Victor Tsirkin*, Alexander Nozdrachev, Elena Sizova, Tatyana Polezhaeva, Svetlana Khlybova, Marina Morozova, Andrew Trukhin, Julia Korotaeva and Grigory Khodyrev
The results of the 20 years studies of the presence in blood serum and other body fluids of endogenous modulators of adrenergic and M-cholinergic impact as a component of humoral link of autonomic nervous system. The article is devoted to the endogenous sensitizer of beta-adrenergic receptor (ESBAR) - water-soluble low molecular weight substances, analogs of which are histidine, tryptophan, tyrosine, mildronat and preductal. It is shown, that separate dilutions of human serum and animal (as a source of ESBAR) and analogs of ESBAR ways to enhance the effectiveness of activation of beta-adrenoceptors (AR) of smooth muscle (uterus, coronary and renal arteries, trachea, stomach), myocardium, erythrocytes and platelets (respectively influenced of histidine and tryptophan). It is reported that content of ESBAR in human serum (according to the titers of its dilution) depends on the sex and the presence of somatic diseases, and at women are also on the stage of reproduction and obstetric complications It is discussed possible mechanisms of ESBAR action, its physiological role, including as a component of beta-adrenoceptor inhibitory mechanism for myometrium, as well as the prospect of the use of analogs of ESBAR, including for the prevention of preterm labor, and for the treatment of bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, hypertension and heart failure.
This report provides an insight into a very unusual problem in the first trimester of pregnancy, and describes the unfolding of a series of potential blunders.
We all know that most problems in gynecologic oncology become terribly magnified when the patient is pregnant. HB had a routine ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy, and a large, extremely vascular mass occupying most of the lower anterior abdominal wall, was found (Figure 1). Because she had received methotrexate two years earlier for a persistent elevation of the hCG titer following surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, she was referred to the gynecologic-oncology service with the working diagnosis of metastatic gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD). An MRI showed a vascular mass in the subcutaneous tissue invading the rectus sheath and muscle, but not attached to the uterus (Figure 2). The report stated, in no uncertain terms, that the mass was strongly indicative of a metastasis from GTD. However, the hCG level was consistent with the estimated gestational age, and a mass such as this would represent an extremely unusual way for this disease to present. She had been told that she would need the have the pregnancy terminated, followed by chemotherapy to reduce the size of the mass prior to its removal.
Drug addiction is one of the burning problems in the modern society. Annually there is a steady increase in the level of drug abuse. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime publishes “World Drugs Report 2018”, where it was reported that about 275 million people (almost 5.6% of the world population) aged 15-64 used drugs at least once in their lives, and opium production increased by 65% in 2016-2017 [1-3]. Therefore, the question of studying the influence of drugs on the structural organization of organs remains open and relevant [4,5].
Uterine torsion is a rare life-threatening event that happens at any age or any gestational age. By definition, it consists of a rotation of more than 45 degrees around the long axis of the uterus. The reported cases have variable presentations. The uterine torsion can happen without any sequelae either for the fetus or the mother. However, fetal and maternal mortalities were also reported in such a case.
We hereby, report the case of a 29-year-old female patient, with previous four Normal Vaginal Deliveries, pregnant with twins, presenting at 36 weeks gestation with an irreducible uterine torsion at the third trimester of her pregnancy complicated by maternal and fetal deaths.
We concluded that the prognosis is improved as long as the management is done rapidly. More data is needed to know about the genetic predilection and the characteristics of imaging workup for a rapid preoperative diagnosis of this condition.
Introduction: Uterine rupture is one of the peripartum complications, which cause nearly about one out of thirteen maternal deaths. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of mortality among women with uterine rupture in referral hospitals of Lubumbashi, in the south east part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Methods: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from December 1st, 2012 to 31st, 2016 on uterine rupture. During the study selected 158 women were included by using exhaustive sampling method. Data were checked, coded and analyzed into STATA version 12. Chi-square test was used to identify the predictors of maternal and perinatal mortalities in women with uterine rupture and 95% Confidence Interval of odds ratio at p - value less than 0.05 was taken as a significance level.
Results: The overall prevalence of uterine rupture was 0.49%. The average age of the patients was 29.5 ± 6.2 years and 71.52% of them were between 20 and 34 years old; more than 60% had a parity ≥4 (average parity: 4.7 ± 2.5). 81.17% of the cases had a fully ruptured uterus and 51.17% of the uterine ruptures were located in the lower segment. Repair of the pregnant ruptured uterus was performed in 93.04% of the cases and hysterectomy in 5.06%. Maternal and perinatal mortalities were 8.86% and 72.04% respectively. Regarding maternal mortality, no parameter showed a significant association with maternal death. As for perinatal mortality, parity ≥4, complete rupture and segmento-corporeal lesion were significantly associated with perinatal death (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Uterine rupture remains one of the causes of maternal and perinatal mortality in Lubumbashi. The place occupied by uterine ruptures in obstetric activity requires joint and urgent action by all stakeholders in the health system in order to combat this scourge, witness to poor quality obstetric care.
When a woman consults a doctor about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), the first concern is that there is an increased risk of breast cancer with HRT. And this sole reason might be the reason for refusing the offer of HRT. However, this practice has minimal basis and evidence to support it. Although HRT is an umbrella term, women who have no uterus receive oestrogen-only HRT or Estrogen Replacement therapy (ERT). No valid study has linked ERT with an increased risk of breast cancer [1,2].
Meigs’ syndrome is a rare condition characterized by the presence of a benign fibroma of the ovary, ascites and pleural effusion. Other benign cysts of the ovary (such as struma ovarii, mucinous cystadenoma, serous cystadenoma and teratomas), leiomyoma of the uterus, and secondary metastatic tumours to ovary if associated with hydro thorax and ascites are referred to as ‘Pseudo-Meigs” syndrome. It very uncommon and diagnosis is made difficult by symptoms that usually mimic disseminated malignancy or tuberculosis. The gold standard treatment is laparotomy and, by definition of the syndrome, after tumor removal, the symptoms resolves and the patients become asymptomatic. We presented an 18 years old girl with giant ovarian serous cystadenoma with associated pseudo-meigs syndrome, successfully managed in a low resources setting.
Earlier in our laboratory, the role of various individual sperm impairing microorganisms on sperm parameters and female infertility has been elucidated at higher doses. As, multiple bacterial species tend to exert more pathogenic effect in comparison to single organism hence, present study was carried out to evaluate that if consortia of these sperm impairing organisms can lead to infertility in female mice at sub fertility dose. For this, impact of individual bacterial strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and consortia of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae was examined on the motility, viability of mouse spermatozoa and fertility outcome. The results showed that the individual bacterial strains of E. coli, S. marcescens and K. pneumoniae could led to immobilization of spermatozoa by agglutination and P. aeruginosa led to immobilization of spermatozoa without agglutination. Also, all of them led to 100% sperm death in 45 min of incubation. In case of consortia of bacterial strains, the results showed sperm agglutination in all the cases and they were able to induce 100% sperm death at 30 min of incubation time. Further, in vivo studies were carried out to evaluate the impact of individual bacterial strains and consortia of bacterial strains on the fertility outcome in female Balb/c mice. For this, female mice were administered intravaginally with 101 cfu/20µl of individual bacterial strains or consortia of strains for 10 consecutive days or PBS. The results showed that both individual bacterial strains and consortia of bacterial strains were able to efficiently colonize the mouse vagina. Further, control group receiving phosphate buffer saline and groups receiving individual bacterial strains showed all the pregnancy related changes viz. abdominal distension, string of pearls on palpation as well as delivery of pups on completion of gestation period and delivery of pups. The histological examination of reproductive organs viz. uterus and ovary, of the female mice receiving PBS or individual bacterial strains showed the formation of corpus luteum in the ovary and the formation of decidua’s in the uterus, indicative of pregnancy. However, mice receiving consortia of bacterial strains did not show any pregnancy related changes throughout the experiment. Thus, these results indicate that the presence of consortia of sperm impairing microorganisms in vaginal milieu is efficient in provoking infertility even at subfertility doses.
Obesity is a chronic and metabolic disease with a high increasing prevalence worldwide. It has multifactorial pathogenesis including genetic and behavioral factors [1-5]. Overweight and obesity have been defined and classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [2,3]. A person with a normal weight has Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5-24.9. A person with a BMI under 18.5 is called underweight. An adult having a BMI of 25-29.9 is overweight and pre-obese. Class 1 obesity is defined as a BMI between 30.00-34.99. Class 2 (Severe) Obesity is to have a BMI between 35.00-39.99. Morbid (Extreme, Class 3) obesity is to have a BMI over 40 [1-5]. Obesity is significantly associated with enhanced morbidity and mortality rates. It has also various economic, medical and psychological effects and causes health problems including many systemic diseases, economic costs and burdens, social and occupational stigmatization and discrimination and productivity loss [4-6]. Obesity carries the increased risk of development of many systemic and chronic diseases, including sleep apnea, depression, insulin resistance, Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, Gout and related arthritis, degenerative arthritis, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease such as myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, or coronary artery disease, polycystic ovary syndrome and reproductive disorders, Pickwickian syndrome (obesity, red face and hypoventilation), metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cholecystitis, cerebrovascular accident, colonic and renal cancer, rectal and prostatic cancer in males, and gallbladder, uterus and breast cancer in females [6-12].
In recent years, some publications reported that obesity has been strongly associated with some ocular diseases including age-related cataract and maculopathy, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy [13-16].
The recent reports demonstrated that the central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure were increased while as mean thickness of RNFL and retinal ganglion cell and choroidal thickness (CT) were decreased in the morbidly obese subjects [17-19]. However, another study has reported that CT increased in obese children [20]. On the other hand, a recent study reported that all values of the specific tests used to evaluate the ocular surface were within the normal range [21]. In some experimental studies, it has been demonstrated that obesity may cause retinal degeneration [22,23]. Additionally, in a past meeting presentation, it has been speculated that keratoconus is associated with severe obesity [24]. Teorically, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and papilledema may also be associated with obesity [25]. Obesity may be also a cause of mechanical eyelid abnormalities such as entropion [26]. However, further investigations are needed to detect the significant relationship between these diseases and obesity.
On the other hand, the ocular surgeries of obese patients are difficult compared to normal weight-subjects. The posterior capsule rupture and vitreous loss may easily develop during cataract surgery of these patients because obese patients have an elevated vitreous pressure and operating table cannot often be lowered or surgeon’s chair cannot be elevated sufficiently to provide the clear viewing of the operating area and tissues. So, some different surgical manipulations such as standing phacoemulsification technique and reverse Trendelenburg position have been developed. Additionally, the standing vitrectomy technique has been used for vitreoretinal interventions in morbidly obese patients [27,28].
In conclusion, all obese subjects should be subjected to a completed ophthalmological examination and to relevant clinics for the detection of possible comorbidities and diseases
The Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is the most severe form of congenital malformation of the inner female reproductive tract. It is diagnosed as such when the uterus, the upper vagina and optionally the Fallopian tubes are absent. It accounts for approximately 1 in 5000 live-born females and has been classified in two subtypes: type 1 in the presence of isolated uterovaginal aplasia and type 2 when associated in various combinations with extragenital malformations of the kidneys, skeleton, heart and auditory system. Most cases of MRKH syndrome are sporadic, although a significant number of many familial cases have been reported to date. Despite numerous studies, the genetics of the syndrome remains largely unknown and appears to be heterogeneous: chromosomal abnormalities and some candidate gene variants appear to be associated with a few cases; others have been suggested but not yet confirmed. To date, mainly the GREB1L gene appears to be a serious candidate. Among the remaining hypotheses, the controversial contribution of partial duplications of the SHOX gene is still puzzling, as the deficiency of this gene is a major cause of skeletal adysplasia syndromes. We have attempted to resolve this controversy in a study of 60 MRKH cases. Our results tend to show that SHOX duplications can be the origin of a genetic mechanism responsible for MRKH syndrome.
Uterine leiomyosarcoma (LMS) is uncommon tumour arising from the female reproductive tract. Incidence of LMS in pregnancy is extremely rare, with only 10 cases reported thus far in medical literature.We present a case of myomectomy performed during elective caesarean section for breech presentation, due to its easy accessibility and well contracted uterus. Subsequent histology revealed LMS on final specimen. Patient subsequently underwent total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. No chemotherapy was given as she opted for close clinical- radiological monitoring instead. This case report highlights the importance of discussion with patients regarding the risk of occult malignancy in a fibroid uterus. Appropriate management of uterine leiomyosarcoma in pregnancy remains unclear. Consideration of removing an enlarging leiomyoma during caesarean section might be ideal in view of its malignant potential, just like in this case; however, location of the tumour and risk of bleeding needs to be weighed. Ultimately, management of such cases needs proper discussion between obstetrician and the patient.
Abir Karoui*, Ahmed Cherif, Olfa Chaffai, Wassim Saidi, Ghada Sahraoui, Sana Menjli, Mohamed Badis Chanoufi, Nadia Boujelbene and Hssine Saber Abouda
Published on: 2nd September, 2022
Background: Leiomyomas beyond the uterus are defined by benign smooth muscle cell tumors outside of the uterus. Intravenous leiomyomatosis is a rare type of uterine leiomyoma and is characterized by the formation and growth of benign leiomyoma tissue within the vascular wall. Herein, we present a case of Intravenous leiomyomatosis successfully treated by surgical removal and a review of actual medical recommendations.Case presentation: A 49 - year-old woman, maghrébin, G3 P2, no family history of uterine myomas mentioned, having systemic arterial hypertension, presented to our department with hypogastric pain and abnormal uterine bleeding in the prior five months resulting in anemia which required iron supplementation. On physical examination the vital signs were normal. A palpable mass in the hypogastrium was noted. The rest of the exam was unremarkable. Pelvic ultrasound showed a huge uterus with multiple heterogeneous leiomyomas, including at least one intracavity. Computed tomography scans and magnetic resonance imaging were not done initially due to the unaffordability of the patient. The initial diagnosis was leiomyoma. The decision to perform a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was taken. The abdomen was opened by a midline vertical incision. During surgery, multiple subserosal, intramural and submucosal fibroids ranging from 2 cm × 3 cm to 10 cm × 10 cm were seen. On pathological examination, the uterus measured 19 cm in the largest diameter and weighed 1.3 kg. The cut section showed white nodular myometrial masses. Microscopically, intravascular growth of benign smooth muscle cells is found within venous channels lined by endothelium. The diagnosis of Intravenous leiomyomatosis of the uterus without malignant transformation was retained. The patient was monitored for 14 months and subsequent computed tomography did not reveal any evidence of tumor recurrence. The follow-up will be performed annually till the age of menopause.Conclusion: Intravenous leiomyomatosis is a benign, rare and potentially lethal pathology. It especially affects premenopausal women with a history of uterine myoma, whether operated on or not. They require close and prolonged follow-up because of the high risk of recurrence.
Bursać D, Culej Diana*, Planinić Radoš G, Župan J, Perković P, Duić Ž and Gašparov S
Published on: 22nd November, 2022
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines anemia as a global public health problem. It is a medical condition in which the number of red blood cells or the hemoglobin concentration within them is below the physiological range. We present a case of a 40-year-old woman with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) accompanied by malaise, weakness, and tachycardia. The patient reported heavy menstrual bleeding for the past 14 days. Speculum examination revealed that the bleeding was from the uterus. There were no pathological findings during a gynecological and transvaginal ultrasound examination. A complete blood count performed at the time of her arrival showed a low hemoglobin level of 24 g/L, a low hematocrit level of 7,4%, a mean corpuscular volume of 98,7 fL and a number of red blood cells 0,75 x 1012/L. Due to the severity of the anemia, she was given 6 units of red blood cell transfusion, 2 fresh frozen plasmas and tranexamic acid accompanied with calcium carbonate. The curettage was performed. The pathohistological finding was endometrium in proliferation. Afterward, the hemoglobin level increased to 90 g/L. Their past medical history revealed that she abused alcohol. On an abdominal CT scan, Alcohol-Related Liver Disease (ARLD) was confirmed. We should keep in mind that coagulopathy could be the underlying cause of abnormal uterine bleeding and that anemia must be analyzed for successful treatment. A multidisciplinary approach to anemia caused by AUB is required in cases of severe anemia.
Citra Utami Effendy*, Nicko Pisceski Kusika and Alwin Hutabarat
Published on: 22nd August, 2023
Background: Uterine inversion is a rare obstetric emergency but potentially life-threatening condition. If these are not immediately diagnosed, the massive and underestimated blood loss can lead to hypovolemic shock. Case: Case of 24 years old woman was referred from the district Public Health Center with vaginal bleeding after delivery with abdominal pain. We found fundal height postpartum is 3 fingers above symphysis and confirmed a soft mass protruding inside the vagina at the local examination. The ultrasound cannot present the fundus of the uterus and impressed a uterine inversion. Stabilization for the patient is done with fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion. The patient planned for exploratory laparotomy and we confirmed uterine inversion. We did per abdominal reposition success which was managed by Haultain’s method. Conclusion: Uterine inversion should be considered in any patient with symptoms of hemorrhage and abdominopelvic pain, with the physical findings of a soft, congested, bleeding mass within the vagina on bimanual examination. Prompt treatment consists of fluid resuscitation and anatomical repositioning is needed.
Kimberly N Forlenza*, Alaina R Johansson, Korey W Onulack, Robert J McLoughlin and Amanda P Ulrich
Published on: 11th March, 2024
In this report, we describe a case of a small bowel obstruction in the immediate postoperative period following an abdominal myomectomy. After failing conservative management, the patient underwent diagnostic laparoscopy, and the exposed tail of an absorbable barbed V-loc™ (Covidien™, Mansfield, MA, USA) suture used during the myomectomy was identified as the nidus of the small bowel obstruction. While barbed-suture-related bowel obstruction is a known rare complication that is well described in the general surgery literature, it is less documented in gynecological surgery literature. We anticipate the risk to be higher after multiple myomectomy, as postoperative contracture of the uterus can cause protrusion and exposure of the barbed suture tail. Though barbed suture can be safely used for hysterotomy closure during myomectomy, surgeons who opt to use barbed suture during myomectomy should be aware of this potential complication, take intra-operative measures to reduce the risk of postoperative tail protrusion and maintain a high index of suspicion for bowel obstruction in the immediate postoperative period.
This article examines the relationship between Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), neurovascular dynamics, and sensory sensitivities in autistic women during menstruation. The redirection of blood flow to the uterus during the menstrual cycle has been found to exacerbate cerebral perfusion deficits in neurodivergent individuals, particularly in the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), which contributes to the mood dysregulation and emotional instability characteristic of PMDD. Autistic women, who often exhibit heightened sensory sensitivities, experience intensified discomfort during menstruation, as sensory overload and altered pain perception compound the emotional challenges of PMDD. These findings emphasize the need for neurodivergent-friendly menstrual products that mitigate both physical and emotional discomfort. Additionally, innovations using biodegradable materials, smart fabrics, and custom-fit menstrual solutions are discussed as potential breakthroughs to improve the quality of life for autistic women managing PMDD. This research highlights the importance of addressing both neurobiological and sensory aspects when designing interventions for PMDD in neurodivergent populations.
Ali Asghar Ghafarizade, Elham Shojafar*, Samira Naderi, Fatemeh Seifi, Alireza Noshad, Zohreh Lavasani, Zahra Kalhori and Elahe Ghadiri
Published on: 22nd October, 2024
Background: One of the problems in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment for infertility is the high frequency of embryo developmental arrest in the preimplantation stages. Arrested embryos were not selected for transfer and were usually discarded. Case report: We present a case of clinical pregnancy and live birth following IVF treatment and transfer of one arrested embryo. A 31-year-old woman with unexplained infertility underwent IVF treatment. Using the IVF procedure, 7 embryos were produced which were frozen on day 3. In order to embryo transfer in the blastocyst stage, two embryos were thawed and cultured for 2 days. After thawing, one of them was not suitable for transfer and another embryo was arrested at the 10-12 cell stage. Discussion: The Clinical pregnancy and live birth happened after the transfer of an arrested embryo on day 5.Conclusion: This case showed that arrested embryos may resume growth after the transfer to the uterus and result in a successful pregnancy and live birth.
Thiago Magalhães Resende*, Renata Albuquerque de Pino Maranhão, Ana Luisa Soares de Miranda, Lorenzo GTM Segabinazzi and Priscila Fantini
Published on: 10th December, 2024
This review aims to emphasize the scientific focus on platelet therapies by presenting the results already obtained in mares susceptible to Persistent Breeding-Induced Endometritis (PBIE), as well as highlighting opportunities for further improvement. The recent publication demonstrating the absence of bacterial growth in susceptible mares treated with PRP underscores the potential of regenerative therapies to control infections without promoting the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. Alternative therapies have gained prominence in the current public health context, with the World Health Organization listing antimicrobial resistance among the ten most significant global threats. Endometritis is the leading cause of subfertility in mares, and empirical antibiotic therapies are commonly used in the field due to market pressures related to the high financial value of embryos, along with logistical challenges in obtaining laboratory-dependent diagnostic results. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an alternative therapy derived from whole blood plasma with a high concentration of platelets. Its anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and antimicrobial properties are particularly tested when traditional therapies fail to achieve the desired effect. In recent years, research on the use of PRP in equine reproduction has primarily focused on endometritis, with a particular emphasis on persistent breeding-induced endometritis (PBIE). However, there is a growing interest in other platelet derivatives, such as lyophilized platelet-rich plasma and platelet lysate, which offer practical field applications.
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