
Snake envenomation during pregnancy

Published on: 23rd December, 2019

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 9272371188

Background: We report our experience with management and treatment of pregnant women who were admitted at our institution for snake envenomation. Methosd: We reviewed the charts and recorded the management, treatment, and outcome of 51 pregnant women admitted to our high-risk obstetric service with a diagnosis of snakebite. Results: One patient experienced spontaneous abortion, 2 had intrauterine fetal death due to placental abruption, 2 delivered malformed babies, 1 had premature birth of twins with low birthweight. There were no maternal deaths. Conclusion: Snake-venom poisoning in pregnancy is a complex medical emergency that involves complications at the site of the bite and may also involve dysfunction of multiple organ systems in both mother and fetus.
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Hemorrhagic shock due to irreducible uterine torsion in a third trimester twin pregnancy: A case report

Published on: 7th July, 2020

OCLC Number/Unique Identifier: 8628624184

Uterine torsion is a rare life-threatening event that happens at any age or any gestational age. By definition, it consists of a rotation of more than 45 degrees around the long axis of the uterus. The reported cases have variable presentations. The uterine torsion can happen without any sequelae either for the fetus or the mother. However, fetal and maternal mortalities were also reported in such a case. We hereby, report the case of a 29-year-old female patient, with previous four Normal Vaginal Deliveries, pregnant with twins, presenting at 36 weeks gestation with an irreducible uterine torsion at the third trimester of her pregnancy complicated by maternal and fetal deaths. We concluded that the prognosis is improved as long as the management is done rapidly. More data is needed to know about the genetic predilection and the characteristics of imaging workup for a rapid preoperative diagnosis of this condition. 
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Retinopathy of prematurity - Intersibling divergence of risk factors among twins

Published on: 19th February, 2020

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a consequence of an arrest in normal retinal neural and vascular development, which determines the aberrant retinal regeneration [1,2]. ROP is a disease process mostly reported in preterm neonates ranging from mild, transient changes in the retina with regression to severe progressive vasoproliferation, scarring, detachment of retina and blindness and it is common blinding disease in children and a major cause of vision loss among preterm infants [3]. Today it is well known that oxygen therapy is not the single causative factor, but many other risk factors play a causative role in the pathogenesis of ROP [4,5]. The risk factors for ROP include oxygen administration, hypoxia, hypercapnia, blood transfusion exchange transfusion, apnea,sepsis and total parenteral nutrition. The incidence of ROP has been reported to be similar in multiple and singleton births [6-8]. Twin studies show that from 70% to 80% of the susceptibility to ROP is conditioned by genetic factors [9,10]. Hence this study is to find out the incidence of ROP in twins in a tertiary care centre in a developing country. It also attempts to identify the difference in risk factors among twins which predispose to ROP in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
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Neonatal Mortality Rate among Twin and Singleton Births with the Gestational Age of 34-37 Weeks: A Population-Based Study

Published on: 28th June, 2023

Introduction: Twin pregnancy, compared to a singleton pregnancy, is associated with a higher risk of preterm birth and other neonatal complications. This study aimed to compare neonatal mortality rates and risk factors among births with the gestational age of 34 weeks - 37 weeks in twin and singleton pregnancies.Methods: The study design was cross-sectional and population-based. We extracted the data from the birth information registry in Iran. Mothers' and neonates' information was removed from the registry systems between 2018 and 2020. We used Statistical R software to compare neonatal mortality rate, demographic variables, and risk factors between two groups of twin and singleton neonates.Results: Out of 579,873 live births with a gestational age of 34 weeks - 37 weeks, 729 (1.4/1000) singleton and 54(0.77/1000) twins (one out of two) neonates died in the delivery room in the first hour of life. Of the neonates who left the delivery room alive, 3129 (4.9 per 1000) neonates had died (5.7/1000 singleton and 3.04/1000 twin). The neonatal mortality rate in hospitalized singleton neonates (1.85%) was higher than twin group (1.06%). After adjustment of other variables, the mortality rate in twin pregnancy was significantly lower than in singletons (p value < 1/1000), with an odds ratio of 0.47 (CI: 0.39 - 0.55). Antenatal corticosteroid treatment in the twin group was significantly higher than in singletons.Conclusion: Twin neonatal mortality rate was lower than singletons in the neonates with gestational age 34 weeks - 37 weeks. Clinicians could consider these results for delivery timing in uncomplicated twin pregnancies. Antenatal corticosteroid therapy can be considered to reduce the mortality rate of late preterm neonates in resource-limited countries.
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Review of AI in Civil Engineering

Published on: 8th July, 2024

This paper reviews the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on civil engineering. It explores AI's fundamental concepts and its applications across structural analysis, construction management, transportation, geotechnical engineering, and sustainability. The review highlights AI's role in automating tasks, predicting outcomes, and optimizing designs throughout project lifecycles. Recent advancements in AI-driven technologies for structural health monitoring, predictive maintenance, and risk assessment are discussed, along with challenges like data quality and model interpretability. Future trends such as autonomous construction and digital twins are examined, emphasizing the need for continued research and interdisciplinary collaboration. In conclusion, this paper offers insights for leveraging AI to address evolving challenges and opportunities in civil engineering, fostering innovation, sustainability, and resilience in infrastructure development.
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Prolonged Latency in Previable PPROM in Twin Pregnancies: A Case Series

Published on: 18th October, 2024

Previable Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) before 24 weeks of gestation in dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies is a rare and challenging obstetric complication. Three cases are presented in this case series, all involving prolonged latency periods of 74, 98, and 158 days following membrane rupture. The management strategy employed was expectant, utilizing antibiotic prophylaxis and close monitoring to prevent infection. Neonatal outcomes varied, with pulmonary hypoplasia and respiratory distress observed in some cases. One twin from Case 2 died due to sepsis, while the remaining twins in all three instances survived after extended neonatal intensive care. This series highlights the potential for extended latency and favorable outcomes in select cases, though neonatal morbidity remains a significant risk, underscoring the need for individualized counseling and vigilant care.
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