Published on: 7th February, 2019
OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8022215685
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"An amazing experience with the Journal of Advanced Pediatrics and Child Health. Very fast blind review with pertinent corrections and suggestions. I highly recommand both the journal and the editor."
In my opinion, you provide a very fast and practical service.
Your service is very good and fast reply, Also your service understand our situation and support us to publication our articles.
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Thank you and your company for effective support of authors which are very much dependable on the funds gambling for science in the different countries of our huge and unpredictable world. We are doing our work and should rely on a teams like Galley Proof-HSPC. Great success to all of you for the 2019th! Be well all the year long.
It was a great experience publishing through JCICM. The article has reached out to several institutions. Appreciate your professional work. Hope to work with you again
It has been a fabulous journey writing articles for your journal because of the encouragement you people provide for writers from developing nations like India. Kindly continue the same. Looking forward for a long term association.
During the process your positive communication, prompt feedback and professional approach is very highly appreciated. We would like to thank you very much for your support.
The services of the journal were excellent. The most important thing for an author is the speed of the peer review which was really fast here. They returned in a few days and immediately replied all of my questions. I want to refer this platform to all scholars. Many thanks.
To the editorial team at HSPI and the Journal of Clinical Nephrology: Thank you so much for your hard work and collaboration in bringing our article to life. Your staff was responsive, flexible, and communicative and made the process smooth and easy. Thank you!
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