Background: Post abortion family planning (PAFP) is the initiation and use of family planning methods immediately after, and within 48 hours of an abortion, before fertility returns. In most women fertility returns on average about two weeks after an abortion; however, ovulation can occur as early as 11 days post-abortion.
Objective: To assess utilization of post abortal contraceptive use and associated factors among women who came for abortion service at Debre Berhan Referral Hospital, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia March 2019.
Methodology: Institutional based cross sectional study design was conducted using hospital data obtained from Gynecology ward in Debre Berhan Referral Hospital, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, from March 1 -10, 2019. A systematic random sampling technique was used from the abortion register log book. Data was cleaned manually, coded and entered into Epi-data version 3.1 then exported to and analyzed by SPSS version 21 software. Multivariate analysis with AOR, 95% CI and p-value< 0.05 were used to identify variables which have significant association.
Result: The finding of the current study showed that among 371 study subjects 170(45.8%) utilized post abortal family planning. There was a significant association between utility of post abortal family planning and post abortion family planning counseling [AOR: 19.245, 95% CI: (10.199, 36.313), p-value= 0.001] and women who were primiparous had 5 times more likely to utilize post abortal family planning as compared to the women who were nullyparous [AOR: 5.314, 95%CI (1.089, 24.210), p value=0.001].
Conclusion and Recommendation: From a total of 371 study subjects 45.8% have utilize contraceptive after abortion service received. This study also showed that parity and counseling’s of family planning were statistically significant associated with utilization of post abortal family planning. We recommend Debre Berhan hospital to scale up activities on post abortal care to increase the number of clients who post abortal family planning.
It is known today that psycho-trauma and PTSD cause different levels of mental and social dysfunction. Human spirituality and capacity to meet further life difficulties become severely damaged. There is wide accepted attitude today that in holistic approach in process of healing PTSD and psycho-trauma is necessary to include other professionals from community resource regarding needs of trauma victims. In Bosnia and Herzegovina after very severe war (1992-1995) as mental health professionals, we are faced with increasing number of different mental health disorders as result of severe trauma experiences. Regarding community based care orientation it is necessary to include and religion professionals. According national and religious background of majority of our population in Tuzla Canton that is Muslim, we meet spiritual needs of our clients as needs for Islamic explanation of life and death meaning. Our clients need to talk about spiritual issues in daily therapy and to practice daily religious rituals. Regarding that in this paper we tried to interface Islamic principles and it’s beneficial toward psycho-trauma and PTSD, as well as Muslim perspectives in attempt to apply spiritual practice in therapeutic tools for better efficacy in spiritual healing of mental dysfunction’s of believers who survived severe trauma, especially war trauma.
Modern-day enhancements in Enterprise Architectures (EA) has increased the interoperability issues in almost all domains; these issues are increasing day-by-day as organizations are spanning and information is being exchanged between different platforms. Command Control Computer Communication and Intelligence (C4I) complex systems are also facing the interoperability issues due to highly classified and sensitive information being exchanged. In this paper we have discussed the integration of different C4I applications running under heterogeneous platforms by allowing them to communicate using a secure and ciphered web based middleware named as Web Middleware (WMW). This middleware is a client-server based web adaptor to achieve clean, systematic, secure and reliable communication. The main feature among many is the simple HTTP browser based customization that do not require any specific or special add-ons and controls to be installed on the client machine. Architecture usage, and initialization of the WMW middleware is discussed with security and performance discussion.
COVID-19 pandemic soon apparently proved to be havoc and a great stressor. During such a stressful time, mental health is in threat. Here, we intend to review the presenting problems/ symptoms as shared in psychiatry helpline of a Teaching Hospital in eastern Nepal during the second week of lockdown and to reflect on to emotional, including mood problems.
It is an institute based period observation noted for all psychiatry helpline calls during 1 week of lockdown days of COVID-19. Their concerns and problems were listened and symptoms clarified by a consultant psychiatrist to help them as far as possible through the telephonic conversation. Maintaining the confidentiality, basic information were noted down in a semi-structured proforma to record certain socio-demographic and clinical information (including mood and other emotional symptoms).
We received 102 helpline calls of 60 clients for psychiatry in 1 week, from 14 districts. More patients being discussed were males (35/60), average age being 34.15 (15 - 70) years. More patients were regular follow-up cases with some new issues (24/60) and 18/60 each were new clients and regular follow-up cases. Majority had exacerbated symptoms in the wake of COVID-19 as: emotional (47/60; mood 24/60, anxiety/worry 23/60) symptoms along with disturbed sleep (32/60); treatment/service issues (31/60) and changed routines. Most common mental problems were Bipolar affective disorder, Psychosis, Anxiety and Depression and advices included Antipsychotics, Benzodiazepines, Antidepressants, along with some Psycho-education. Most common concerns were about OPD service, worsening symptoms and local unavailability of medicines. Many had mood and emotional symptoms in this stressful time, both simple amenable to telephonic advices and severe requiring to be called to emergency service.
Aims and objectives: By reporting the use of therapeutic nursing interventions to facilitate the process of change in a depressive elderly caregiver, this paper seeks to underline the importance of fitting interventions to individual clients.
Background: In assisting families of chronic illness sufferers, it must be remembered that the perceptions and functions of both clients and families are determined by family members, and that changes, if any, are made by those clients and families, rather than by nurses. However, nurses do play an important role in facilitating the process of change.
Design: This is a case report.
Methods: A case study of a depressive elderly caregiver is used to examine the use of therapeutic nursing interventions to facilitate the process of change with problem analysis, case conceptualisation and specific skills employed documented.
Results: The change from one therapeutic approach (Cognitive-behavioural therapy) to another (Narrative Therapy) facilitates enlisting the caregiver’s unique strengths, resources and competence to overcome the difficulties and challenges identified during the process of change. In dealing with depression in family caregivers, nurses should not only be flexible but also remain sceptical in using different approaches, with heightened awareness of the client’s circumstances.
The discipline of Hassidic Philosophy, which emanates from a particular movement in Orthodox Judaism called Hassidism, begins with the premise that all of creation is a dichotomous world of opposites with both sides in a perpetual conflict with one another. The human construct is therefore a dichotomous spiritual entity manifested in the physical world through a mind-body. One side of this soul is the Godly intellect giving rise to the human identity or self-awareness and the other side is the animal soul whose purpose is to galvanize the body. Having learned that this discipline provides its followers with tools for behavioral transformation through inner conflict resolution, I find that it offers a clearer understanding of the spiritual component of holistic health and nursing theory as well as a tool for behavioral transformation that has practical application in nursing practice. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present the basic constructs of Hassidism as it pertains to human behavior, demonstrate its compatibility with existing nursing theory and offer a new methodology for advanced practice nurses (APN’s) to assist their clients in achieving behavioral transformation through inner conflict resolution.
Introduction and goal: From the perspective of Islam, spiritual health means having a Sound Heart (a calm, confident and optimistic soul, with hope for God’s mercy, satisfaction with destiny and vitality). The way to achieve spiritual health is strengthening the faith and taking good deeds based on religious spirituality. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the impact of spiritual health (Sound Heart) on the other aspects of health at different levels of prevention.
Methods: In nine phases of research in 16 years, after designing and validating the “Sound Heart Model”. The spiritual problems of patients and healthy clients were determined. Spiritual care guidelines and the spiritual counseling model in patients and healthy clients were designed. Then “Parent’s Spiritual Empowerment Program”, “inter-professional spiritual health care training program” was extracted. Based on the findings of the previous steps, the effect of spiritual health on other aspects of health at different levels of prevention was extracted.
Findings: Belief in God and divine love creates spiritual health (Sound heart) with wisdom, chastity, courage, justice, dignity, kindness, and sincerity in action. Faith prevents neglecting from the God’s remembrance and its consequences such as: unhealthy lifestyle, risky behaviors, destructive excitements, psychosocial diseases in clients and eliminates the fear, anxiety, sadness and disappointment in patients. Spiritual health causes living in the present time with patience and grace of God, creates hope, optimism for the future, courage to face life crises. By creating mental health, it improves the psycho-neuron-immunologic function and improves physical health.
Conclusion: Considering the great impact of spiritual health on the other aspects of health at all levels of prevention, it is imperative that students and health care staff, by referring to these concepts, carry out spiritual care/counseling.
Background: Corona virus disease is a highly infectious disease caused by the newly innovated corona virus. An emerging respiratory disease was abbreviated as COVID-19, after it has been first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan city of China. Ethiopia Ministry of health initiated multidisciplinary approach to tackle COVID-19 of which awareness creation is the main. The aim of this study is to assess knowledge, practice and associated factors towards prevention of novel corona virus among clients in Debre Tabor general hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2020.
Methods: Institution based cross sectional study design was conducted in Debre Tabor General hospital from May 15 to May 30, 2020. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were entered into epi data version 4.4 and exported to SPSS window version 25 for analysis. Binary and multivariable logistic regression was fitted. Odds Ratios with 95% Confidence interval and p - value ≤ 0.05 were considered to assert significance.
Result: A total of 345 clients were analyzed and the response rate was 96.4%. The mean age was 32.95 with S.D ± 13.18 years. Majority of the respondents were male (75.7%). Among the study participants 54.2% with (95% CI: [49.0, 59.2%]) and 49.0% with (95% CI: [43.5, 53.4%]) have good knowledge and god practice on COVID-19 preventions respectively. Sex AOR: 4.33 (2.06, 9.09), family size AOR: 2.49 (1.01, 6.15 and heard from social media AOR: 2.78 (1.21, 6.39) were significantly associated with knowledge of respondents. Knowledge AOR: 3.11 (1.59, 6.10) was significantly associated with practice of clients. Residency and those heard from TV were significant variables for both.
Conclusion and recommendation: In this study the overall knowledge and preventive practices of the respondents were found to be low. Sex, family size, residency and sources of information were associated factors for knowledge. In addition to this knowledge was significant factor for practice. Health education programs aimed at mobilizing and improving COVID-19 related knowledge and practice intend to be strengthened.
Betcy George*, Christina Johnson Chittinapilly, Christy Annie William, Christy Paul, Cincy Jose, Deepa Anna John, Dinet George, Divya Divakaran, Dona Titus, Gitty George, Hanna Baby, Jeciya Paulose and Jilu Thomas
CAD is the most common type of CVD which is characterized by deposits of lipids within the intima of the coronary artery. CAD is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in many countries worldwide. The investigators adopted a quantitative approach to assess the knowledge on risk factors of CAD among patients in selected OPDs of M.O.S.C Medical College Hospital, Kolenchery. A descriptive design with non-probability convenience sampling technique was used. 120 clients who have given consent and shown willingness to participate were enrolled in the study. Data was collected by using demographic proforma, and structured knowledge questionnaireThe data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The collected data was organized tabulated and analyzed by descriptive [mean, median, mode and standard deviation] and inferential statistics [chi-square test].The data revealed that the level of knowledge on risk factors of cad among subjects attending selected OPDs, out of 120 samples 30 (25%) have good knowledge, 85 (71%) have average knowledge and only 5 (4%) have poor knowledge. There was significant association between knowledge level and education whereas there was no significant association between age, sex, religion, income, marital status, occupation and food habit.
Considering the geographical complexity and adversity, online communication and consultation are viable method in Nepal. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the already starting trend of use of these technologies in medicine. In BPKIHS, telemedicine efforts were already initiated; lockdown rather warranted its maximum use. Here is an account of the observation made in telepsychiatry service provided by a consultant psychiatrist of its department of psychiatry. It is an institute-based observation noted for all the telepsychiatry consultations in 9 random duty days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Basic necessary information was noted down in a semi-structured proforma, like: socio-demographic, clinical information and advice provided. There were 104 subjects; 73 follow-up and 31 new: 60 male and 44 female cases. Clients of multi-ethnic groups were the most from urban, then semi-urban and least from rural areas. More consultations were for young age-groups and from nearby districts of Sunsari. Mood, somatic (sleep), anxiety were the top presenting complaints and 8/104 clients had suicidal symptoms. Maximum follow-up cases were improving. The most common diagnoses were: Mood (Depression and Bipolar), Anxiety, Psychosis and Substance use disorders. Most common treatment advices included: Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Benzodiazepines and Counseling/psycho-education. Telepsychiatry is a viable method of delivering service even during the pandemic.
Adnan Yaqoob*, Rafat Jan and Salma Rattani and Santosh Kumar
Published on: 4th August, 2023
Introduction: Nursing theories are critical as they drive nursing education, practice, and research. Neuman Systems Model (NSM) considers a person a complete system with integrated psychological, physiological, spiritual, social, and developmental components. Nurses give their patients physical, emotional, and psychological assistance and are subjected to mental and physical pressure due to these responsibilities, impacting their health, psychological well-being, and interpersonal relationships. This paper aims to perform a concept analysis of stressors proposed in NSM about lines of defense and the level of preventive interventions that can affect a person’s well-being. Further, this paper discusses knowledge generation through NSM’s applicability to preventing exhaustion and burnout among nurses. Methodology: This theoretical attempt is carried out using the theory analysis approach suggested by Walker and Avant (2019).Discussion: Nursing is a career that requires a great deal of dedication and personal engagement. Nurses are subjected to recurrent stresses due to technological advances and rising demands. Burnout occurs when nurses get discouraged and have less compassion for the patients due to recurrent burdens. Stress and burnout are two of the most common reasons for nurses to quit hospitals. The NSM is concerned with stresses that may affect a person’s health and well-being (prediction). Nurses assist patients at the most vulnerable and challenging times, such as surgical procedures, traumas and personal and physical losses.Conclusion: The NSM enables the investigation of preventative and protective treatments. Because of the model’s flexibility, it may be used in a wide range of nursing situations. Administrative, hospitals, clinics, and other nurses can benefit from this paradigm. Evaluating the many distinct elements contributing to burnout is also feasible. The model’s client factors of physiological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual characteristics are used to achieve this. Viewing the individual as an open system that responds to environmental stimuli encourages the existence of stressors that might lead to burnout.
Pushing forward with leveraging water resources, promoting international cooperation, and ensuring transparency in deep-sea mining operations. There is also a concern about where to discharge the toxins of unpurified water. Artificial Intelligence has created a dominance in the applications field with a totally automated system.Out of a thorough analysis completed with indicators, satellite radar, and A Journals, there are 30 years of research and 8 years of monitored testing to achieve accuracy and relevance. The patents in place are, Oceanic Mining System (4446636), Flexible Solar Skin in Combination with an Airplane (4768738), Cargo Torpedo (4421050), Oceanic seaplow system (4398362), and previous articles like “Is Extracting Lithium and deep-sea mining more sustainable?”, “AI as a Means of Water Purification Protection”, “Global Water Distribution”, and “Can Deep Sea Water be Processed into Potable Water and Distributed into the Middle East’?To report some ballpark numbers on the proposal and how we would navigate these projects, there will be an exact location of where the plant will be built as well as a water/salinity report of the water being treated. There are still issues with analyzing the cost of desalination compared to other alternatives. Deep Sea Water proves to be a higher quality water and the investment is well worth it. The surveys lean toward clients preferring the International Standards Operating Procedure. All recipients agree there should be a sense of urgency on water shortages. Currently, AI has proven to be a vital asset in eliminating biases and expenses.
Cognitive impairment has been increasingly observed among patients with anxiety disorders and major depressive disorders impacting their normal daily functioning as well as quality of life. A multitude of evidence suggests that the most affected cognitive abilities are memory, attention, perception, and executive functioning in patients with anxiety and depression. Impairment in these higher-order cognitive functions can be attributed to age, education, diet, hormonal changes, stress, and prolonged use of drugs/alcohol/ medicines. To address the issues related to cognitive impairment various non-pharmacological therapeutic modalities such as Cognitive remediation approaches viz; cognitive rehabilitation, cognitive stimulation, and cognitive training; Audio-visual entrainment; mindfulness-based interventions; and neurofeedback have come into play in recent years. It is imperative to understand that the ability to test, measure, and monitor cognitive performance along with implementing cognitive remediation approaches viz; cognitive stimulation, cognitive training, etc. across the lifespan helps in early identification, accessing treatments faster, staying healthy for longer, and improving overall quality of life. This article discusses a case study of a client suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and moderate depression who after undergoing and following a novel therapeutic approach, ‘The Cognitome Program’ has shown credible improvement in cognitive abilities, along with a prominent reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and better psychological and physical well-being. Guided by the concept of neuroplasticity and cognitive plasticity, our innovative neuroscientific holistic program- ‘The Cognitome Program’ empowers unlocking hidden cognitive potential using cutting-edge methodologies and personalized strategies.
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