also be prioritized. This study provides recommendations for a smart city design and highlights the need for reflection on the ethics, modernization, and management of geriatric care. It suggests that technological devices can benefit health system reform by facilitating problem-solving. Overall, this new model integrates communal living and non-Western values with emerging technologies to address the growing need for geriatric care and the well-being of seniors.
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Advancing Oral Health and Craniofacial Science through Microchip Implants

Published on: 25th April, 2024

Microchip implants have emerged as transformative tools in the realm of oral health and craniofacial science, offering novel solutions to longstanding challenges. This paper aims to explore the diverse applications of microchip technology in dentistry and craniofacial medicine, envisioning a future where these implants play a pivotal role in diagnostics, treatment modalities, and ongoing patient care. The integration of microchips enables real-time monitoring of oral conditions, facilitating early detection of dental issues and providing personalized treatment strategies. Additionally, these implants open avenues for smart prosthetics and orthodontic devices, optimizing patient comfort and treatment outcomes. However, ethical considerations, patient perceptions, and the societal impact of such technology should also be addressed. By examining the multifaceted implications and applications of microchip implants in oral health and craniofacial science, this research overview seeks to contribute valuable insights to the intersection of technology and healthcare in the dental domain.
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Utilizing Smartphone ECG for Early Detection and Management of Ischemic Heart Disease: A Case Report

Published on: 24th June, 2024

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. We present a case report of a 54-year-old individual presenting with symptoms suggestive of IHD, including palpitations and chest heaviness. Utilizing a Spandan device at home, the patient detected anteroseptal and lateral wall ischemia, prompting consultation with a cardiologist. Subsequent diagnostic evaluations revealed Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH), concentric LVH, regional wall motion abnormality, and Grade I diastolic dysfunction. Hypertension and dyslipidemia were identified as prominent risk factors, with additional findings of carotid artery disease. Management strategies included antihypertensive medications, lipid-lowering therapy, and lifestyle modifications. This case underscores the complexity of diagnosing and managing IHD, highlighting the importance of comprehensive assessment and multidisciplinary care in optimizing patient outcomes.
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Development and Evaluation of a mHealth app - (ReMiT-MS app) for Rehabilitation of Individuals with Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis - A Mixed Methods, Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial - Study Protocol

Published on: 3rd July, 2024

Background: Delaying or slowing functional loss is a valuable goal of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) rehabilitation. The mHealth app-based exercise rehabilitation intervention is expected to overcome barriers related to routine care of MS. Due to the ubiquitous presence of smartphones, they offer an excellent opportunity for remote monitoring, scheduled interaction with experts, and instruction for exercise in a home environment. Challenges in MS routine care include forgotten rehabilitation steps, limited access to local MS experts, and internal barriers such as low health literacy, mobility limitations, and fatigue, alongside external obstacles like service availability and transport costs.Objectives: To develop a mHealth app that is user-centered and context-specific for rehabilitation of MS symptoms, and to evaluate its clinical and cost effectiveness in individuals with RRMS.Methods: The proposed research will be conducted in two phases; the first phase (Phase 1a) will be focused on the development of mHealth app content (ReMiT-MS app trial I). The pilot phase (Phase 1b), where a prototype of the application will be designed, and its usability will be evaluated. Finally, in the second phase (Phase 2), the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the ReMiT-MS app for the rehabilitation of individuals with RRMS will be evaluated (ReMiT-MS app trial II).Conclusion: The findings of this proposed trial may provide a telerehabilitation platform for individuals with RRMS in a resource-limited setting and establish a low-cost healthcare delivery model. In addition, the results of this research work might open a new window in healthcare delivery in India and similar settings.Trial registration:  CTRI/2022/09/045266 [Registered on 06/09/2022]
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Neurovascular Shifts, Sensory Sensitivity, and PMDD in Autistic Women: Exploring Blood Flow Redirection, Mood Dysregulation, and Pain Tolerance during Menstruation

Published on: 30th September, 2024

This article examines the relationship between Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), neurovascular dynamics, and sensory sensitivities in autistic women during menstruation. The redirection of blood flow to the uterus during the menstrual cycle has been found to exacerbate cerebral perfusion deficits in neurodivergent individuals, particularly in the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), which contributes to the mood dysregulation and emotional instability characteristic of PMDD. Autistic women, who often exhibit heightened sensory sensitivities, experience intensified discomfort during menstruation, as sensory overload and altered pain perception compound the emotional challenges of PMDD. These findings emphasize the need for neurodivergent-friendly menstrual products that mitigate both physical and emotional discomfort. Additionally, innovations using biodegradable materials, smart fabrics, and custom-fit menstrual solutions are discussed as potential breakthroughs to improve the quality of life for autistic women managing PMDD. This research highlights the importance of addressing both neurobiological and sensory aspects when designing interventions for PMDD in neurodivergent populations.
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Analysis and Comparison of Social Media Applications Using Forensic Software on Mobile Devices

Published on: 22nd October, 2024

With the integration of mobile systems into daily life, social media applications used especially on Android and iOS platforms contain a significant amount of sensitive information. Social media applications on mobile systems have huge personal and sensitive content. Therefore, it is important to design effective techniques for forensic analysis of social media applications and to detect personal data. In this research, three different paid mobile forensic software and 4 different brands and models of smartphones with different operating systems were used and analyzed. The study shows that private messages, e-mails, time information, shared data, location and time information, and other personal data can be obtained by a forensic expert who performs an examination, and it is seen that one software can access the deleted data, but another software cannot access it. In proportion to the technology used in today’s world, mobile forensics incidents are increasing day by day, and a competitive environment is created among the software used to illuminate these incidents. With this competition, software companies dealing with forensic informatics are trying to obtain different data to illuminate forensic events that may occur due to the active use of social media accounts with the developing technology, and software that does not meet the needs in the face of this situation remains in the background. The criminal elements in the investigation areas of mobile forensics differ daily, and the scope of crimes in the virtual environment is expanding with the developing technology. Therefore, mobile forensic analysis applications should be successful in social media applications other than standard data.
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Amine Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots as a Smart Nano Antibacterial Agent

Published on: 13th December, 2024

Conventional antibiotics are resisted by bacteria at an increasing rate, prompting studies into the development of alternate antibiotic agents. This work demonstrates the fabrication and characterization of amine functionalized graphene quantum dots (af-GQDs) with starting materials of graphene oxide, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide by chemical oxidation and hydrothermal methods. The synthesized af-GQDs were characterized using analytical techniques such as UV-vis, fluorescence, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, and morphological studies through TEM. TEM images showed that af-GQDs have smooth surface morphology with porous in nature and are spherical in shape with particle size less than 20 nm. The prepared af-GQDs show a quantum yield of 26.32%. A growth inhibition test was performed on E. coli and S. aureus for the prepared af-GQDs at different increasing concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentration for the prepared af-GQDs on E. coli was found to be 55 μg/mL and for S. aureus was found to be 35 μg/mL. Percentage cell viability studies were performed on HeLa and Jukart cells for 24 hours at different concentrations. Both cells showed maximum cell viability percentage at the initial concentration. At higher concentrations, the cell viability is decreased for both cells but the Jukart cells show a minimum percentage of cell viability at higher concentrations than the HeLa cells.
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Case Study: Challenges Facing Africa in Fighting Climate Change

Published on: 23rd December, 2024

Africa is one of the continent’s most vulnerable to the effects of climate change despite contributing the least to global greenhouse gas emissions. The continent has faced many environmental challenges recently, including rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, frequent droughts, and extreme weather events. These changes exacerbate existing vulnerabilities in agriculture, water resources, human health, and infrastructure, which are vital for the livelihoods of millions of people. Africa’s population is 60% occupied by agriculture and is threatened by shifting rainfall patterns and extended droughts. Crop yields are increasingly variable, leading to food insecurity and exacerbating poverty. Water scarcity is another pressing concern, as reduced rainfall and more frequent droughts strain already limited water resources, affecting agriculture and access to clean drinking water. Coastal regions are also at risk, with rising sea levels threatening millions living in low-lying areas. In effect, the impacts of climate change extremely affect Africa’s low-level income populations, deepening social and economic inequalities. Africa’s limited financial resources and infrastructure hinder its ability to adapt to these challenges. Nonetheless, Africa also has the potential for resilience through nature-based solutions, renewable energy investments, and regional cooperation. Efforts to enhance climate adaptation, such as sustainable farming practices, improved water management, and climate-smart policies, are critical in building the resilience of communities in combating climate change.
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