
A fatal portal vein thrombosis: A case report

Published on: 27th July, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8207291083

Background: Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare acquired hematologic condition which could be revealed by deep venous thrombosis. It could be fatal unless correctly treated. Case report: We report here the case of a 28 year-old male with no medical history who was admitted to the emergency room for severe abdominal pain. Computerized Tomography angiography (CT) scan revealed portal vein thrombosis. Laboratory findings showed pancytopenia with severe regenerative normocytic anemia resulting in PNH. Because of the lack of Eculizumab, treatment was first based on curative anticoagulation until bone marrow transplant, with no success. Conclusion: PNH remains a severe disease with bad prognosis unless treated with Eculizumab.
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PR and QT intervals short on the same electrocardiogram

Published on: 7th April, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9272357890

In 2007, Professor Breijo-Márquez described an electrocardiographic pattern, consisting of the presence of a short PR interval (or PQ) together with a short QT interval in the same individual. It was published with the headline “Decrease in cardiac electrical systole” in International Journal of Cardiology (IJC) [1].
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