industrial shed

Investigation of snow load reduction in the industrial sheds roof design with photovoltaic systems by mathematical modelling, solar system evaluation, X-steel simulation and thermodynamic practices

Published on: 8th September, 2021

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9244772554

Since snow load is one of the loads of designing the industrial shed roof, this research presents a new system to reduce the industrial sheds roof design. In this system, sensitive units of moisture and temperature, which can be adjusted with different areas, are installed on the shed’s roof. The mechanism of system is that the sensors in the units detect the presence of snow on the shed roof and send an order to connect electricity to the elements; therefore, the snow on the roof melts by the heat generated. In this system, solar panels are used to supply electricity. As with the help of this mechanism, snow does not remain on the roof, it is possible to eliminate the snow load in the calculations of the shed and apply at least the live load of the sixth regulation (Due to having a one-story shed, minimum live load applied and it used only for the foundation design of the structure.), this issue will create an economic plan in shed designing. According to the study conducted in this research, it is shown that the dimensions of the sheet beam used in the shed are reduced, which will significantly reduce the cost of construction and installation to some extent. In the following, two samples of sheds with a span of 20 meters in the presence of snow and the absence of snow in the software were modelled, and the results were compared with each other.
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