bioelectronic processes

Artificial awareness, as an innovative learning method and its application in science and technology

Published on: 24th February, 2023

The creation of the information society is associated with the creation of new intellectual, cultural, spiritual and material values, as well as with new principles and methods of social and interpersonal communication. Achieving this goal is impossible without changes in teaching methodology, teaching technologies and teacher’s work.The article is an overview and focuses on the following issues. In the information society, the era of biocomputers and quantum computers is coming, which will use not only artificial intelligence, but also artificial consciousness for simulation. Artificial awareness builds the foundations for the development of robots that will be widely used in various fields of industry and science. - Artificial awareness combined with artificial intelligence can be an innovative method in education and communication; - Quantum computers and biocomputers will find wide application in human education and social life;
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Soliton phenomena in the process of the functioning of the heart

Published on: 14th March, 2023

The biochemical model explains the intricate mechanisms of psychobiological life. He still cannot explain what the transition from inanimate to living matter is all about. Where is the threshold and what is its essence, what role do biochemical processes play in the coherence of the soma with consciousness and its impact on the soma and vice versa? A similar problem is with other mental processes, their nature does not fit into the biochemical model of life and is inexplicable on the basis of biochemical interactions, again it is much easier to describe it in the light of quantum processes - including wave physics. It is similar to the functioning of the heart or other organs, where only the biochemical processes of the cell are considered, ignoring the bioelectronic processes. Man is not only a purely biological construct but also contains the basis of biochemical, bioelectronic, information, and cybernetic processes that are responsible for shaping the psychobiological processes of man. Contemporary biosystems in science are considered at the level of corpuscular structures, ignoring energy and information structures. By shifting the cognitive emphasis towards energy and information structures, the organism can be perceived as a quantum generator of information: electromagnetic, soliton, acoustic, spin and bioplasma. This bioelectronic construction creates homo electronics with his electronic personality.
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