Objectives: To check if there is any significant difference in the immediate outcome of pregnancy with diabetes using the new values of FBS & 2hrs post prandial with 75g OGTT for 1 year (from 1st June 2013-31st May 2014) in comparison to the previous data done in the same institute with other values and with international figures.
The data in our study included fetal, maternal morbidities, intra partum and postnatal outcomes, in order to help, if possible, on deciding the best values to use for screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, to know the new percentages of gestational diabetes mellitus in SFH by utilizing the new values of Blood Sugar readings.
Design: Retrospective cohort study
Setting: Security Forces Hospital-Riyadh-Saudi Arabia
Patients: Done (from 1st June 2013 – 31st May 2014), on patients who had attended Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This chosen year’s data was compared with data collected in the three previous years using different figures.
Main Outcome measured: Average age of mother, maternal aspects of parity, history of GDM, number of abortions``````````````````````````````, estimated blood loss in labor, associated medical disorder, complications of previous pregnancies, methods of control of GDM, gestational age for IOL and associated intrapartum complications. Immediate neonatal outcome in cases of GDM, comparison of birth weights of babies & any specific congenital abnormalities and delayed causes of admission to NICU in the 4 years studied were also reviewed.
Results: The percentage of diagnosed cases of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) after screening was 24 % as compared with 14.5% in previous study of 2003-2004 & with the number of screened patients amounting to 93% out of the total number of deliveries between 2013-2014 (in both years universal method of screening was used). The multidisciplinary set up of our GDM specialized clinic which was composed of dieticians, diabetic educators, endocrinologists and obstetric physicians operating together, helped to reduced the use of insulin in combination with diet to only 24% in comparison to 76% of patient using diet and exercise alone. The study showed a mean age of 33years and weight of 77kg. It was also noted that 16% of the patients diagnosed with GDM were multiparous averaging 1-5 deliveries. Almost 62% of patient didn’t give any history of GDM and no history of previous medical diseases. The majority of the patient with GDM delivered without complications during labor, with 30% having vaginal lacerations & 73% of patient had an estimated blood loss of less than 500cc. NICU admissions secondary to hyperbilirubinaemia averaged almost 17% in comparison to previous studies and only one baby expired in a GDM patient. Our study revealed a good fetal and maternal out come with less delivery complications and less incidence of postpartum hemorrhage (5.7%).
Conclusion: It is concluded that Universal Screening of Pregnant women whether with previously used glucose value or new ones for gestational diabetes mellitus is a better option, which has proven to improve both maternal and fetal outcomes. The 75 OGTT test is a cost effective test and with both easy accessibility and good screening pick up number (92.5%) of the patients in Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh.
Recommendation: We recommend annual follow up for patients, both the mother and the baby after postpartum, to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
Objectives: To highlight and determine the maternal and neonatal outcome and associated risks for patients who have undergone their 6th and more caesarean sections.
Design: Case control study.
Setting: Tertiary Centre (Security Forces Hospital – Riyadh – Saudi Arabia).
Patients: 80 patients selected to study group who have undergone their sixth and more caesarean sections in Security Forces Hospital. Between June 2006 and May 2010. This group was compared to 80 patients who have undergone their third to fifth caesarean sections during the same time period and immediately following the studied case.
Main outcome measured: Age and parity of women in study and the control group were correlated with the number of previous caesarean sections. Intra operative and post-operative maternal complications including presence and grade of adhesions, intra partum and postpartum hemorrhage, use of measurement and methods (both medical and surgical) to control bleeding such as Bakry balloon, Internal iliac artery ligation, etc., were highlighted. Bowel injury, blood transfusion, admission to surgical intensive care, incidence of placenta previa and accreta, post-operative complications like paralytic ileus, wound infection were also noted. Further, neonatal outcome including birth weight, Apgar score, and need for neonatal intensive care unit admission were reviewed.
Results: Patients in the study group had higher incidence of extensive adhesions (41.25%) compared to (12.25%) in the control group. Bowel injury was (2.5%) in study group with none in the control group. The incidence of placenta previa was (8.75%) in the study group as compared to (2.5%) in the control group, with placenta accreta complicating (28.57%) of placenta previa seen only in the study group. Blood transfusion was higher in the study group (20%) as compared to (5%) in the control group.
Neonatal admission to NICU was higher in the study group (27.5%) in comparison to the control group (12.5%). Also birth weight was lower in the study group.
Conclusion: The more the number of caesarean sections, the more the maternal and neonatal morbidity.
Patients should have proper counselling during antenatal follow up about the risks of repeated caesarean sections, and offered bilateral tubal ligation after the third or fourth caesarean sections.
Objective: To determine the complications (infection, perforation and expulsion rate) of immediate postplacental insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device (Multiload Copper375) in postnatal patients.
Methods: A case series study was conducted between October 28, 2014 to April 30, 2018 in obstetrics and gynaecology department, Civil Hospital Karachi,-+ Informed consent was taken. Intrauterine contraceptive device (Multiload) was inserted immediately within 10 min after delivery of placenta. These women were observed to determine outcome (infection, perforation and expulsion) at the time of discharge and 6 weeks postpartum. Absence of all these were taken as satisfactory outcome.
Results: A total of 435 women were included in this study. 165 (38%) were delivered through cesarean section and 270 (62%) were delivered through vaginally. There were 36 (8.3%) cases of infection. The cumulative rate of expulsion and perforation at the end of sixth week of post insertion was 39 (9%) and 0% respectively and 360 (82.8%) had satisfactory outcome. Post-placental placements during cesarean delivery are associated with lower expulsion rates than post-placental vaginal insertions without increasing rates of postoperative complications like perforation, slightly increase infection rate following vaginal delivery.
Conclusions: Immediate postpartum insertion of IUCD is an effective, safe and easily reversible method of contraception. Rates of the complications (Infection, expulsion and perforation) are remarkably low.
Morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) includes the spectrum of placenta accreta, increta, and percreta. It is a major cause of obstetric hemorrhage. Caesarean section is main risk factor for MAP. Ultrasound scan is highly sensitive method for MAP diagnosis and sometime Magnetic resonance image is of choice. Early diagnosis timed elective planned intervention after preparation under skillful multidisciplinary team improve the outcome and minimize the morbidity. Caesarean hysterectomy, major arteries ligation, arteries embolization and leave the placenta in-situ all are choices of management. Use of Methotrexate for the placenta in-situ in MAP is still debatable. We present a case of MAP in which placenta left in- situ followed by multiple Methotrexate injection during postpartum with good outcome and acceptability.
Study design: A consecutive case series study
Purpose: To investigate whether Low Back Pain (LBP) in women with primary singleton pregnancy induces disability.
Background: LBP is reported to be increased in pregnants than in non-pregnant women. Different outcome measures have been used to search for correlations between pain and disability.
Methods: 167 pregnant women aged 30 ± 3.5 years participated. Two equal categorial age groups were constructed: Group A included women aged 23 - 29 years, and Group B women aged 30-39 years. Their weight was 76 ± 13 kg prepartum and the Body Mass index (BMI) was 28 ± 4 prepartum. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used for LBP pain intensity and Oswestry Disability Scale (ODI) for disability estimation in the last three months prepartum and in the first three months postpartum.
Results: The women weight was 67 ± 13 kg postpartum. The BMI was 24 ± 4 postpartum. There was no difference in VAS and ODI scores versus BMI, weight and height between the two age groups in both periods of observation: prepartum and postpartum. Prepartum, 81.4% of women claimed LBP that dropped to 55.5% postpartum. ODI score dropped from 19.5 ± 13.6% prepartum to 11 ± 12% postpartum. The ODI subscales that showed significant reduction postpartum were: Pain intensity (P = 0.002); working (P = 0.009); sitting (P = 0.004); standing (P = 0.003); sleeping (P = 0.008); and traveling (P = 0.006). VAS prepartum was increasing as the weight was increasing in both periods of observation (P = 0.015 and P=0.051) respectively. VAS prepartum was significantly correlated with BMI prepartum (P = 0.019) and postpartum (P = 0.028).
Discussion: Physical disability in pregnant women was low and reduced following delivery. Disability was linked with LBP intensity, weight, BMI and height, but not with age or educational level.
Objective: To evaluate whether the occurrence of maternal pathologies, mainly Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertensive Syndromes in the gestational or pre-gestational period may be related to hearing impairment in postpartum women.
Methods: Observational, prospective study including 361 puerperal women who had their deliveries at a reference University Hospital for pregnant women with clinical history of risk. Auditory evaluation was performed by Distortion Product Otoaccoustic Emissions (DPOAE) within 14 days after delivery. Measures of central tendency and absolute and relative frequencies were used to describe the sample and the chi-square test and binary logistic regression to assess the correlation among variables. Significance higher than 95% was observed and the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee.
Results: A total of 361 postpartum women were studied and 7.5% had hearing impairment. The frequency of gestational hypertension was 13.9%, that of gestational diabetes was 8.6% and that of pre-pregnancy diabetes mellitus was 5.8%. The presence of hearing impairment was significantly correlated with the occurrence of pre-pregnancy diabetes mellitus (OR: 4.5 - CI: 1.51-1.47), and maternal age greater than 29 years (OR: 3.72 - 1, 58-8.76); A correlation was also found between maternal age and the presence of pre-pregnancy diabetes mellitus (OR: 3.84 - CI: 1.45-10.15).
Conclusion: In the population of postpartum women evaluated, having Diabetes Mellitus prior to pregnancy and belonging to the age group older than 29 years increases the chance of having hearing loss.
Introduction: Contraception is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. In the first year of postpartum period around 65% of women are having unmet need of family planning. Post Placental Intrauterine Contraceptive Device is not only advantageous to the women and couples; even the service providers benefit from PPIUCD. PPIUCD insertion on the same delivery table saves time and separate clinical procedure is not required.
Methodology: The Quantitiative Pre-Experimental One Group Pre and Post Test research design was used. 70 Antenatal mothers were selected by using Purposive Sampling Technique who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and who were available during the period of data collection at selected hospital, Puducherrry. Data was collected by using Structured Interview Schedule.
Result: The Pre test mean score of Knowledge was 9.98 ± 2.38 and Post Test mean score of Knowledge was 14.91 ± 1.15. The calculated paired‘t’ value was (-20.82) found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Pretest mean score of Attitude was 34.67 ± 5.67 and Post test mean score of Attitude was 44.27 ± 4.70. The calculated paired‘t’ value was (-17.25) found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Pretest mean score of Acceptance was 0.11 ± 0.320 and Post Test mean score of Acceptance was 0.29 ± 0.455. The paired‘t’ value of t = -3.778 found to be statistically significant at p < 0.001 level. The Demographic and Obstetrical Variables like age at marriage, previous childbirth and decision maker of family about family planning have shown significant association with Post Test level of Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptance of PPIUCD at p < 0.05 and p < 0.001.
Conclusion: The researcher concluded that Prenatal Intensive Counselling increases the mother’s Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptance of PPIUCD. So Prenatal Intensive Counselling on PPIUCD can be given to Antenatal Mothers during their antenatal visits to meet the unmet needs of family planning.
Internet has become an important part of our life, including during pregnancy where it is broadly used to find information (84%). The aims of this study were (1) to describe the proportion of women using Internet Social Networks (ISN) concerning their pregnancy, during pre or postpartum hospital stay, (2) to define how ISN users refer to their pregnancy and delivery on these social networks, (3) to compare anxiety level, social sustain level, sociodemographic characteristics of the both population (4) and to determine profiles of the ISN users with multiple correspondence analysis.
Methods: 399 questionnaires were distributed in the postpartum wards of two academic hospitals in Paris, and 258 fully filled were retrieved. Tools: Anxiety scale (STAI- A and B), Cutrona Social Provisions Scale, sociodemographic and obstetrical questionnaire.
Results: 76% (n = 195) were ISN users. We compared ISN users versus ISN non users women. Demographically, the two populations were comparable. Anxiety scores were similar in both groups, whereas social support scores showed a statistical difference in social integration.
In the global population, 84% use Internet for information concerning pregnancy; this rate is higher for ISN users than ISN non users (tendency 0.058).
ISN were used in priority for sharing with relatives, and 10% with other pregnant women. Concerning pregnancy, patients posted in priority the birth announcement (28%), the pregnancy announcement (23%), and the newborn’s pictures (12%). 6% posted their fetuses’ ultrasound pictures.
Three clusters of ISN users were extracted with statistically different social support scores (p = 0.019) and comparable anxiety scores. The third one, with at risk profile, used ISN as social support. For all women, but specifically for younger and more socially fragile women, Internet gives to professional new perspectives to develop information and prevention tools during the perinatal period.
Puerperal acute uterine inversion is a rare obstetric condition observed as a serious complication during the third stage of labor. Reported as one of the causes of postpartum haemorrhage, it commonly requires quick diagnosis and surgical treatment in order to reduce morbidity and lethality. The authors describe a case of uterine inversion with hypovolemic shock after home birth, brought to Hospital Leonor Mendes de Barros. The purpose of this article is to describe a case of acute uterine inversion and its management and a review of aetiology, predictive and risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
Disruptions in Maternal-infant Bonding are shown to be the mediating variable between maternal distress and the subsequent expression of childhood asthma. When the mothers’ bonding is repaired, their children’s asthmatic symptoms diminish or remit. This study evaluated 16 asthmatic children before and after their mothers were treated with Bonding Therapy. Fourteen improved on 11 measures, including reduction in the STEP classification system and medication use. Thirteen children were able to stop all medications. Surprisingly, all mothers scores on the Beck Depression Inventory improved through Bonding Therapy, suggesting that impaired bonding can lead to maternal depression or even Postpartum Depression. The link between bonding disruptions and airway inflammation are discussed. Bonding Therapy is described.
SARS-CoV2 can induce multiple immunological and endocrinological changes. We report the case of a COVID-19 associated hyperthyroidism in a young female.
Per definition the patient – because of having given birth six weeks previously - had a postpartum thyroiditis. However thus no antibodies were detected, the thyroiditis ceased without medication after the dissolving of the virus disease and the fT3/fT3-ratio proved a destructive thyreopathy as well as there was a close time link onset of the symptoms with the novel corona virus infection we argue it to be a COVID-19 induced thyrotoxicosis.
This proves the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to alter thyroid function, therefore all COVID-19 patients should be monitored regarding endocrinological changes and TSH, fT3, fT4 should be assessed.
Background: Early-initiation of breastfeeding is putting the newborns to the breast within the first hour of life. It is the first critical time they contact their mother outside of the womb. The current study aimed to assess the early initiation of breastfeeding in the study setting. Objectives: To assess the level of early initiation of breastfeeding and its associated factors among mothers who had a baby of less than the age of 24 months in Jeju Woreda, Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2019.Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study conducted involving 487 mothers from September 18 to October 09, 2019. A multistage sampling technique was employed. First, the setting stratification done in urban and rural settings. Second, ten kebeles selected from both strata. The study participants identified by systematic random sampling technique using kebele log-books registration list as a scheme. The collected data were entered into Epi Info version and exported to SPSS version to analyze. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression used to determine relations between independent factors and early initiation of breastfeeding. Nine variables became eligible for multivariate analysis at a p - value less than 0.05 in bivariate. The final analyses done the significance of association decided using AOR with its 95% CI, and p - value at less than 0.05. Results: A 97% response rate achieved in this study. The prevalence of early breastfeeding initiation was 74.5%. In multivariate analysis variables namely, mothers whose age category was 35 years and above (AOR = 2.34, 95% CI: (1.07, 5.11)), Pre-lacteal feeding (AOR = 0.37 95% CI (0.17, 0.79)), postpartum advice (AOR = 1.72, 95% CI (1.01, 2.95)) had a significant association. Conclusion and recommendations: The prevalence of early breastfeeding initiation was (74.5%). The finding was low compared to the world health organization recommendation. A working towards discouraging pre-lacteal feeding and strengthening postnatal advice and focusing on ways to better reach young mothers were the recommendations to bring the prevalence in the study area to the recommended level.
Shizuka Torashima*, Mina Samukawa, Kazumi Tsujino and Yumi Sawada
Published on: 2nd January, 2023
Aim: The current paper presents a subjective symptom survey regarding postpartum discomfort (Study 1) and a case study on postpartum care using the program developed based on the survey results (Study 2). Thereafter, health care during the postpartum period is discussed.Methods: Study 1 analyzed 1638 postpartum women who completed the Subjective Fatigue Symptom Scale (SFSS) over the period from June 2012 to December 2019. Study 2 detailed the case of a 33-year-old primiparous woman who answered questions regarding the rehabilitation care program.Results: The 1638 subjects included in Study 1 had a mean age of 32.4 ± 8.2 years and a mean postpartum duration of 4.3 ± 2.3 months. Subjective symptoms included lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, sleepiness, wanting to lie down, yawing, and eye strain. The case included in Study 2 showed certain psychological and physical changes following the exercise program. The results of Study 1 showed that motor system discomfort, such as stiff shoulders and lower back pain, occurred in women across all postpartum stages. Our results demonstrated that care and exercise geared toward improving motor system function are imperative after childbirth. Meanwhile, the results of Study 2 imply that our rehabilitation program based on postpartum physical conditions had positive psychological and physical effects.Conclusion: Taken together, our results suggest that continuing rehabilitative care based on the physical condition during each postpartum stage facilitates improvement in mothers’ physical and psychological discomfort.
The aim of the study was to evaluate ozone therapy in obese pregnant women. 118 pregnant women with varying degrees of obesity were examined and treated. It turned out that the course of intravenous drip administration of ozonated saline solution leads to the normalization of a number of important indicators of homeostasis including stimulation of the antioxidant system and reduction of peroxide stress. The reduction in the frequency of miscarriage, preeclampsia, premature birth, and bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period is achieved. It`s possible to recommend the inclusion of ozone therapy in the preventive treatment of pregnant women with exogenous constitutional obesity.
Muna Alqralleh, Maher Al-Hajjaj*, Sadiq Alasfoor, Zainab Salman, Farah Bilal Mohammad Salman and Jordanian Royal Medical Services
Published on: 21st March, 2023
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) is produced from the liver, kidney, bone and placenta. During pregnancy, ALP may raise markedly with no clear reason. Here, we present a rare case of highly elevated ALP in a 21 years old pregnant woman during the third trimester who had no important past medical history. It was 2800 U/L. Bone, renal, or liver was all normal. Close monitoring of the fetus and his mother until birth was the way of treatment. We had seven weeks postpartum to decline in ALP concentration but did not return to the normal range. The placenta showed lesions of chronic villitis. The extreme incline in ALP during the gestational stages is riskier because the threat here is posed to 2 lives. In such conditions, constant monitoring of ALP in the maternal serum backed with necessary medication is required.
Citra Utami Effendy*, Nicko Pisceski Kusika and Alwin Hutabarat
Published on: 22nd August, 2023
Background: Uterine inversion is a rare obstetric emergency but potentially life-threatening condition. If these are not immediately diagnosed, the massive and underestimated blood loss can lead to hypovolemic shock. Case: Case of 24 years old woman was referred from the district Public Health Center with vaginal bleeding after delivery with abdominal pain. We found fundal height postpartum is 3 fingers above symphysis and confirmed a soft mass protruding inside the vagina at the local examination. The ultrasound cannot present the fundus of the uterus and impressed a uterine inversion. Stabilization for the patient is done with fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion. The patient planned for exploratory laparotomy and we confirmed uterine inversion. We did per abdominal reposition success which was managed by Haultain’s method. Conclusion: Uterine inversion should be considered in any patient with symptoms of hemorrhage and abdominopelvic pain, with the physical findings of a soft, congested, bleeding mass within the vagina on bimanual examination. Prompt treatment consists of fluid resuscitation and anatomical repositioning is needed.
Kabbashi Mohammed Adam Hammad, Awadalla Abdelwahid Suliman*, Hajar Suliman Ibrahim Ahmed, Emad Abdalla Siddig Omer and Siddig Omer M Handady
Published on: 11th September, 2023
Background: Grand multiparty is common obstetrical problem, in Sudan large families is desirable for cultural and religious backgrounds and higher incidence of grandmultipra is expected, the risk factors associated with adverse maternal outcomes have yet to be adequately investigated among grand multiparity need to delivered by primary cesarean section.Objective: The main objective was to determine impact of primary cesarean section on grand multiparous, it is indications and complications.Methodology: It was a descriptive prospective cross-sectional hospital-based study conducted at Omdurman Maternity Hospital during period October 2016 to March 2017.An interview questionnaire was used for data collection. Demographic and clinical data concerning personal history, parity, indications of primary cesarean section, type of Cs, maternal complication and neonatal complications were recorded. Also, multiparous less than five delivery, previous lower segment caesarean section, known medical disorders except anemia and twin pregnancy were excluded.Results: During the study period total of 113 grand multipara included, incidence of primary cesarean section in grand multipara was 10%. Indication in our study 22.1% due to malpresentation, fetl distress 15% and prolonged first stage 13.4%, prolonged second stage 12.4% and antepartum haemorrhage 11.5%. Postpartum haemorrhage developed in 9.7%, hysterectomy 1.8%, uterine tear 5.4% bladder injury fetal laceration 3.6%, spinal anesthesia headache 7%, post-partum pyrexia 5.3%, sepsis 4.4%, urinary tract infections were 2.7%.Conclusion: The finding in this study showed 10% incidence of primary cesarean section in grandmultipra. The most indications of primary cesarean section in grandmultipra malpresentation, fetal distress, prolonged first and second stage of labour. Most CS were emergency.
Awadalla Abdelwahid Suliman*, Gawahir Murad Abdelrahman, Hajar Suliman Ibrahim Ahmed, Abdelgadir Suliman Ibrahim, Kabbashi Mohammed Adam Hammad, Emad Abdalla Siddig Omer and Siddig Omer M Handady
Published on: 10th October, 2023
Background: Postdated pregnancy is one of the most common obstetric problems associated with increased maternal morbidity, prenatal morbidity, and mortality. Pregnancy at 37-40 weeks of gestation is called the term from the last menstrual period. If the pregnancy exceeds 40 weeks, it is called a postdated pregnancy, but when pregnancy is prolonged beyond 42 weeks, it is called post-maturity or post-term pregnancy. Objective: This study aimed to determine the adverse effects of postdate pregnancy on mothers and fetuses.Methodology: This was a descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, hospital-based study conducted at Omdurman Maternity Hospital from January 2018 to June 2018.An interview questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were collected by trained doctors in the labor room. One hundred and thirty-eight (138) postdated pregnant women were included in this study after obtaining informed consent through a structured questionnaire. Demographic and clinical data concerning personal history, booking status, mode of delivery, maternal complications, and fetal complications were recorded.Results: During the study period, 2751 women delivered, of which 138 were postdated deliveries, with a prevalence of 5%. Most women's age range was 31-34 years 48.6%). Their education level was mostly secondary school (42%). Primigravida 65%), booked were 75.4%. Previous history of postdate pregnancy was 34.1%, normal vaginal delivery was 79 .7%, cesarean section was 14.5%, and instrumental delivery 5.8%. Cesarean section indications were cervical dystocia (14.4%), cephalopelvic disproportion (9.5%), meconium-stained liquor with fetal distress (33.3%), pathological cardiotocography (CTC) (19%), and failure to progress (23.8%).Maternal complications included post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) (7.2%), perineal tears (.7%, cervical tears (1.4%), and postpartum infections (1.4%). Fetal complications were 14.5%, Shoulder Dystocia 2.9%, asphyxia (6.5%), and meconium aspiration (5.1%). The mean APGAR score was 1.1667, less than three in only 3.6%, and > 7 in 86.9%.Neonatal death was 3%. Approximately 18 neonates were admitted to the Neonatal Intensive care unit (NICU) and only five of them were admitted for more than one week.Conclusion: Postdate pregnancy prevalence in this study was 5%, which was associated with maternal risk of cesarean section delivery, instrumental delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, and postnatal infection.
Ahazeej Gurashi, Ameer Osman, Hajar Suliman, Ayat Eltigani, Isra Siralkatim, Hamza Orfali and Awadalla Abdelwahid Suliman*
Published on: 26th February, 2024
Background: Cesarean section at the second stage of labor occurs when the mother requires delivery with full dilatation of the cervix by cesarean section (CS), which poses a risk to the mother and fetus.Purpose: To study the maternal and fetal outcomes of second-stage cesarean section. Methods: This comparative study was conducted at Alhasahisa Teaching Hospital from August 2021 to January 2022. The study sample comprised 226 women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, including 113 who delivered by second-stage cesarean section and 113 who delivered by first-stage labor cesarean section as controls. Data were collected using a questionnaire filled out by doctors after informed consent was obtained. Results: The common indications in women who delivered via second-stage cesarean section were fetal distress in 62(51.9%), obstructed labor in 26(23%), and failure to progress in 25(22.1%). In women who underwent first-stage cesarean section, the common indications were failure to progress in 85(75.2%), fetal distress in 16(14.2%), and chorioamnionitis in 12(10.6%) (p < 0.05). The reported maternal complications in women who underwent second-stage cesarean section were postpartum hemorrhage in 34(30.1%), sepsis in 11(9.7%), prolonged labor in eight (7.1%), extended tears in four (3.5%), umbilical cord prolapse in three (2.7%), and episiotomy in three (2.7%). The admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the causes of admission were more common among the babies of the women delivered by second-stage cesarean section than the babies of the women delivered by first-stage cesarean section (p value < 0.05). Maternal complications in women who underwent second-stage cesarean section included postpartum hemorrhage in 34(30.1%), sepsis in 11(9.7%), prolonged labor in 8(7.1%), uterine extension in 4(3.5%), umbilical cord prolapse in 3(2.7%), and episiotomy in 3(2.7%) (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Second-stage labor cesarean section showed more complications of postpartum hemorrhage, sepsis, and extended tears, as well as more fetal complications, such as admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, fresh stillbirths, low Apgar scores, and birth asphyxia.
Purpose: Peripartum cardiomyopathy is a rare life-threatening cardiomyopathy of unknown etiology with significant maternal morbidity and mortality. It causes heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction with or without left ventricular dilatation in the last month of pregnancy up to 5 months postpartum in previously healthy women. We aimed to determine short-term outcomes of peripartum cardiomyopathy clinically as well as in terms of left ventricular systolic function and to study the clinical profile and associated risk factors.Patients and methods: A prospective observational study was carried out in the Department of Cardiology of Manmohan Cardiothoracic Vascular and Transplant Center, Institute of Medicine, Kathmandu, Nepal, from July 2018 to January 2022. All the patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy who presented to the department of cardiology were enrolled in the study and re-evaluated with echocardiography at 6 months.Results: A total of 68 women met the inclusion criteria. The mean age was 28.38 ± 5.5 years (range 19 to 44 years). The most common clinical presentation was dyspnea followed by lower limb edema. Six (8.8%) patients presented during the last month of pregnancy whereas 62 (91.2%) patients presented in the postpartum period. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction on presentation was 30.01 ± 8.54. A full recovery was observed among 60.29% at 6 months. The mortality rate was 4.41%.Conclusion: Timely diagnosis and management of peripartum cardiomyopathy with standard therapy for heart failure leads to better recovery of left ventricular systolic function.
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