
Seroma formation as a rare complication of lateral epicondylitis release: A case report

Published on: 27th October, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7286357077

Case: A 45 year old male, >1 year status post left elbow lateral debridement for lateral epicondylitis, presented with a two week history of a progressive, tender mass on the lateral aspect of his left elbow. MRI showed evidence of a defect in the joint capsule, consistent with the formation of a seroma. The patient underwent revision of the left lateral epicondyle debridement with ECRL/EDC tendon repair and capsular reconstruction. Conclusion: Tendon repair and capsular reconstruction is an effective and successful method for the treatment of a seroma caused by leakage of joint fluid after lateral epicondylar debridement.
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TMD and pregnancy?

Published on: 14th March, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7877876040

Pregnancy is a happy stage in life of every woman, but at the same time it is a rather difficult period, since pregnancy represents a serious strain on the body. In the body of a woman during this period there are significant physiological changes that ensure the correct development of the fetus, prepare the body for the upcoming delivery. In this difficult period, the burden on all organs and systems of the woman’s body is significantly increased. Especially often suffer joints; there is a risk of permanent pain, the development of diseases or exacerbation of existing diseases. One of the most common problems is Temporomandibular Dysfunction or Disorder (TMD) which many women face, but still hasn’t been explained.
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Radiological evaluation of a Chondromyxoid Fibroma

Published on: 27th July, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7286423061

Chondromyxoid fibroma (CMF) is a very rare benign cartilaginous tumor representing less than 0.5% of all bone tumors while also being the rarest cartilaginous bone tumor. Common locations of occurrence include the metaphysial region of the proximal tibia and distal femur. We report a case of a 10-year-old female affected by a CMF of the left lower tibia. The radiological features demonstrated by X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are discussed.
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Synthesis, Radioiodination and Biological distribution of 5-(5-(tributylstannyl) benzofuran-2-yl) pyridin-2-amine as an amyloid imaging agent

Published on: 26th December, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7317576309

In this work an efficient method developed for the synthesis of 125I-benzofuran-2-yl) pyridin-2-amine (125IBPA), followed by radioiodination with 125I by using Chloramine-T at pH 8. The reaction proceeds within 10 min at room temperature (20-25°C). The radiochemical yield determined by Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) using hexane:ethyl acetate (1:6 v/v) and the purity analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography using a reversed-phase RP18column and acetonitrile:0.1 M ammonium bicarbonate (pH 7.5) (1:1) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 ml×min−1. The radiochemical yield using aH2O2 oxidant found equal to 96.5% with a radiochemical purity of 125I-BPA of over 96.5%. The biodistribution data in normal mice indicated a high initial uptake of 6.54±0.10 (% ID/g±SD) in the brain within 30 min post-injection. These results promote a further the use of 125I-BPA as a novel agent for brain imaging.
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Giant cellular angiofibroma of the vulva: case report

Published on: 9th May, 2019

Cellular Angiofibroma is a rare benign mesenchymal tumor without gender preference. It is usually a small (<3cm), well-circumscribed, mostly asymptomatic and typically slow growing. Surgical removal of the mass with its capsule is the preferred treatment, not only helps guarantee complete excision and prevent its recurrence but also minimize blood loss. We present the case of a 76-year-old woman with a giant vulvar mass. 
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Correlation between mandibular condylar position and clinical dysfunction index after bilateral sagittal split osteotomies

Published on: 4th June, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8165128692

Several articles have discussed mandibular condyle position after bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSO). However, previous studies have sought to establish a relationship between orthognathic surgery and the improvement of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) signs and symptoms. Also, they have been limited to two-dimensional evaluation of condylar position considering only the condylar “sag” or improper inferior seating of the condyle. The purpose of this study was to investigate a relationship between changes in condylar position using three-dimensional computed tomography and the negative clinical impact of BSSO on the temporomandibular joint. 
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Management of temporomandibudar joint ankylosis with costo-chondral graft application: Case report and review of literature

Published on: 27th February, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8560390804

Introduction: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis is one of the most disruptive anomaly that affects the masticatory system and is referred as permanent movement disfunction of the mandible caused by bilateral or unilateral fibrous or bony adhesions and create problems. The etiology is congenital or idiopathic and include trauma, arthritis, infection, previous TMJ surgery etc. Management requires extensive resection of the ankylotic mass and reconstruction of the ramus-condyle unit with autogenous or alloplastic grafts. Most of the time, combination of surgical treatment with physiotherapy is needed in order to achieve maximum rehabilitation and functionality of the mandible. Purpose: The aim of this study is to present the surgical management of an unusual case of unilateral TMJ ankylosis and recent of literature review. Case report: A thirty-seven-year old patient reported unable moving his lower jaw. Clinical examination revealed unilateral TMJ ankylosis of congenital cause and the lateral movement of the mandible was impossible. The patient surgical treatment included resection of the newly formed bone mass, replacement of the condyle with costo-chondral graft and replaced of articular disc with the temporal fascia. Since and for ten years after surgery the patient shows no signs of relapse. Conclusion: The development of TMJ ankylosis may be congenital or acquired etiology. In order to manage it required a comprehensive clinical and radiographic examination. Surgical resection of the bone and coronoid process on the entire side is necessary and a graft that mimics the articular disc is placed, while it is necessary the immediate postoperative kinesiotherapy.
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Gestational hypercholesterolemia helps detect familial hypercholesterolemia and prevent late pregnancy complications

Published on: 2nd July, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8192146777

Introduction: In this retrospective study, we comment on the cause and diagnostic potential of the elevated serum total cholesterol and some non-cholesterol sterols in a population of healthy pregnant women from Prague, Czech Republic. Methods: Based on a total of 21,000 clinical biochemistry tests of healthy pregnant women with hypercholesterolemia observed during pregnancy, a testing group of 84 women with a total cholesterol (TC) above 7.0 mmol/l was established to analyze their non-cholesterol sterols (NCS) by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Lathosterol (Lat) and desmosterol (Des) were evaluated as markers of endogenous cholesterol synthesis, whereas campesterol (Cam) and sitosterol (Sit) were analysed as markers of intestinal absorption. Results: In the basic population, the frequency of gestational hypercholesterolemia with the serum TC levels > 7.0mmol/l was 1 to 136.The mean values were: TC 6.8 mmol/l, LDL-C 4.6 mmol/l, and HDL-C 2.2 mmol/l. In the selected testing group of 84, the mean values were: Lat 7.8+/-1.7 μmol/l, Des 4.7+/-0.9 μmol/l, Cam 9.8+/-2.6 μmol/l, and Sit 9.6+/-3.8 μmol/l. Lat correlated with TC (r = 0.53), LDL-C (r = 0.36), and non-HDL-C (r = 0.35). No such correlations were observed for Cam or Sit. Conclusion: Our findings prove that gestational hypercholesterolemia is caused by increased endogenous cholesterol synthesis via lathosterol. Subsequently, we demonstrate how a single cholesterol test taken in the fifth to sixth month gestation can efficiently help detect familial hypercholesterolemia, and prevent related late pregnancy circulatory complications.
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Histological clonal change - A feature for dysplasia diagnosis

Published on: 28th August, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7856144153

Aims: Histological diagnostic criteria are used for the assessment of the degree of dysplasia and hence the risk of cancer progression for premalignant lesions. Clonal changes in the form of hyperorthokeratosis and hyperchromasia that are sharply demarcated from adjacent areas are not currently part of the criterion for dysplasia diagnosis. The objective of this study was to determine whether such clonal change should be regarded as a diagnostic feature for dysplasia. The following histological conditions were used to define such change: (1) hyperorthokeratosis; (2) hyperchromatism but no other features of dysplasia; (3) sharp margin demarcation from adjacent area by both the hyperorthokeratosis and hyperchromasia (clonal change), and (4) no prominent rete ridges, marked acanthosis or heavy inflammation. Lesions fitting these criteria were termed orthokeratotic lesions with no dysplasia. Methods: Patients from a population-based longitudinal study with more than 10 years of follow up were analyzed. Of the 214 patients with primary oral premalignant lesions, 194 had mild or moderate dysplasia (dysplasia group) and 20 fit the criteria for orthokeratotic lesions without dysplasia (orthokeratotic with no dysplasia group). The two groups were compared for their cancer risks using clinical (site and toluidine blue), histological (nuclear phenotype score), and molecular criteria (loss of heterozygosity) and by outcome (progression). Results and conclusions: The lesions from orthokeratotic with no dysplasia group showed a similar cancer risk (clinical, histological and molecular risk) and time to progression as the dysplastic lesions. We recommend that the clonal change should be included as a criterion for dysplasia diagnosis
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The effects of EMF (ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS) on the Bone and Cartilage Tissue

Published on: 1st May, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7286356767

Environmental electromagnetic fields are nowadays available in all environments today. These areas affect the biological system. Controlled interactions with elecrtomagnetic fields can have positive effects when unrestricted interactions have negative effects. Uncontrolled exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields can cause adverse effects such as signal transduction in cells and tissues, cell membrane structure, ion channels, molecular interactions, DNA damage. But contrary to controlled exposure, it positively affects tissues. The most obvious example of this is seen in the bone and cartilaginous tissue. Repairing fractures and damage in bone and cartilage. This has been shown in many studies. Below is a summary of the relevant information.
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Association between bh4/bh2 ratio and Albuminuria in Hypertensive Type -2 Diabetic patients

Published on: 29th December, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7338866036

Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation play a key role in the pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy; Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor for nitric oxide synthase, when BH4 is reduced to dihydrobiopterin (BH2), endothelial dysfunction is induced. Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the levels of biopterins with albuminuria in type-2 diabetic hypertensive patients. Methods: We studied 30 hypertensive type-2 diabetic patients in whom biopterins levels were measured by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Additionally, 24 h urinary albumin excretion was also measured (nephelometry). The levels of biopterins and albuminuria were correlated with the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: We did not find a significantly correlation between biopterins levels and albuminuria, However, we found a significantly inverse correlation (R= -0.498, p<0.005) between the BH4/BH2 ratio and albuminuria. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the BH4/BH2 ratio instead of biopterins levels may be a marker of nephropathy in hypertensive type-2 diabetic patients.
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Chronic endometritis in in vitro fertilization failure patients

Published on: 1st December, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8875583182

Introduction: Chronic endometritis (CE) is a common cause of infertility in asymptomatic patients and its diagnosis and treatments improved assisted reproduction technique outcome in most of the specialized centers. Diagnosis of CE in endometrial biopsy by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain is hard to identify chronic inflammatory cells from the stroma and the use of plasma cells-specific stains is helpful. Aim of the work: Evaluation of the use of CD138 in the identification of plasma cells in endometrial biopsy of patients with previous IVF trial failure. Material and methods: Hysteroscopic and curettage endometrial biopsies from fifty-five females with previous IVF trial failure were stained with H&E and CD138 immunostaining for detection of plasma cells. Results: Plasma cells were identified in 52.7% of cases by H&E and in 6/55 by CD138 immunostaining. CD138 is more sensitive in detecting plasma cells in endometrial biopsy than H&E stain. There was a significant statistical correlation between CE and abnormal uterine bleeding, abortion and primary infertility (p > 0.5). Conclusion: Diagnosis of CE is helpful in infertility patients with IVF trial failure to improve the outcome of the maneuver. CD138 is more sensitive for plasma cells specially in endometrial biopsies than H&E.
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Tumours of the Uterine Corpus: A Histopathological and Prognostic Evaluation Preliminary of 429 Patients

Published on: 30th January, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7286353787

A histopathological review preliminary of 429 patients diagnosed with tumours of the uterine corpus (TUC) cancer between 1984- 2010 in the Vigo University Hospital Complex (Spain) were evaluated prospectively for over 5 years. Of these 403 (93.9%) were epithelial tumours: 355 (82.7%) were adenocarcinomas of the endometrioid type, 5 (1.1%) mucinous adenocarcinoma, 10 (2.3%) serous adenocarcinoma, 17 (3.9%) clear cell carcinomas, 11 (2.5%) mixed adenocarcinoma, 4 (0.9%) undifferentiated carcinomas and 1 (0.2%) squamous cell carcinomas. A total 20 (4, 6%) were mesenchymal tumours: 4 (0.9%) endometrial stromal sarcoma, 7 (1.6%) Leiomyosarcoma, 9 (2%) Mixed endometrial stromal and smooth muscle tumour. A total 1 (0.2%) were mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumours: (0.2%) Adenosarcoma 1. And 5 (1.1%) were Metastases from extragenital primary tumour (3 carcinomas of the breast, 1 stomach and 1 colon). The mean age at diagnosis from total series were 65, 4 years (range 28-101 years). Age was clearly related to histologic type: Endometrial stromal sarcoma 46.0 years, Leiomyosarcomas 57.1 years, Adenocarcinomas of the endometrioid type 65.4 years, Clear cell carcinomas 70.1 years and mixed endometrial stromal and smooth muscle tumours 71.2 years. Five-year disease-free survival rates for the entire group were: Endometrial stromal sarcoma 50%, Leiomyosarcomas 28.6%, Adenocarcinomas of the endometrioid type 83.7%, Clear cell carcinomas 64.7% and mixed endometrial stromal and smooth muscle tumours 44.4%. The 5-year disease-free survival rates of patients with Adenocarcinomas of the endometrioid type tumors were 91.4% for grade 1 tumors, 77.5% for grade 2, and 72.7% for grade 3. In conclusion, we describe 5-year histological and disease-free survival data from a series of 429 patients with TUC, observing similar percentages to those described in the medical literature. The only difference we find with other published series is a slightly lower percentage of serous carcinomas (ESC) that the Western countries but similar to the 3% of all ESC in Japan. Our investigation is focus at the moment on construct genealogical trees for the possible identification of hereditary syndromes and to carry out germline mutation analysis.
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A rare case of giant ovarian serous cystadenoma presenting as psuedo-meigs syndrome

Published on: 18th January, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8897949620

Meigs’ syndrome is a rare condition characterized by the presence of a benign fibroma of the ovary, ascites and pleural effusion. Other benign cysts of the ovary (such as struma ovarii, mucinous cystadenoma, serous cystadenoma and teratomas), leiomyoma of the uterus, and secondary metastatic tumours to ovary if associated with hydro thorax and ascites are referred to as ‘Pseudo-Meigs” syndrome. It very uncommon and diagnosis is made difficult by symptoms that usually mimic disseminated malignancy or tuberculosis. The gold standard treatment is laparotomy and, by definition of the syndrome, after tumor removal, the symptoms resolves and the patients become asymptomatic. We presented an 18 years old girl with giant ovarian serous cystadenoma with associated pseudo-meigs syndrome, successfully managed in a low resources setting.
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Enhancing adipose stem cell chondrogenesis: A study on the roles of dexamethasone, transforming growth factor β3 and ascorbate supplements and their combination

Published on: 31st July, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7317597470

Varied exogenous chondrogenic factors (CFs) are implicated in promoting differentiation of stem cells along a chondrocyte lineage in the field of regenerative tissue engineering for articular cartilage repair. The effects of dexamethasone, transforming growth factor β3 (TGF-β3), ascorbate, and their combinations, on mRNA expression in micromass-cultured human adipose derived stem cells (hADSCs) were investigated as a function of time. Indices include chondrogenic, hypertrophic, angiogenic, fibrogenic and osteogenic markers along with mechanical properties, assessed by atomic force microscopy. Early in the culture, i.e., at day three, no significant differences in mRNA expression of SOX9, aggrecan, lubricin, Col XI, Col X, vascular endothelial growth factor, Col I, and alkaline phosphatase were observed among samples treated with different CFs. However, significant differences in mRNA expression levels of pre-mentioned markers among samples treated with each CF exist when samples were supplied with the CFs for more than three days. A new indexing scheme summing expression of chondrogenic and subtracting non-chondrogenic angiogenic, fibrogenic and osteogenic marker levels shows dexamethasone is the overall leading CF among the factors and their combinations. Based on this scheme, we have projected not only the possible signaling pathways which might be affected by addition of CFs but also hypothetical indexes that may occur upon temporal variation of growth factor regimens.
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Retrosynthesis analysis; a way to design a retrosynthesis map for Pyridine and pyrimidine ring

Published on: 26th September, 2017

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7286357860

Pyridine and pyrimidines are amongst the most important, well known heteroaromatic rings, owning to their bioactive importance. Herein, an idea about how to design the synthetic pathway for these rings using retrosynthesis analysis techniques.
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Chromium Isotopes Detection in their Ores with Minimal Errors

Published on: 4th September, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7877898834

The industrial production and use of chromium have grown considerably during the past five decades. Abundances of the chromium isotopes in terrestrial samples are identical to 0.01%. Among the dominant species of chromium, the trivalent form widely occurs in nature in chromite ores which is extremely immobilized especially in water bodies. Samples were mixtures of separated chromium isotopes and the calibration was made with the same species as those used in the measurements. The method had simplified the conversion of the ores to chromyl fluoride since the element could be readily separated as lead chromate from the leaching of chromite-sodium peroxide fusions. Isotope assay of chromyl fluoride under certain conditions was measured and the measurements of chromium isotopic anomalies ratios and isotope abundance of the chromite ores have been assessed. These provided sufficient quantitative mass spectrometric data, which were analyzed to calculate the abundance and the mean atomic mass of the questioned isotopes. Based on the high mass spectroscopy stability and the correction factors, the results were of good precision (incl. negligible systematic errors normally associated to inter-laboratory discrepancies) and the Cr isotopes availability (52Cr > 53Cr > 50Cr > 54Cr) was in conjunction with other classical tools such as oxygen isotopes. This paper is important for paleoecological, environmental, archeological, forensic, and nuclear researchers.
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Biodegradation of waste streams containing benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX): Practical implications and brief perspectives

Published on: 12th June, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8165303442

Benzene (B), toluene (T), ethylbenzene (E) and xylene (X), collectively named as BTEX are mono-aromatic ring compounds with a 6-carbon benzene ring. Due to the presence of the aromatic ring, these compounds, especially benzene, are generally considered to be non-reactive species [1]. 
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Overview on liquid chromatography and its greener chemistry application

Published on: 7th April, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9026744044

This literature review is concerning with liquid chromatography specifically high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), chromatography theory, chromatographic parameters, monolithic columns, principles of green chemistry and its application ingreen chromatography.
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Incidental findings in traditional nuclear medicine practice

Published on: 28th July, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7802611730

The presence of an incidental finding, defined as an abnormality which is unrelated to the initial scanning indication, is widely increases due to the access to new devices and imaging modalities. This growing number of incidental findings can lead to additional medical care including unnecessary tests nevertheless, in a minority of patients, can lead to diagnosis of an important and unexpected condition that could be crucial for the patient. We reported three cases in which nuclear medicine imaging, performed for different reasons and showed a relevant and unexpected pathology. In the case 1, a bone scan, performed in a 66 aged woman for breast cancer staging, allowed the diagnosis of a uterine fibroma. In the case 2, a HMPAO labeled-WBC scintigraphy performed because of a suspect of osteomyelitis, showed a remarkable heart-shaped photopenic area, highly suggestive of cardiac global dilatation. In the case 3, a 62 aged man referred to bone scintigraphy for the staging of recent diagnosed lung cancer. The bone scan allowed the diagnosis of a meningioma. Therefore, the occurrence of incidental findings could lead to reveal relevant abnormalities for the diagnostic pathway.  
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