spiritual health

Effect of spiritual health (Sound Heart) on the other dimensions of health at different levels of prevention

Published on: 21st September, 2018

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 7900079184

Introduction and goal: From the perspective of Islam, spiritual health means having a Sound Heart (a calm, confident and optimistic soul, with hope for God’s mercy, satisfaction with destiny and vitality). The way to achieve spiritual health is strengthening the faith and taking good deeds based on religious spirituality. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the impact of spiritual health (Sound Heart) on the other aspects of health at different levels of prevention. Methods: In nine phases of research in 16 years, after designing and validating the “Sound Heart Model”. The spiritual problems of patients and healthy clients were determined. Spiritual care guidelines and the spiritual counseling model in patients and healthy clients were designed. Then “Parent’s Spiritual Empowerment Program”, “inter-professional spiritual health care training program” was extracted. Based on the findings of the previous steps, the effect of spiritual health on other aspects of health at different levels of prevention was extracted. Findings: Belief in God and divine love creates spiritual health (Sound heart) with wisdom, chastity, courage, justice, dignity, kindness, and sincerity in action. Faith prevents neglecting from the God’s remembrance and its consequences such as: unhealthy lifestyle, risky behaviors, destructive excitements, psychosocial diseases in clients and eliminates the fear, anxiety, sadness and disappointment in patients. Spiritual health causes living in the present time with patience and grace of God, creates hope, optimism for the future, courage to face life crises. By creating mental health, it improves the psycho-neuron-immunologic function and improves physical health. Conclusion: Considering the great impact of spiritual health on the other aspects of health at all levels of prevention, it is imperative that students and health care staff, by referring to these concepts, carry out spiritual care/counseling.
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