dipylidium caninum

Clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic management of Dipylidium caninum (Cestoda: Dilepididae) infection in a domestic cat (Felis catus): a case report

Published on: 15th November, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9341176181

Background: Dipylidium caninum, a zoonotic cyclophyllidean tapeworm, mainly infects dogs, cats, and occasionally humans as well. Here, we present D. caninum infection in a domestic cat. A cat of about one year of age with a history of intermittent diarrhea and shedding stool containing whitish cooked rice like soft particles. Methods: The case was identified by thorough clinical, coprological, and parasitological examinations, and treated accordingly.Results: During the physical examination, the cat was found to be infested with flea, and coprological investigation revealed the presence of gravid segments of cestodes. By preparing a permanent slide, we conducted a microscopic examination, and the cestode was confirmed as D. caninum. The cat was treated with albendazole and levamisole, which were ineffective; additionally, levamisole showed toxicity. Then, we administered niclosamide which completely cured the animal. On re-examination after a week, feces were found negative for eggs/gravid segments of any cestode. Conclusion: Niclosamide was found effective against dipylidiasis and can be treated similar infections in pets.
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