The mechanisms of cardiac myopathies, a kinetics approach: Leading review

Published on: 16th July, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8631130997

The normal adult heart is a well maintained machine that has a mechanism for growth replacement of the sarcomere that is lost by natural degeneration. This process ensures the heart has the strength of contraction to function correctly giving blood supply to the whole body. Some of the force of contraction of the sarcomere is transmitted to its major protein titin where its strength results in unfolding of a flexible section and release of a growth stimulant. The origin of all the cardiomyopathies can be traced to errors in this system resulting from mutations in a wide variety of the sarcomeric proteins. Too much or chronic tension transfer to titin giving increased growth resulting in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and too little leading to muscle wastage, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). HCM can ultimately lead to sudden cardiac death and DCM to heart failure. In this paper I show (1) a collection of the tension/ATPase calcium dependencies of cardiac myofibrils that define the mechanism of Ca2+ cooperativity. (2) I then reintroduce the stress/strain relationship to cardiomyopathies. (3) I then review the cardiomyopathy literature that contains similar Ca2+ dependency data to throw light on the mechanisms involved in generation of the types of myopathies from the mutations involved. In the review of cardiomyopathy there are two sections on mutations, the first dealing with those disrupting the Ca2+ cooperativity, i.e. the Hill coefficient of activation, leading to incomplete relaxation in diastole, chronic tension, and increased growth. Secondly dealing with those where the Ca2+ cooperativity is not affected giving either increased or decreased tension transfer to titin and changes in sarcomere growth. 
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Galenic hospital laboratory during COVID-19 emergency: A practical experience in an advanced country

Published on: 31st October, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8870088144

In the actual COVID-19 emergency, as pandemic disease, in many countries at the same time there was the rapid need to use preventive and therapeutic measures to control the diffusion of infection. In PC AREA (Italy north) in the period between March and May 2020, in fact, were observed about 1000 deaths related to COVID-19 (in march 2020 + 271% death vs 2019). Between all the measure submitted by public international institution like WHO, OMS, CDC and many other, the deeply use of disinfectants product became a crucial fact in safety procedure and protocols. The high amount of this disinfectants and antiseptic was needed especially in hospital settings or assimilates structure (named as COVID-19 hospital) but also for territorial healthcare need. So it was needed to buy from industries this product but also to start an internal production in galenic laboratories. This because pharmaceutical industries not provided in some cases the request amount of this “”safe life products. In this work is reported a practical experience in a public hospital, Pc AREA related GALENIC extra -ORDINARY PRODUCTION of disinfectants and antispetics. The result of this local experience experience can be easily translated to other countries in the world (advanced or also not advanced).
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Naphazoline nitrate treat the Frey effect of microwave and other sonic weapon’s damages in Human’s Internal, Endogenous Organs

Published on: 1st February, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8017063333

State Department had evacuated a number of Americans from the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China after they experienced unexplained health issues. A group of U.S. diplomats stationed in China have been brought back to the states after being inflicted by a mystery illness that reportedly resembles the brain injuries previously suffered by staff in Cuba. At the end of the December 2018 we have found a medicine fully treating the damages caused the Frey Effect of Microwave and other types of Sonic Weapons in Human’s internal, endogenous organs. I am proposing to use Naphasoline nitrate, (former) nasal decongestant, to treat Carcinogenesis of the Human’s internal, endogenous organs caused by Sonic Weapons through the release and cleaning of the Lymphatic ways in patients with colorectal, colon, pancreatic, breast, etc., cancer. I have proved this healing effect of the Naphazoline nitrate on myself during treatment in last months of the year 2018.
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Forensic science deals with safety armour during warfare explosives

Published on: 28th February, 2022

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9435274079

ems. Preliminary field tests may be used for screening the debris on the explosion site. They include commercially available explosive vapor detectors and chemical color tests. Like post-explosion residues, personal items suspected to contain traces of explosives and hand-swabs, are often heavily contaminated. It is therefore of major importance that the analytical procedures have to include good screening, clean-up, and extraction methods. The main explosives dealt with in this chapter include nitroaromatic explosives, such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 2,4,6, N-tetranitro-N-methyl aniline (tetryl), nitrate esters, such as ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN), glycerol trinitrate (nitroglycerin, NG), and pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), and nitramine explosives, such as 1,3,5- trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane, (RDX) and 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazacyclooctane (HMX), as well as mixtures containing one or more of these explosives. Additional explosives include triacetone triperoxide (TATP) and ammonium nitrate (AN), NH4NO3.
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Forensic seismology vis-à-vis an underwater explosion for the Roks Cheonan sinking in the Yellow Sea of the Korean Peninsula

Published on: 18th April, 2023

Most underwater explosions show characteristics of a bubble pulse and reverberation effects. To specifically identify the cause of an underwater explosion, it is most important to find a bubble pulse and reverberation effects using spectral and cepstral analyses. For a very shallow underwater explosion, spectral analysis is preferable to cepstral analysis. Time-domain analyses show bubble pulses as well as positive polarities of the first P-wave arrivals on the vertical component, and frequency-domain spectral analyses also clearly reveal the bubble pulse and reverberation effects. This study includes comparative studies including a Russian underwater nuclear explosion and US Navy shock trials. The ROKS Cheonan sinking was a shallow underwater explosion that occurred near the surface showing a bubble jet characteristic resulting in splitting the ship into two pieces including a bubble pulse and reverberation effects. The findings of a bubble jet and a toroidal bubble deformation including a bubble pulse are highlighted for a shallow underwater explosion in this study. The ROKS Cheonan sinking took place off the Baengnyeong Island in the Yellow Sea of the Korean Peninsula at a depth of about 8 m in the sea depth of 44 m on March 26, 2010. The explosive charge weight was estimated at 136 kg TNT which is equivalent to one of the abandoned land control mines (LCM) that were deployed near the Northern Limited Lines (NLL) in the Yellow Sea in the late 1970s.
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