Juliana Bassalobre Carvalho Borges, Débora Tazinaffo Bueno, Monique Fernandes Peres, Ana Paula Aparecida Mantuani, Andréia Maria Silva and Giovane Galdino*
Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is considered an important risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present study was to verify the effects of a short cardiovascular rehabilitation program (CR) in hypertensive subjects. The clinical pilot study involved a sample composed of 11 hypertensive subjects. It was evaluated the weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumference, waist hip ratio, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and six-minute walk test (6-MWT) before and after CR. CR was performed twice a week for 60 minutes. The results shown that after CR occurred a reduction of waist circumference (99.86±8.7 to 95.2±8.6 cm, p=0.0002) and hip circumference (110.18±14.75 to 105.00±12.7 cm p=0.01) values. About the mean distance walked in the 6-MWT there was an increase after the CR program (335.9±123.5 m to 554.56±87.9 m, p=0.000). In conclusion, the results suggest that a short CR is an effective for the treatment of hypertensive subjects. After 16 CR sessions, functional and musculoskeletal capacity was improved, evaluated by 6-MWT. Furthermore, the short CR program decreased waist and hip circumferences, being an important option for these subjects. Although. There were no changes in baseline blood pressure levels.
The aim of our study is to try to give a predictive vision on governance in the field of sports in Algeria.
This predictive approach looks at the overall quality of governance in order to be at the continental level or even across the Arab world.
To identify this and answer our questions, we conducted a survey of some leaders of the different sports institutions, namely the presidents of clubs (football, handball, athletics and judo), managers also have a sports experience and occupy currently responsible positions as managers of sports facilities.
The results of the survey we reveal significant figures on the component related to sports development prospects.
However, there are other aspects that are ambiguities in the management and organization that have an impact on good governance in sports.
Peripartum cardiomyopathy is one of the curable cardiomyopathy. It’s a severe and frequent disease arising among women of childbearing age. Its evolution in the long-term among some patients leads to chronic heart failure. Our study aims to determine from a prospective cohort, the factors associated with the non-recovery of myocardial function upon 12 months of diagnosis. Sociodemographic, clinical and echocardiographic data were collected at the time of diagnosis and then in months 3, 6 and 12. The outcome was the non-recovery of myocardial function at one year, defined by a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) below 50%. 60 patients were analyzed after 12 months of follow-up. Mortality was about 13.3% and recovery rate of myocardial function reached 42.3%. After logistic regression, delay diagnosis and observance were the factors related to non- recovery of myocardial function.
It is still not well known the prognostic cardiovascular value of 24h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the pregnant woman with hypertension.
Objectives: Assess to the prognostic value of ABPM parameters in predicting maternofetal event.
Methods: Retrospective and observational study which included 166 pregnant women.
Results: The authors found that the night time DBP was the best predictor of adverse events. Non-dipper profile had worse survival at follow up until delivery compared to those with a dipper profile.
Conclusions: ABPM is a tool for pregnant with HT because this is the unique method available that analyses the night blood pressure.
Background: Post abortion family planning (PAFP) is the initiation and use of family planning methods immediately after, and within 48 hours of an abortion, before fertility returns. In most women fertility returns on average about two weeks after an abortion; however, ovulation can occur as early as 11 days post-abortion.
Objective: To assess utilization of post abortal contraceptive use and associated factors among women who came for abortion service at Debre Berhan Referral Hospital, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia March 2019.
Methodology: Institutional based cross sectional study design was conducted using hospital data obtained from Gynecology ward in Debre Berhan Referral Hospital, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, from March 1 -10, 2019. A systematic random sampling technique was used from the abortion register log book. Data was cleaned manually, coded and entered into Epi-data version 3.1 then exported to and analyzed by SPSS version 21 software. Multivariate analysis with AOR, 95% CI and p-value< 0.05 were used to identify variables which have significant association.
Result: The finding of the current study showed that among 371 study subjects 170(45.8%) utilized post abortal family planning. There was a significant association between utility of post abortal family planning and post abortion family planning counseling [AOR: 19.245, 95% CI: (10.199, 36.313), p-value= 0.001] and women who were primiparous had 5 times more likely to utilize post abortal family planning as compared to the women who were nullyparous [AOR: 5.314, 95%CI (1.089, 24.210), p value=0.001].
Conclusion and Recommendation: From a total of 371 study subjects 45.8% have utilize contraceptive after abortion service received. This study also showed that parity and counseling’s of family planning were statistically significant associated with utilization of post abortal family planning. We recommend Debre Berhan hospital to scale up activities on post abortal care to increase the number of clients who post abortal family planning.
Introduction: Contraception is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. In the first year of postpartum period around 65% of women are having unmet need of family planning. Post Placental Intrauterine Contraceptive Device is not only advantageous to the women and couples; even the service providers benefit from PPIUCD. PPIUCD insertion on the same delivery table saves time and separate clinical procedure is not required.
Methodology: The Quantitiative Pre-Experimental One Group Pre and Post Test research design was used. 70 Antenatal mothers were selected by using Purposive Sampling Technique who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and who were available during the period of data collection at selected hospital, Puducherrry. Data was collected by using Structured Interview Schedule.
Result: The Pre test mean score of Knowledge was 9.98 ± 2.38 and Post Test mean score of Knowledge was 14.91 ± 1.15. The calculated paired‘t’ value was (-20.82) found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Pretest mean score of Attitude was 34.67 ± 5.67 and Post test mean score of Attitude was 44.27 ± 4.70. The calculated paired‘t’ value was (-17.25) found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Pretest mean score of Acceptance was 0.11 ± 0.320 and Post Test mean score of Acceptance was 0.29 ± 0.455. The paired‘t’ value of t = -3.778 found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Demographic and Obstetrical Variables like age at marriage, previous childbirth and decision maker of family about family planning have shown significant association with Post Test level of Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptance of PPIUCD at p < 0.05 and p < 0.001.
Conclusion: The researcher concluded that Prenatal Intensive Counselling increases the mother’s Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptance of PPIUCD. So Prenatal Intensive Counselling on PPIUCD can be given to Antenatal Mothers during their antenatal visits to meet the unmet needs of family planning.
Background: Timely starting of breastfeeding is defined as the starting of breastfeeding within one hour after childbirth. Globally mothers who practiced breastfeeding within one hour were less than half in percent. In least developed countries like Eastern and Southern Africa including Ethiopia infant breastfeeding practice within one hour were low. The aim of this study was to assess timely initiation of breastfeeding and associated factors among mothers who have an infant less than six months of age in Gunchire town, Southern Ethiopia.
Methods: The study was conducted from May 1 to 28, 2019 in Gunchire town. Data were collected by using a structured face to face interview questionnaire. The community based cross-sectional study was employed on 333 women. The study participants were selected by Simple random sampling techniques. The data were coded, entered, cleaned and analyzed by SPSS with windows version 21.0. Binary and multivariable logistic regression statistical model was used. Adjusted odds ratio with 95% CI was computed to see the strength of association.
Results: In this study the magnitude of timely initiation of breastfeeding was 80.5%. Governmental employed mothers (AOR=2.914, 95% CI: 1.139, 7.46), Antenatal care follow up (AOR=5.99, 95% CI: 1.29, 27.81), Baby skin to skin contact (AOR=2.4, 95% CI: 1.092, 5.34), Vaginal delivery (AOR=5.82 95% CI: 1.68, 20.14) Institutional delivery (AOR=5.5, 95 CI%: 1.66, 18.3), Good knowledge of breastfeeding (AOR=4.02, 95% CI: 1.04, 15.59) and Breast disease (AOR=0.24, 95% CI: 0.08, 0.73) were significantly associated with timely starting of breastfeeding.
Conclusion: More than two third of the mothers timely initiated breastfeeding within one hour after birth. Being governmentally employed, having Antenatal care follows up, skin to skin contact, mode of delivery, knowledge of mothers about breastfeeding and place of delivery were positively and significantly associated with timely initiation of breast feeding, whereas, breast disease was protective against timely starting of breastfeeding. Therefore, we would like to recommend Enamore woreda health office and Gunchire primary Hospital staffs work at MCH clinic to provide appropriate services and stimulate the mothers to initiate breastfeeding, skin to skin contact enhancing within the first hour of birth.
Background: Telerehabilitation has been identified as an effective treatment that promotes exercise rehabilitation in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Social support is recognised as a core element of such interventions. However further research is needed to consider the role and value of different social support domains.
Aim: Review available literature to assess and synthesise the use and value of social support within telerehabilitation interventions for individuals with MS.
Method: A narrative synthesis was conducted. A systematic search of included articles was conducted. Electronic databases were searched from inception to January 2017. Other search methods were undertaken. Evaluation and synthesis of included articles utilised risk of bias assessment and a 4-stage synthesis process.
Main Results: A total of fourteen studies, involving 718 participants (505 female, 213 male; aggregated mean age 47.6 years) with MS, were included. Esteem support was the most frequently reported method of social support, followed by informational, emotional and tangible. It would appear social support can be beneficial in assisting participants to adhere to treatment interventions. Visual feedback may be directly beneficial to improve impaired balance in individuals with MS. A model for future interventions is provided.
Conclusions: Social support appears to increase the adherence of participants with MS to telerehabilitation interventions. Unique findings provide an indication for the direction and content of future interventions. Further research is necessary to ascertain the optimal types and frequencies of social support delivery and its effect on health outcomes for participants with MS.
The incidence of HBV infections among the pregnant in Europe falls within the range of 1% - 7%, whereas it is 1.7% - 4.3% for HCV.
The aim was to assess the course of pregnancy among women infected with HBV or HCV, and the condition of neonates in the fifth minute after the birth.
The study included 157 pregnant individuals infected with HBV, 53 infected with HCV, and 330 healthy pregnant women. None of the women infected with HBV and HCV as well as from the control group were infected with HIV, and none of them took intoxicants.
Weight of neonates delivered by healthy women was higher as compared with children born by women infected with HBV or HCV (3,517 vs. 3,347 and 3,366). The Apgar score of neonates delivered by women with HBV and HCV infections was lower as compared with the children born by healthy women (9.4 vs. 9.3 vs. 9.7; p < 0.05). Premature births occurred more often in HBV and HCV-infected women than in the control group (14.6% and 24.5% vs. 6.96%; p < 0.05). Miscarriages were significantly more common among the pregnant with HCV infections as compared with the pregnant who were healthy (9.4% vs. 1.8%; p < 0.05). In comparison with the healthy individuals, this group of patients experienced pruritus (10.5% vs. 4.2%; p < 0.05), oedemas (9.4% vs. 2.4%; p < 0.05), and hypertension (9.4% vs. 1.5%; p < 0.05) more often.
An increase in HBV loads was observed between the 6th and 28th – 32nd week of pregnancy among the infected with HBV, and then, a decrease was observed in the 6th months after the delivery.
The pregnant infected with HBV without HBsAg (-) and the infected with HCV are subject to common incidence of premature births. Women infected with HCV often experience oedemas, hypertension, and pruritus.
Objective: Pregnancy after age 40 remains a concern as it exposes to particular obstetrical complications. Our study aims to determine the risks of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth of women aged 40 and over.
Study design: We carried out a cross-sectional analytical study of a historical cohort comparing the progress and the outcome of pregnancy in women 40 years of age and over to those aged 20 and 35 who gave birth at the University Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Befelatanana, from 1st January 2010 to 31 December 2013.
Results: The prevalence of childbirth among 40 years old and over was 0.61%. They were multiparous and large multiparous in 88% of the cases. The analysis showed that parturients aged 40 years and older were at significant risk for caesarean section, with three times the risk of emergency caesarean section. The frequency of this emergency caesarean section increased with parity ((RR = 3.04 [2.15-4.30], p = 10-10). Among their neonates, 23.42% were hypotrophic, 22.86% premature, 12% asphyxiated at birth, 13.14% admitted to neonatal resuscitation and 5.71% died in utero, but without significant difference with the group unexposed. Perinatal death was 7.43% in women aged 40 and over vs. 4% in 20 to 35 year olds ((RR = 1.85 [0,89-3,86]; p 0.052).
Conclusion: We found that pregnancies after 40 years were not exposed to pregnancy-related pathologies or specific fetal complications. The use of an emergency cesarean is, however, frequent.
Tadao Tsuji*, G Sun, A Sugiyama, Y Amano, S Mano, T Shinobi, H Tanaka, M Kubochi, K Ohishi, Y Moriya, M Ono, T Masuda, H Shinozaki, H Kaneda, H Katsura, T Mizutani, K Miura, M Katoh, K Yamafuji, K Takeshima, N Okamoto, Y Hoshino, N Tsurumi, S Hisada, J Won, T Kogiso, K Yatsuji, M Iimura, T Kakimoto and S Nyuhzuki
Treatments via the minor papilla is effective where the deep cannulation via the major papilla is impossible in such cases as [1] the Wirsung’s duct is inflammatory narrowed, bent or obstructed by impacted stones [2] pancreatic duct divisum (complete or incomplete) [3], maljunction of pancreatico-biliary union with stones [4], pancreatic stones in the Santorini’s duct. In [1,2] cases, the pancreatic juice flow via the major papilla decreases, while that of the minor papilla increases. Then the size of minor papilla and its orifice shows corresponding enlargement. This substitutional mechanism is an advantage when undertaking our new method. Since the pancreatic juice flow is maintained via the minor papilla in these cases, accurate and careful endoscopic skills are necessary to prevent pancreatitis due to the occlusion of the Santorini’s duct after this procedure. We have experienced 135 cases treated via minor papilla in these 27 years, so we would like to report about its safety and efficacy.
The ovarian serous Cystadenocarcinoma shared large number of deaths in gynecologic carcinoma. It has various numbers of molecular events from initiation to progression and at advance stage, surgery is the end product of such molecular signaling. We assess in this study the whole mechanistic view of TNFSF10 network which has the ideal apoptotic causing identity. We used fresh insilico strategy to uncover the secrets and inter-links from its protein-protein interaction complex. We retrieved the TNFSF10 signaling network from STRING database (www.string-db.org). The network contains 25 nodes and 152 edges with clustering presentation. After retrieval, we performed gene enrichment and characterization analysis of network from WebGestalt toolkit (www.webgestalt.com). Finally, we examined the participation of whole network in ovarian cancer progression from cBioPortal, a cancer genomic data portal (www.cbioportal.org). Our results showed that majority of cases have loss of function of death receptors (DR4 and DR5) that are the main unit of initiation of apoptotic signaling. Most of downstream signaling members showed amplification that regulates cell proliferative pathways including NFkB pathway. TNFSF10 cluster has loss of function and in future it gain attention for further research studies to discover its interactome level view for valuable therapy. FAS cluster has large number of members and majority showed amplification rendering them as co-targets for combinational drug designing.
For the millions of patients experiencing chronic pain despite pharmacotherapy, deep brain stimulation (DBS) provides a beacon of hope. Over the past decade the field has shifted away from DBS towards other forms of neuromodulation, particularly spinal cord stimulation (SCS). DBS for pain is still performed, albeit off-label in US and UK, and experiences variable success rates.
SCS is an extremely useful tool for the modulation of pain but is limited in its application to specific pain aetiologies. We advocate use of DBS for pain, for patients for whom pharmacology has failed and for whom spinal cord stimulation is inadequate. DBS for chronic pain is at risk of premature neglect. Here we outline how this has come to pass, and in the process argue for the untapped potential for this procedure.
Aim: To evaluate the outcome of Trabeculectomy in advanced glaucoma in a hospital in Rivers State, Nigeria.
Methods: This was a non-randomized interventional study in which each patient served as its own control. Patients with advanced glaucoma and demonstrable field defects and Mean defect ≥-12 were included. The intervention employed was Trabeculectomy and IOP and visual acuity pre operative, as well as post op were collected and compared at pre- op, post -op day 1, one week, one month, 6 months. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Results: Thirteen (13) eyes from ten (10) patients with advanced glaucoma were involved in the study. Mean age of study population was 53±19.62 years. Mean of mean defect was -19.05±5.23dB while mean of vertical cup disc ratio (VCDR) was 0.88±0.04.
Mean of Pre- op Visual acuity (log MAR) was 0.46 and dropped to 0.72 first day post-op but improved over 6 months to 0.42. The mean of IOP pre-op was 24.15mmHg and dropped to 11.23mmHg (58.24%) over 6 months (p=0.001).
Conclusion: Trabeculectomy still remains the gold standard surgical treatment for glaucoma. In our study it resulted in a 58.24% drop in IOP over 6 months with mean visual acuity maintained at pre-op levels after 6 months follow up. It therefore is effective and safe surgical intervention in advanced glaucoma.
Behavioral dentistry is an interdisciplinary science, which needs to be learned, practiced and reinforced in the context of clinical care and within the community oral health care system. The objective of this science is to develop in a dental practitioner an understanding of the interpersonal, intrapersonal, social forces that influence the patients’ behavior. The clinician must acquire knowledge to develop appropriate behavioral skills with an improved quality of communication and management of patients. Behavior dentistry also teaches to develop a recognition and understanding that the body and mind are not separate entities and focuses on patients’ social, emotional and physiological dental experiences.
Behavior is an observable act. It is defined as any change observed in the functioning of an organism. Learning as related to behavior is a process in which experience or practice results in relatively permanent changes in an individual’s behavior. Self-perceptions of dental-facial appearance begin with aesthetic values shared within families and based generally on social norms, but that they may be strongly influenced by peer values and specific experiences of individual children, particularly those involving social responses.
Theories incorporating concepts of social comparison and self-efficacy suggest that individuals evaluate themselves in comparison with others in their social environment. Children who perceive themselves to be attractive will reflect those perceptions in their behaviors and generally will receive confirming social responses. The comparison group may express an attractiveness norm that reflects negatively on the individual’s behavior. This, in turn, can affect the individual perceived sense of self-efficacy or adequacy within that group and lead to behaviors that reflect more negative beliefs about the self, thereby inviting still more negative social responses.
Patient cooperation is the single most important factor every dentist must contend with. Major considerations are
• Regularity in keeping appointments
• Compliance in wearing removable appliances
• Refraining from chewing hard and tenacious substances that are likely to distort or damage the teeth or crowns
• Maintenance of oral hygiene. Laxity in following these instructions may lead not only to compromised treatment but also to slow progress of treatment, loss of chair time and frustration.
What may be more interesting to the Dentist than the shaping of self-perceptions in the shaping of behavior that will ensure a successful result of treatment, that is, the patient’s adherence to prescribed routines for self-care and other regimens during Dental treatment. It is helpful in this regard to know that most patients expect improved dental-facial appearance as an outcome of treatment, but there is much more to know about factors influencing cooperation.
Poor motivation can also contribute to non-compliance. The regulatory loop requires a motivational system to adjust behavior to coincide with the recommended regimen. A patient may recognize that the regimen is not being followed and yet simply not be motivated to correct the discrepancy. Poor motivation can also result from a lack of concern over the long-term health consequences of one’s behavior and/or a lack of belief in the treatment. Cognitive approaches that emphasize the personal relevance of the regimen or address misconceptions about the treatment may enhance motivation. Several approaches may be useful in treating poor compliance. Providing incentives or rewards for compliant behavior might be a useful strategy to enhance motivation. The cause of noncompliance is multifactorial and strategies to improve compliance must be tailored to fit each situation. Current Dental research focuses on a critical aspect of the feedback; specifically, the input received by the comparator that quantifies the actual amount of adherent behavior. Likewise, Patients, parents, and clinicians need a way to ascertain this information.
Objective: Dysfunctional breathing (DB) refers to abnormal patterns of breathing. No gold standard exists for diagnosis. In clinical practice we regularly see children with functional breathing problems. We collected data from this patient group to gain more insight into the characteristics of children with dysfunctional breathing.
Methods: We composed a retrospective, cross-sectional study. The population consisted of children referred to a physiotherapist by a pediatrician due to suspected dysfunctional breathing. Data from 2013-2015 were collected from patient files, selected according to patterns and onset of symptoms, concomitant asthma, Nijmegen questionnaire (NQ) score, maximum exercise capacity and breathing pattern.
Results: A total of 201 patients were included in the study, 66% of whom were female. The mean age was 13.9 years; 26% of the children were overweight. The most frequently reported symptoms were breathlessness, chest pain/tightness and dizziness. Fifty-two percent had a NQ score ≥23, mainly female. Twenty-eight percent of the children scored < p5 for their age on maximum exercise capacity; this proportion was substantially higher among males. Of the total population, 78% scored < p50 for their age. Subgroups with a higher body mass index (BMI) showed lower maximum exercise capacity. Children presenting with pulmonary symptoms were primarily misdiagnosed with asthma.
Conclusion: Dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of respiratory complaints. Most children with dysfunctional breathing have a high BMI and are in poor physical condition, which suggests a clinically relevant comorbidity and possible options for therapy. Children are often falsely diagnosed with asthma; better recognition will decrease unnecessary medication use.Introduction
With increasing awareness of the mental health issues among the clergy and seminary students, it is important to explore possible interventions to help address their mental health concerns. This pilot study examined the impact of Christian meditation and biofeedback on levels of stress, anxiety, and depression of seminary students. Participants of this study included 20 theology students from two seminary campuses. Participants were of various ethnic backgrounds and had an average age of 31. At the beginning of the study, participants were randomly assigned to practice either Christian meditation or biofeedback for 4 weeks, three times per day, and to keep a log of their practice times. The results from the paired samples t-tests indicated that both Christian meditation and biofeedback significantly reduced the levels of stress, anxiety, and depression experienced by the participants. ANCOVA indicated that neither intervention was more effective than the other. Seminaries, churches, and pastoral care groups should look into these interventions as a good source to help their clergy cope with stress, anxiety and depression.
Objective Study: Whether the narrow-band CE-Chirp ASSR test in the sound field is an objective evaluation method for the hearing aid compensation effect, and whether there is a difference in children with different hearing loss levels.
Methods: 39 children (67 ears) wearing full digital hearing aids with good rehabilitation effect and ability to cooperate with behavioral audiometry were selected. The narrow-band CE-Chirp ASSR test group in the sound field was set as the experimental group, and the sound field behavioral audiometry after hearing aid was set as the control group. According to the degree of hearing loss, it was divided into moderate hearing loss group, severe hearing loss group and extremely severe hearing loss group. The difference between test results of experimental group and control group was compared.
Results: There were no significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the moderate hearing loss group and the extremely severe hearing loss group at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4kHz (P > 0.05). The results of the experimental group and the control group in the severe hearing loss group, There was no significant difference at 0.5, 1, 2kHz (P > 0.05), there was a significant difference at 4kHz (P < 0.05), and the mean difference was - 6.4dB HL. When the degree of hearing loss was not grouped, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group at 0.5, 1, 2kHz (P > 0.05), 4kHz was significantly different (P < 0.05), and the mean difference was -3.2dB HL.
Conclusion: It is clinically feasible to evaluate the hearing aid compensation effect of the narrow-band CE-Chirp ASSR in the hearing-impaired children. The grouping according to the degree of hearing loss can be more accurate in evaluating the hearing aid compensation effect. The narrow-band CE-Chirp in the sound field of children with moderate and very severe hearing loss ASSR results can be directly used to assess the hearing aid compensation effect, while children with severe hearing loss need to apply correction values at 4kHz.
Introduction: Disabling hearing loss refers to hearing thresholds superior than 40 dB in the better ear in the adults. The main cause of hearing loss in the elderly is the age-related hearing loss, also called presbycusis. This type of hearing impairment occurs as individuals grow older and is usually sensorineural hearing disorder greater for high-pitched sounds and affects both ears equally. It is estimated that 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, one third of which are over 65 years old.
Objective: To analyze the prevalence of disabling hearing loss in the elderly of Juiz de Fora. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 122 patients. Pure tone audiometry was performed after meticulous physical examination of the external ear.
Results: Out of 122 older adults, 85 (69,6%) presented disabling hearing loss.
Conclusion: Hearing loss, specially disabling hearing loss, is a frequent condition in the elderly and has a big impact on their quality of life. For that it should be promptly diagnosed so treatment can be initiated.
Aims: To present a further example showing an efficiency of a modeling method based on the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics.
Study design:The goals of the current study were twofold: to present (1) a further example showing efficiency of a modeling method based on the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics, an to perform (2) a next step in tutoring the use of computational and modeling tools from the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics.
The data available in the study by Plusquellec et al. published in the October Issue of the Journal Medical Engineering & Physics were used to exemplify the method considered here. For modeling purpose an advanced mathematical modeling method was employed. Modeling was performed using the computer program named CTDB described in the study by Dedík et al. published in September 2007 issue of the Journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.
Main outcome: Modeling results revealed that computational and modeling tools from the theory of dynamic systems can be successfully used in the development of a mathematical model of such a complicated process as is a multiple sites discontinuous gastrointestinal absorption.
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